吉祥宝聚寺于2021年5月1日 特备礼千佛法会,藉由礼拜过去一千尊佛,去除业障、疾病,消灾增福慧,心愿皆得遂,合家平安,吉祥如意。欢迎踊跃参与线上法会!
欢迎踊跃参与 Join us @ bwm.sg/online
Prostrating to one Buddha can eradicate numerous wrongdoings. Through the prostration and repentance to the thousand Buddhas, one can rapidly accumulate boundless merit, counteract the obstacles and wrongdoings in the cycle of birth and death, and gain vast meritorious benefits.
BW Monastery is specially arranging for the Thousand Buddhas Repentance Puja to be held on 1 May 2021, to provide everyone the opportunity to prostrate to the 1000 Buddhas of the previous kalpa. Through the repentance Puja, one can eliminate all the non-virtuous karma accumulated in the past year. All are welcome to attend!