【亲近善知识 Relying on The Excellent Teacher】未依过患者 The faults of not relying on the teacher P10
这地方,所以我再特别强调一点,说平常的时候你觉得好像是很懂,那个都是我们的烦恼相、慢心、都是傲心、都是热恼心,高慢跟人家较量,都是堕落之因。持了戒觉得我持戒,他不持戒——跟法差得十万八千里;懂了一点讲的,啊!我讲的对,他讲的不对——跟法差十万八千里! 真正你跟法相应了以后,净化这个,净化你的杂染相,这个就对了。你等到有了这个体验以后,你自然晓得这地方的这句话的意思,你绝对不会对你的师长起一念不恭敬。不要说师长,就是那个世间的十恶不赦的众生,你也都不会起它恶心,那个时候才是跟法相应的心。
日常师父法语 21B 16’48”手抄稿第三册 P170L4
21B 16’48” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P170L4
English Lamrim Vol 1, P90
【The faults of not relying on the teacher】
May I ask, we would now listen to the excellent teacher and grumble after, what is the characteristics of your mind then? Isn't this clearly the characteristics of afflictions? Isn't this clearly the characteristics of defilements? And you claim to have understood the teaching. Which part of the teaching did you understand? This is so flawed! There is nothing more flawed than this! When you truly accord a little with the teaching, you would absolutely not find yourself anywhere near this state of mind. Therefore, we should understand that these written texts are not something that you can briefly look over and say, "I understand! I understand!" How can it be that simple? If it is truly that simple to understand, then Buddhism is not valuable at all, and cannot be claimed as a jewel!
I want to particularly emphasize a point here again. Usually, when you feel that you really understand things, these are all characteristics of afflictions, attitudes of pride, arrogance and heated afflictions. It is arrogance when you are trying to compare yourself with others. These are all the causes for one to fall into the miserable realms. When you maintain ethical discipline, you may feel that you do it right and others do not – you are miles apart from the teaching. Once you understand a little, [I think] what I say is correct, what he says is wrong – you are miles apart from the teaching! When you truly accord with the teachings, you will purify this, you will purify your defiled characteristics. Then it would be correct.