【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】亲近胜利者 The benefits of relying on the teacher
第一个「近诸佛位」。我们到这里来干什么?要学佛! 我们现在虽然要学佛——是!目的没有错,认识好像也对;是弄了半天哪,就是想是想的,真正做的时候总觉得:我是凡夫嘛!一步都踏不出去,好一点的,在原地踏步,踏了半天,还在原地;否则就坐在地上,干脆就是这样。他现在不!他步步上进,步步上进什么?近诸佛位,这么简单,就这样!而且走的是直路。因为你如理地上去了,所以「诸佛欢喜」。啊,对呀,对呀!你这就对了!
日常师父法语 20B 05’44”手抄稿第三册 P130L7
20B 05’44” Vol 4 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P130L7
English Lamrim Vol 1, P87
【The benefits of relying on the teacher】
The auspicious benefits of relying on an excellent teacher.
【By relying on the teacher, you will come close to Buddhahood; you will please the conquerors; you will not be bereft of future teachers; you will not fall into miserable realms; neither bad karma nor afflictions will overpower you; through mindfulness of the bodhisattva deeds and by not contradicting them your collection of good qualities will continue to increase, and you will reach all of your provisional and final goals;】
The first one is "you will come close to Buddhahood." What did we come here for? To learn to become a Buddha! Now we want to learn to become a Buddha - yes! The goal is unmistaken and we seem to have a correct understanding. But after much training, what you wish for remains as thoughts. In actual practice, you would always feel, "I am an ordinary being!" You can't seem to make any step forward. The better ones will march in the same place. But after a while, he is still at the same place. Or else, there will be others who will decide to just sit on the ground, might as well. But here, this is not the case! One will continually progress. Where do you progress toward? You will come close to Buddhahood. It’s that simple. It's just like that! And it is a direct path. And because you are able to progress according to the teachings, therefore "you will please the conquerors." Ah, right, right! You are doing it right!