Lecture No. 0320

Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0320

Lamrim Volume 1:  P42-L30 ~ P43-L16

Date: 30 Mar 2022

Topic: Unbreakable lineage 2: Cherish the lineage and supplicate for the Teachers remain for an extended time

Another Master mentioned here is “Bhadrabodhi”; living in the 9th century, he was also the guru of Master Atisha. Known as “Jué Xián” in Chinese [meaning enlightened virtuous being]. Master Hui-hai once said: “It is under the guidance of this guru that Master Atisha learned all the tenets from various schools and sects. Thus Master Atisha was deeply indebted to this teacher.” Next is Master “Jnanasri”, living in the 9th century as well, who was another important guru of Master Atisha. Jnanasri is the Sanskrit name, which is translated in Chinese as “Zhì Jí Xiáng” [meaning wisdom auspicious]. [00:32]

Here, I need to elaborate it further; in fact, the gurus that Master Atisha relied on were over one hundred, and twelve of them had high spiritual attainment. These twelve distinguished eminent gurus were known as the three yogis: Guru Avadhutipa, Jetari and Zhǒng Bǐ Bá. They are known as the three yoginis: the yogini who convinced Master Atisha to be ordained as a monk, the yogini that was prophesied by Tara and the yogini that was prophesied by Jnanasri. Three additional gurus: Pútí Xián with clairvoyant power, Zhé dá lǐ and Dharmaraksita. Three additional yoginis: the yogini who transmitted the empowerment of Vajrayana, the yogini who showed Master Atisha the way to a vajra center, and the yogini who taught him the instruction of the legacy passed from Buddha. These are the twelve gurus [with high spiritual attainment]. Such information is recorded in the Book of Kadam* - The Father Teachings [teaching #293]. [01:25]

After having learned this section on the lineages, I am wondering what your thoughts are. Would you feel: “Oh! There are so many lineages! What is your thought after you have learned that Master Atisha received so many lineages from so many virtuous teachers? Here, what I like to say is: when it comes to the lineage, we will definitely mention virtuous teachers. Why? Because without virtuous teachers, the lineage would not exist; [without virtuous teachers,] how could we receive the lineage? Receiving the [various] lineages – the profound view and the extensive deeds, passed down from these brilliant virtuous teachers, Master Atisha understood them thoroughly and integrated them into a coherent and systemic approach. Wow! So many brilliant, distinguished and eminent teachers transmitted so many lineages to Master Atisha; would you find it very splendorous and majestic? [02:18]

As exceptionally brilliant and smart as Master Atisha, he still needed so many eminent gurus to teach him, giving him guidance, what about (our)selves – so dull-witted and inadequate? How about us who are so small?  [Understandably,] we need to be even more diligent to seek virtuous teachers as well as aspire for instructions from the pure and authentic lineage. Never should we assume that we are able to have any sort of attainment without receiving instructions from pure and qualified lineages and based on our own understanding, we interpret the meaning of the scriptures; we will even determine the meaning of a certain section of the sutras and scriptures by simply glancing at them. If we interpret the meaning of the sutras and scriptures based on our own understanding, instead of following the guidance from the treatises that the Buddha prophesied and Bodhisattvas composed, we are likely to descend to the three miserable realms. Why? Because by misinterpreting the meaning of the sutras, we will deviate from proper meditation practice. [03:02]

Then, how can we find an untainted path for our meditation practice/cultivation? We must rely on the gurus who are the holders of the uncontaminated and authentic lineages. How did the gurus receive the pure lineages? They received the transmission from their gurus. Just like the Yangtze River, where is its origin? It originates in the Land of Snow. Likewise, if the lineages are pure and authentic, then we can trace all their sources back to Shakyamuni Buddha. How amazing that we can trace the lineages back, from one eminent guru to another, the lineages all led to Shakyamuni Buddha. It seems that though the time Shakyamuni Buddha lived was over two thousand years ago, we are still able to learn the authentic intent from the Buddha. It is all because of the lineages passed down from one virtuous teacher to another. If it were not for such chain of transmission of the lineages, there is no telling whether what we are learning today is authentic or not, very likely it would not be the true intent of Buddha. Because we see Buddha as our guiding teacher, we want to emulate Buddha and attain the same state of omniscience and ultimate enlightenment effect he has achieved, and we aspire to obtain such compassion, wisdom and power as he has. Understandably we must follow along the true nature of reality he discovered, and see the path as the goal of our meditation training. [04:07]

So, what kind of true nature of reality did he identify? Were it not for the commentaries the virtuous teachers, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas composed, it would be very hard for us to see it clearly. Therefore, for the ordinary beings like us disciples, if not for the efforts of the virtuous teachers who painstakingly persevered in preserving the teachings and passing the lineages down to us till today, how could it be possible for us to understand the meaning even for one section of the scriptures? I mean is there any way for us to simply understand the meaning of one passage in the scriptures [without proper guidance]? As for understanding just one passage, there could be several possible meanings arising in our mind, but exactly which one should we pick? The possible scenario is: we end up speculating and unsure as to which one is more appropriate; and what we have picked may not be the correct one. [04:47]

What is recorded in the lineage is very specific, so our own philosophical view won’t be posited unsoundly. Why? Because the philosophical view is well established and acknowledged [with sound reasoning]. Then in our debate sessions, we can debate with the challenger, refuting or defending our view as well as many doubtful aspects, etc. Learning in this manner will benefit us tremendously in terms of acquiring pure and untainted perceptions. In the lineages, we have virtuous teachers to learn from, and fellow companions to discuss with and learn from one  another. Besides, there are so many scriptures available for us to explore. It seems like we are in the midst of the vast ocean of Buddha Dharma. Though the whole learning process is not that easy, it will be much more effective compared to the effort we will have to put in if we try to understand the essence of the three principal aspects of the path by studying the Tripitaka all by ourselves. The subject matters of the Five Great Treatises may sound pretty profound and colossal – actually they are indeed very extensive; however, compared to the effort we have to put into by reading and studying alone, it is, I believe, definitely as easy and relaxing as ”While my skiff glides past ten thousand mountains.*” [a verse from Li Bai’s poem]. [05:40]

While discussing the lineages Master Atisha received, we still need to continue with our aspiration for having the opportunity to study such pure and encompassing lineages. Why? For Master Atisha would definitely want to continue preserving and pass down the lineages. As for those of us, the disciples, who have unwavering faith in their gurus, and in Buddha Dharma, we must aspire for receiving the pure and encompassing lineages. With these precious lineages extant in this world, they mean a lot to us. Why? Because our wisdom life of liberation relies on the nourishment we get from our gurus; it is like parents bringing up their children; similarly, it is our gurus that imbue our life with enlightened wisdom. What do the gurus nurture us with? They nurture us with the nectar of the Dharma. And the pure authentic lineages are like the Dharma nectar, imbuing our life with enlightened wisdom. [06:24]

Hence, we are deeply indebted to Master Atisha and all of these eminent virtuous teachers for upholding the great encompassing lineages and passing them down to us till this day so that we are able to hear all the names of these eminent gurus and we then realize: “Wow! There are so many brilliant lineages in the world!” If we didn’t study them, we would totally be submerged in the darkness of ignorance. And we would interpret the meanings of the scriptures based on our own understanding and assume that were Buddha’s intent. We might even conceit: “Yes! I am self-taught. See how marvellous I am. I don’t need to consult any commentary from the eminent past masters to understand [Buddha’s intent].” There is nothing more absurd than this! [06:55]

Since I am pretty aware of how dull-witted I am, I will diligently follow the guidance of the virtuous teachers and study well. I am not that confident that I can understand the intended meaning from Buddha after finishing reading the scriptures, so I will definitely rely on the two trailblazers of Nagarjuna and Asanga to study the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra and all the other scriptures. I also hope that those of us, the disciples, who are earnest about the Stages of the Path and have faith in the Buddha, can be inspired with more fervent aspiration to acquire the pure and authentic lineages, following the guidance passed down from the lineages, to listen well, contemplate well and meditate well. Why? Because this is the most secured, and the least time consuming approach that can save us lots of effort, preventing us from enduring extra suffering and digressing. Thus, all these lineages are the priceless treasure preserved by virtuous teachers for us; these lineages are extremely valuable! [07:42]

Consequently, we should definitely cherish all these lineages dearly! Upon hearing them, we should yearn with aspiration; with deep veneration we supplicate that the teaching can remain in the world for a long duration. And we also supplicate that all the virtuous teachers can have longevity to remain in the world. Why? For this is the only way for us to receive the transmission of all these lineages. I hope everyone can sincerely supplicate that the Buddha Dharma will be promulgated in this world, and virtuous teachers can remain in the world for a long time! [08:04]


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0320】

讲次 | 0320 (2021-04-22 ~ 2021-04-25)

标题 | 传承无断(二):珍惜传承,祈师久住

《广论》段落 | P7-L8 ~ P7-LL1 师传承中……能善决择胜者密意。

入门段落 | 第1册 P147-LL3 ~ P149-L1 第二、传承无间断之理者......等等众多获得成就的上师。

备注 | 四家合注《白话校注集》第1册 P151-L13注释⑬ ~ P151-LL3注释⑮完 跋陀罗菩提 阿底峡尊者的上师之一......总共十二位。

(更新日期: 2022年3月30日)


接着还有一位“跋陀罗菩提”,也是阿底峡尊者的上师,也在九世纪,他叫“觉贤”。慧海大师曾经说过:阿底峡尊者在这位上师的座下听闻了一切宗义各派的说法,所以是恩德满深的。接着还有一位“迦那师利”,也是阿底峡尊者的上师,也在九世纪,梵语迦那师利,义译为“智吉祥”。 00:32







读到了这一段阿底峡尊者的这些传承,我们还是要发愿能够学到这么多清净圆满的传承。因为阿底峡尊者一定会把他的传承再往下传,对于上师有信心、对佛法有信心的弟子们,一定要希求清净圆满的传承。这些珍贵的传承在这个世界上存在,对我们来说具有着极其非凡的意义,因为解脱的慧命就是靠上师来养育,就像父母养育小孩一样,我们的法身慧命都是上师来养育的。上师用什么来养育?就是法乳来养育。那么这个清净的传承就像法乳一样,会养育我们的法身慧命。 06:24





Lecture No. 0321


Lecture No. 0319