【亲近善知识 Relying on The Excellent Teacher】摄彼等义亲近善知识 A summary of the meaning of relying on the teacher P4
他一来的时候,我对他印象很好,觉得这样……总是不管任何人,现在只要他肯跑到佛门当中,我总是觉得无比地赞叹。他来了第二天早晨,正好有居士们来给我什么开心果,好像,然后呢我放在我房里,第二天早晨我就拿出去,我就跟他说:「某人啊,你去供供佛,就这样,等一下拿到斋堂。」他拿了这个东西,放在那里一放,也就不管它了,那我也没有说他,又过了个半天,这样。后来总算看见供在那里,我就跟他说:「那么供好了,你收上去。」他说下午供的,要摆到明天。结果交到他手上开始,到等到斋堂上面,三天以后。我一看啊非常可惜,非常可惜!我在那个时候心里想: 唉,我不晓得用什么方式能够帮他忙,但是我一定要努力去帮他忙。
日常师父法语 22A 21’07”手抄稿第三册 P191L4
22A 21’07”Master Discourse Vol 3 P191L4
English Lamrim Volume 1, P92
【A summary of the meaning of the previous five parts】
【Moreover, it is as Chay-ga-wa said, "When relying on the guru, there is the chance that you might give up your guru." 】
When he first came, I had a good impression of him. I feel that no matter who, as long as he sets a foot inside the circle of Buddhism, I will always have the utmost praise for him. The second day morning, after he came, it so happened that there was a lay practitioner who came to give us some pistachio nuts, I think that's what it was. And then I left it in my room. The next morning, I took it out and told him, "So and so, could you take this to offer to the Buddha?" Just like that. "And then take it to the dining hall later." So he took it from me and left it somewhere. He didn't do anything with it. I didn’t say anything. After a long while, I finally saw that it was being offered on the altar. So I told him, "After offering, you can take it down." He said he offered it in the afternoon, so we should wait until morning before taking it down. So from the time that I handed it to him, until the time it got to the dining hall, it took three days. When I saw this, I felt it was a loss, such a loss! At the time, I thought to myself, "Ah, I don't know how I can help him, but I must strive to help him."