【亲近善知识 Relying on The Excellent Teacher】摄彼等义亲近善知识A summary of the meaning of relying on the teacher P11



对治它的方法呢?「数数思惟」。第一22B 01’40”第三册 P198L5个,不懂,固然一点办法都没有;懂了以后做不到的原因,就是你没有如法地修持。所以这个地方,现在的修持是指思惟、多去思惟。思惟说,你做的有什么殊胜的好处?不做有怎么严重的害处?欸,有了这个,你会心里想:哎努力去做了!那么进一步,你就觉得如何做法?然后你这样去做,那就——知道了,你也做得到!所以我们前面说的明明知道了偏偏做不到,实际上,没有正确地如法地知道。现在我们动不动说,啊!你就不要妄分别,你不要分别就行了嘛!好像这一句话说起来好简单,结果真的做到了吗?对不起!一百个人,是一百个人做不到,说实在话是这样。


日常师父法语 22B 01’40”手抄稿第三册 P198L5

22B 01’40” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P198L5
English Lamrim Volume 1, Pg 92

【A summary of the meaning of the previous five parts】

【Thus, after you have understood the benefits and faults as previously explained, reflect on them repeatedly.  

What is the antidote? The antidote for this is to repeatedly reflect/contemplate.  The first hurdle may be that you don’t understand.  Of course, then there’s no other way.  If you understand it and can’t put it into practice then the reason is that you didn’t practice it according to the teachings. So in the text here, the way of practice is to reflect, to do more reflection.  You must reflect on what are the benefits of this practice?  What are the faults if you don't do it?  Once you have these, you will think, "Ah, I must strive hard at it!" So further, you will think about how you can go about to do it?  Then as you do it, you will know [the teachings] and also be able to put it into practice.  So with regards to what we have said before, "we know but we can’t put it into practice," in fact, this indicates that we have not accurately understood it in accordance to the teachings.  We would frequently say, "Ah!  Don't be discerning in the wrong way.  As long as you do not discern, then it will be fine!"  It seems that this sentence is very easily said.  But can you actually do this?  I am sorry!  If you ask 100 people to practice this, all 100 people will fail.  Honestly speaking, that is how it is.


【亲近善知识 Relying on The Excellent Teacher】摄彼等义亲近善知识 A summary of the meaning of relying on the teacher P12


【亲近善知识 Relying on The Excellent Teacher】摄彼等义亲近善知识 A summary of the meaning of relying on the teacher P10