【暇满 A human life of leisure and opportunity】五自圆满 The five aspects of opportunity that pertain to yourself

暇满 —— 五自圆满






来源 Source:

日常师父法语30A 26'33" ~ 27'27 " 手抄稿第四册P198-L5

30A 26'33" ~ 27'27" Vol 4 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P198-L5
English Lamrim Vol 1 Pg 119

【A human life of leisure and opportunity - The five aspects of opportunity that pertain to yourself】

【2) Opportunity 】

There are 10 aspects of opportunity, divided into two parts. The first part is opportunity that pertains to the self, and the latter is opportunity that pertains to others.

【a) The five aspects of opportunity that pertain to yourself. According to the Sravaka Levels the five are:
Being human, being born in a central region, having complete sensory faculties, having reversible karma, and having faith in the source. 】
These five things.

【"Being born in a central region" means that you are born in an area wherein the four types of followers are active. 】

This is called “being born in a central region,” this is called the central kingdom, which is the kingdom where the middle way/path exists. This is called the central kingdom. So what is this supposed to be? It is where the four types of followers are active. “Four types of followers,” Buddha is also included in there. Buddha is a bhikshu, a great bhikshu, he manifested as a great bhikshu. Therefore, “I am a member of the Sangha.” Buddha said so himself, “I am a member of the Sangha.” Of course he is the Buddha Jewel, but he is also counted among the Sangha community. So the four types of followers include Buddha and the Sangha. The areas where they are active means the Teachings have been brought in.


【暇满 A human life of leisure and opportunity】五自圆满 - 业未倒 The five aspects of opportunity that pertain to yourself


【暇满 A human life of leisure and opportunity】 结合心续 Integrating it into our hearts