【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】P6
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23B 25’49”第三册 P249L1
因为你经过了第五支这个修习以后,所以你皈依的时候,皈依得起来了。现在皈依三宝,当你念头一转,佛就现前;你要皈依极乐世界阿弥陀佛,现起来了,清清楚楚、明明白会看见,这么个好法! 是不是就这样?不,不就是这样。如果你就是这样的话,那是走的什么呢?一般来说的话,这个就是中、下品的发心。所以在这种情况之下,尽管你说: 哦,我想成佛。有很多人到了极乐世界,就先证二乘果。为什么?就是他因地当中,发的是中、下品的心;现在这地方因地当中不是,要发上品心。
日常师父法语 23B 25’49”手抄稿第三册 P249L1
23B 25’49” Vol. 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P249L1
English Lamrim Volume 1, P99
【Meditation Session】
【(6) Then, once you have pictured in your mind the objects of the mandala and have offered the mandala, make the following supplication many times with strong aspiration:】
Because you have practiced the fifth aspect, when you go for refuge, you are able to actually do it [i.e. sincerely take refuge]. So if you go for refuge now to the Three Jewels, as you shift your mind toward that, you should be able to visualise the Buddha appear in front of you. So if you want to go for refuge to the Amitabha Buddha in the Pure Land, he will appear in front of you. You will see him distinctly and clearly. It is that excellent! However, should this be just like that? No. It should not. If you leave it at that, then what path are you on? For most people, this is an aspiration of the persons of medium or small capacity. Therefore in this case, even though you might say, "Oh, I want to become a Buddha." However, many people will get to Pure Land and attain achievements in the Hinayana. Why? That is because in the causal period, he generated the aspiration of a person of the medium or small capacity. However, this is not what we want here in the causal period. We want to generate the aspiration of a person of great capacity.
When you see the Buddha [through visualization], then at that time, we would "Offer the mandala." "Mandala," we call this the mandala, it is a place where the Buddha resides. In other words, it represents the most perfect land of rewards. So you would offer it. The mandala is certainly something we would visualize.