BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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Hi everyone~~
We will be using our Musings Collective page to share more details of our first ever BWM Young Adults Conference happening on 12 Nov 2017. 

If you haven’t already signed up for the conference, you may do so via this link, or see below for more details.

Our Conference will consist of three panel discussions, each exploring common workplace issues faced by Young Adults. You will get to hear from and interact with a group of experienced Buddhist working professionals, to learn how they manage and cope in such difficult situations.

The third panel discussion will explore the theme of: 

Buddhist =/= 烂好人 (a.k.a pushover)

As Buddhists, we are taught to be compassionate and kind when treating others. However, this can lead to us being perceived as weak pushovers. Those dealing with us may in turn, take advantage of our kindness. How can we practice kindness without being taken advantage of by others? How can we be assertive at work without compromising our value of compassion? Can the Buddhist teaching of giving all benefits to others and taking on everyone’s suffering help us thrive in this dog-eat-dog world?

We believe that being compassionate is an advantage and not a disadvantage for a Buddhist and that this Buddhist value should value-add to our existence.

Excited?! Tune in next week to find out more about the panelists who will be sharing about how to go up without bringing others down.

Hope to see you soon and from the bottom of our hearts, we wish you happiness.

With care

Conference details:
Date: 12 Nov 2017
Time: 2.00pm – 5.30pm
Venue: BW Monastery, Hall of Jewels (Level 4), No. 1 Woodlands Drive 16, Singapore 737764

For directions to get there,

Cost: It’s free for all to join!

For more information on the conference, please visit our event page via this link: