【亲近善知识 Relying on The Excellent Teacher】摄彼等义亲近善知识 A summary of the meaning of relying on the teacher P12



说我们以前无始以来,没有如法依止,那些罪过现在了解了,第一件事就把它忏悔,以往的忏悔;然后呢,以后千万不能再做,所以防护以后。 罪障消除了以后,自己努力去修习,使自己成一个法器,成了法器才能够接受佛法,能够接受佛法如理修学,才能够成就,那个完全靠善知识。 所以我们现在真正修行的是怎么办? 是这一件事情,然后「数数思惟圆满善知识德相」─啊! 这样。 现在我们偏偏没有,为什么? 很简单,业感缘起、障碍重重! 所以因为这样了解了,只要你肯努力,于是罪障除掉了,资粮积聚了,你只要下这个因,将来一定感这个果。


日常师父法语 22B 03’03”手抄稿第三册 P199L1

22B 03’03” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P199L1
English Lamrim Volume 1, pg 92

【A summary of the meaning of the previous five parts】

【Those whose practice of relying on the teacher was improper in previous lives should achieve an attitude of confession and restraint from the depths of their hearts.  Exert yourself in the practice of those teachings for which you are suited as a recipient, and repeatedly contemplate the complete qualifications of your teachers. Make many aspirational prayers and accumulate the collections of merit and sublime wisdom as causes for having such a teacher to look after you until you attain enlightenment.

It says from beginningless time, our practice of relying on the teacher was improper.  Now that we understand our faults, the first thing we should do is confess.  We confess for our past actions.  And then, we absolutely do not want to commit any more faults in the future.  Thus, restrain for the future.  After you have eliminated your obscurations, then you must strive to practice, so that you become a suitable recipient.  Once you become a suitable recipient then you can receive the teachings.  When you can receive the teachings and practice accordingly, you can have attainments.  All those depend on an excellent teacher.  So what is truly our cultivation now?  It is this one thing.  Then you "repeatedly contemplate the complete qualifications of your teachers."  Ah!  This is how it is.  But now, we don’t seem to have one.  Why?  It is simple. It is a matter of karma and dependent arising, thus [we face] layers of obstacles!  It is because you understand this, as long as you are willing to strive hard, then the obscurations will be eliminated, and the collections of merit and wisdom will be accumulated.  As long as you plant the cause, you will certainly procure this effect in the future.


【亲近善知识 Relying on The Excellent Teacher】摄彼等义亲近善知识 A summary of the meaning of relying on the teacher P13


【亲近善知识 Relying on The Excellent Teacher】摄彼等义亲近善知识A summary of the meaning of relying on the teacher P11