2021 Auspicious Vesak Day 吉祥佛诞
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There is a deeper meaning to the activity of bathing of the Buddha during Vesak Day. The birth of Buddha Shakyamuni to this world has brought us the perfect teaching that reveal the path for us to walk on to reach the destination of ultimate happiness - Buddhahood. Through bathing the Buddha, we seek to purify our past negative karma, reminiscence the merits of the buddha, accumulate immeasurable merits and aspire to attain Buddhahood to liberate all sentient beings.
AusPICIOUS Vesak Day Notice 吉祥佛诞通告
Online PRogramme 线上节目
Behind the Scenes 幕后花絮
迎太子点灯法会 2021
The sutra says, “Born from her right side, he takes seven steps. As he does so, an effulgence illuminates everywhere in the ten directions and innumerable Buddha-lands shake in six ways. Then he utters these words, "I will become the most honored one in the world. Shakra and Brahma reverently attend him, and heavenly beings adore and worship him.”
The mighty one, Shakyamuni Buddha, descended to the earth to guide the sentient beings to be disenchanted of cyclic existence, eliminate suffering and gain happiness. He also skillfully gave a vast number of teachings according to the different level of virtuous roots of the sentient beings, helping them to purify and transform, guiding those who are lost towards the path of liberation. The Buddha showered great kindness and great compassion to all sentient beings such that they can part sorrows, eliminate worries and attain tranquility. In the abyss of worldly suffering, he is the great one to depend and rely on, whose kindness that all sentient beings are grateful to. May the illumination of Buddha shines in all directions, for all sentient beings to be free from suffering and attain happiness. Let us commemorate the kindness and excellent qualities of Buddha on this celebratory day, make offerings and supplicate for our virtuous roots to increase, and may our merits, virtues and wisdom be perfected and complete.
经云: “从右胁生,现行七步,光明显耀,普照十方,无量佛土,六种震动,举声自称:吾当于世,为无上尊,释梵奉侍,天人归仰。” 人天导师-释迦佛示现降生人间,为了让众生皆出离生死轮回,究竟离苦得乐,又随众生不同的根机,以种种法门善巧地度化众生,为迷失的众生指引一条解脱之道。
佛以大慈大悲普覆一切众生,令众生离愁灭忧得清淨。是众生生死苦海的大依怙,于众生有深重的恩德。愿佛光普照,众生皆离苦得乐。 让我们一起缅怀佛陀的恩德,祈愿善根增长,福德智慧圆满。 在这普天同庆的日子, 让我们一起来点灯迎太子。