【修心 Cultivating the mind】我是凡夫 I am an ordinary being
修心 : 我是凡夫
我自己以前的这种经验,我自己的过失。这个法师真正告诉我们:「某人哪,你该怎么办......。 」我心里面怎么想?「 法师,你告诉我,我是个凡夫啊!」 说多了,有的时候受不了,我乃至于跟他说:「法师啊,我还是个凡夫啊!」 这个就是等起心有过失。就自己执着在这个,牢牢地不肯舍弃自己错误的见解,就这样。那这个是一点用场都没有。
来源 Source:
日常师父法语10B 14'20" ~ 14’50” 手抄稿P62-LL1
10B 14’20” ~ 14’50” Vol 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P62LL1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P58
Cultivation of our mind– I am an ordinary being
[How to listen to and explain the teachings]
[A. How to listen to a teaching in which both the teaching and its author are great]
[3. How you actually listen]
[a. Abandoning the three faults of a vessel]
From my past experience, my personal mistake – when my Venerable Master said: “So and so, you should do…” What arose in my mind was, “Venerable Master, you tell me to do this, but I am only an ordinary being!” After several rounds of such conversations, sometimes [I] couldn’t take it anymore, so I even told him, “Venerable Master, I am only an ordinary being!” This is with a bad motivation such as attachment. While we grasp onto this, [we are] locked on it and unwilling to abandon these erroneous views. An attitude like this is of no use at all.