SG Lamrim 9 July 2018

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I remembered the wise words of Abbot Jing Yuan:  "To do as we practise and to practise as we do."  I realised that life is just like that, is it not?  We grow as we learn and we learn as we grow. It is a never ending process and it is impossible to end.  Therefore, we should continue to walk on this path courageously till the state of Buddhahood.

霎时想起净远和尚的一句话:“边做边修,边修边做。”是啊! 人生的成长公式不也是如此吗? 边成长边学习,边学习边成长。 从未停歇过,也无法停歇。 唯有,勇往直前,继续前进,才能到达我的终极目标!


SG Lamrim 10 July 2018


SG Lamrim 8 July 2018