BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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Coffee Session #2

Rejoice with Shilian and Shiying for their sharing on their life story and aspiration to return their gratitude to their parents. It made me reflect on my gratitude towards my parents as well. Rejoice to Chew Yuin for sharing about her past experience and learning while she was a full time staff with the monastery, which helped her to cultivate the habit of listening to the Global Lamrim until now. This made me reflect upon how have my habits changed and what new habits did I develop after I have joined the support team. I'm very happy to see more members joining us for our online coffee session, and I hope more members of the support team can join us. (Julie)

This is the second session with Fashi and the team. We get to learn more about Fashi through her stories, and she will constantly remind and guide us in relation with the Dharma. Being a slow learner, I have written down some notes from her speech. It serves as a very good reminder to me on how I should approach my daily situations with what I have learnt all these while. Our fellow teammates have also shared their stories on their lives and how they got into this organisation, and eventually have faith in it. Through Chew Yuin’s sharing, I learnt that there are different sides in a person. What I see may not be what it really is, and therefore, I should never take what I see as final until I know the whole thing. Great learning session today! (Xue Ying)

Grateful to have a second opportunity to La Kopi with Fashi and SG Lamrim support team. Fashi never fail to amazed me with her stories about her life before and after she met Shifu.  I also enjoyed the sharing from Shilian and Shiying, it shows how much meeting the dharma meant to them as both tear  while sharing their journey.  I enjoyed Chew Yuin's sharing the most, I didn't had a good impression of her but today's sharing totally changed my perception about her; a very seasonal practitioner. I can't wait for next week session to hear more from Fashi and the team. (Jannie)

First, I am grateful to the Sangha for their guidance.

Rejoice to Shilian and Shiying, from them I saw how the Lamrim can change not only one person, but the people around them as well. I was very touched when they said that learning the Dharma is their way to repay the debt of gratitude to their parents.
Rejoice to Chew Yuin I was touched to hear that even though she was sick previously and had to stop being a full-time staff, that she did not break that habit of listening to Global Lamrim daily. And that she is still trying her best to contemplate the teachings.
Lastly, extremely grateful to RongRong for arranging this session for all of us to connect and get to know each other. (Angeline)

感恩法师给予弟子机会召集护持人员参与LA KOPI Session! 能够把大家聚集在一起是一件无比庄严的事, 是师父老师三宝最欢喜的事! 有什么天大的事能够比得上做师所喜呢?记得师父说:“世间所有美好的一切都是从佛法而来。” 很庆幸我们这一群人都懂得这一点都会选择把注意力投注在正法上,所以再再的感恩师长、感恩三宝、感恩法师。(蓉蓉)

感恩师长,法师,还有各位同行善友。佛法的美不只是能让我们脱离轮回,还能够把我们一群人从陌生到相知相惜相守在一起,愿我们的LA KOPI越LA越快乐越有味道(家的感觉)(郦缃)

非常感恩法师,同行们,通过在线上LA KOPI我们分享自己的生命故事,让我们慢慢变得越来越熟悉了。非常的感恩,随喜父母学习了佛法,对佛法的相应。 非常感恩自己也因为学习了佛法会有耐心和关怀父母。(诗颖)

Attended 2nd session of LaKopi with Fashi and team members. Thru this session, have a chance to get to know more about Fashi and some of our teammates . Feel so touching when Fashi and teammates shared their life story. Really must have a strong gratitude heart and appreciate what we have now and never never take things or persons for granted.( Priscilla)


感恩法师在全广结束后留下来关怀护持团队,和队友一起在线上La Kopi。 透过各自的分享,增进了对彼此的认识和了解。 从队友的分享感受到师、法友的美。感恩菩提道上有您们的陪伴和法师带着我们学习。更感恩师父、老师给了我们这么好的团队。我们一起努力, 天天听全广!Week week La Kopi! 谢谢蓉蓉的用心安排!期待下一个星期的La Kopi session。(云娟)