BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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Lecture No. 0237



Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0237

Lamrim Volume 1:  P34 – LL9~LL1

Date: 2020-07-06 ~ 2020-07-08

Topic: : Uphold the importance of explaining and listening to the teachings

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Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0237

Master gave us an example in the following paragraphs; now let’s listen to the teaching from Master.   [00:10]

 [4A 11:30 ~ 13:32]
Let me illustrate this point with a simple example: suppose we are going somewhere – of course, in our case, we plan to advance from the state of ordinary beings to the Buddha realm, which is a spiritual path as well as a philosophical journey. Now let me explain it with an example drawn from something we are all familiar with. Let’s say, you want to go to Tainan [in southern Taiwan]. If you plan to go there on foot, it does not require any careful preparation; all it takes is stand up and off you go; just as simple as that! All it takes is that either you know how to get there or you have people show you how to get there; that’s it. In other words, someone who has been there before will tell you how to get there, and then point out the right way for you. Other than these two, you do not need other preparations.

What if you want to get there by bicycle? Well, it requires some preparation. You have to check the brakes; if you haven’t used the bike for a while, it needs to be greased, so on and so forth. What about going there by car? You need more preparations, such as the coolant for the engine, the engine oil, the gasoline, and the tire pressure; only with proper preparation can you then set off! What about going there by airplane? Before the plane takes off, the pilot needs to go through the before take-off check. Without a thorough examination and preparation, you might as well not take the flight; otherwise when the plane takes off, and something goes wrong, this is a matter of life and death. Thus despite having someone already telling you how to get there with a map and clear directions, if you are not well prepared, then you are bound to run into trouble! This is absolutely true!

So now, many of us are inspired to learn Buddhism, and the encompassing teachings are available; what strikes me the most is the third part – [how to listen to and explain the teachings]. As for the true intent of the third part, you will gradually come to realize why it is so important. It is really very important, extremely important! With the aforementioned preparations, the guidance on how to lead students with the actual instructions will begin.   [02:13]

Let me ask everyone a question: how many examples did Master cite? Traveling on foot, by bicycle, by car, and then by airplane. Another question is:  Master said, “someone who has been there before will tell you how to get there, and then point out the right way for you. Other than these two, you do not need other preparations.” Is it true that when one is traveling on foot, he or she does not need to make any preparation for the trip? Is the statement “you do not need other preparations” the same as “it does not require any preparation”? So, it means making some preparations is still necessary, but there is no need to make other preparations. Because you don’t need to prepare a bicycle or a car, but you still need to make some preparations for the trip. I am not sure from where would Master plan to begin his trip to Tainan; was it a long way? If so, he would need to prepare drinking water. He might need to prepare some food as well. There is still a need to prepare. Thus the statement “you do not need other preparations” does not mean there is no need to prepare at all; rather it indicates that other preparation is not required.   [03:16]

As for this passage, I wonder where is everyone’s focus point after listening to this part? Would you wonder: “What does the bike represent? What does the bicycle mean? Does the car imply something? And what does the airplane signify?” Are you thinking about these? As for the path we are about to take, would you wonder where we would start and in what direction we will head for? Our path is from the state of ordinary beings to the Buddha realm. Then with all these different means of transportation, you would surely choose to travel by airplane, right? If all of us choose to take the flight, Master said, “Without a thorough examination and preparation, you might as well not take the flight; otherwise when the plane takes off, and something goes wrong, that is a matter of life and death. Thus despite having someone already telling you how to get there with a map and clear directions, if you are not well prepared, then you are bound to run into trouble!”  Master continued to say, “This is absolutely true!”   [04:10]

Many of you would then want to know, “What does the airplane stand for? What about the car? What about the bicycle? What does traveling on foot signify?” However, what I would like to ask is: whatever it is, be it traveling on foot, by bicycle, by car, or by airplane, what should we prepare? All these are analogies that enable us to pay attention to “what kinds of preparation do we need to make”. Question: for those of us planning to advance from the state of ordinary beings to Buddhahood, what exactly should we prepare? Is it the making preparation that we often neglect? As Master pointed out, “It is really very important, extremely important”; it refers to “making preparation,” right? Then, what exactly does making preparation indicate? Do you get the answer by now?   [04:52]

Then, Master recapped, “So now, many of us are inspired to learn Buddhism, and the encompassing teachings are available; what strikes me the most now…”; when Master said “me”…. Have you noticed it in the recording? Right after “me,” he paused for a second; then Master continued, “is the third part.” May I ask what the 3rd part refers to? Do you still remember the outline of Lamrim text? It is, “how to listen to and explain the teachings”; that’s the one – How to explain and how to listen to the teachings. When we are aspired to study Buddhism and have also encountered the encompassing teachings; pay attention! Surprisingly enough, the key point is this part! Everyone please ponder on it.  Master said, “What strikes me the most is the third part.” What is Master trying to tell us? That is, it is the third part that we need to exert our effort on!   [05:50]

Master continued: “As for the true intent of the third part, you will gradually come to realize why it is so important;” Master first pointed out why it is so important and then he followed by saying, “It is really important, extremely important!” “How to explain and how to listen to the teachings” is the most important. To many classmates as well as myself, how to listen to the teachings is of vital importance. Hence, as to “how to listen” to the teachings, after we have understood the literal meaning of this passage, would we all feel, “Wow! How to listen to the teachings is indeed very important!” Would you develop such unwavering conviction? Or are you still in doubt, wondering, is how to listen to the teachings truly that important? Why did Master highlight its importance by repeating very important, extremely important, really very important, using so many words to describe?  Besides, he directly pointed out, “What strikes me the most is the third part!”   [06:46]

To those classmates who have studied Lamrim several rounds, ever often neglected this section, that is how to listen to the teachings, which is considered the most important? For example, often neglected to contemplate the benefits of hearing the teachings, and those guided principles of how to listen to the teachings? Without self-reflection, we may simply overlook it. Once we examine ourselves earnestly, we would spot our negligence in almost every aspect! If this crucial step is neglected, as we move on, the benefit obtained from listening to the teachings will definitely be affected.   [07:15]

Even though this section explained by Master today is not on the chapter of “how to listen to and explain the teachings,” I would like to ask everyone a question: why is that Master went into great detail explaining “how to listen to and explain the teachings” while going over the outline in the Prologue?   [07:31]

Actually, while listening to Master’s commentary on Lamrim, we would gradually realize that Master would repeatedly bring up the key points throughout his entire commentary, over and over again. Just as I used to ask Master, “Master, haven’t you explained the topic on making offerings to the Three Jewels and accumulating merits before? Why do you need to go over it again?”  Master would reply, “Well! Zhen-Ru, we are all ordinary beings! After listening to the teachings, we may put them into practice for a while, but later we might either forget or neglect them. That is why we need to remind people again!” As for the reminder in today’s teaching from Master, would you all keep it in mind?  Master put so much emphasis on this matter – despite the fact that Master was such an eminent practitioner, he still stressed the importance of this matter, my question is: didn’t Master know how to give us the teachings? Didn’t he know how to listen to the teachings? Then, why is that such an eminent monk still needed to point out “what strikes me the most is the third part”? Why did he need to hammer hard at this point?   [08:28]

Regarding the advice from the experienced person, would everyone keep it in mind and reflect on it for a while, “Why is that I don’t consider this point very important?” Or we may feel that, “After I have studied for so many years, my improvement does not quite meet my expectation….” We would come up with a lot of questions and attribute the cause to something like “my weighty karmic debt.” However, as to what weighty karmic debt specifically means, we are not taking one step further to analyse it.   [08:53]

Isn’t it because of our weighty karmic obstructions that we don’t value the third part as much as Master did? Is it because we did not hear it clearly? Or is it because we lack the will power or the perseverance to keep on the training, even though we have heard it clearly? Or is it because we are inclined to take shortcuts, without paying attention to the practical steps we need to take and work on in terms of our mind training? Or is it because we always aim too high, trying to reach the far more advanced practice that is still beyond our grasp? Once we overlook the preliminary foundation, whatever follow would be impaired. Then, what is your answer to the above questions?   [09:22]

I would like to ask everyone, after hearing this section, have you noticed that Master was still trying to rectify our flaws in meditation practice/cultivation? We charge far ahead with all our mind strength, to pursue the more advanced practice, but Master often advised, if we don’t value “how to listen to the teaching”, it would be a cause of concern as to what benefits we can obtain after hearing a lot of teachings. Is this right?   [09:46]

Thus in regard to what we have covered in today’s teaching, I hope everyone would sum up one point: one thing that we need to accentuate all the way from the beginning, to the middle, and all the way till the end, is how to practice listening to the teachings till as elucidated in the scriptures. If we don’t apply constant practice on how to listen to the teachings, we would always fall back to our habitual way of listening to the teachings. However, there is an entire systematic and sequential order of how to listen to Buddha’s teachings. If you don’t abide by it, it is like a surgeon who does not wash and sanitize his or her hands properly before performing a surgery; without proper sanitization, the consequence is that the patient may not survive!   [10:27]

Thus how important is this sequential order? Whether our entire meditation practice/cultivation is a success or a failure depends on it! The success or failure of our meditation practice/cultivation means whether we would have certain attainment in this lifetime. Hence, Master tried to wake us up with these key points. Are we able to heed Master’s awakening advice to us? We may hear it with our ears, but do we register it at heart? Has the advice touched the depths of our heart? Have we developed the unwavering conviction to value the importance of listening to the teachings?    [10:54]

I hope that after the discussion of this session, let us pause for a moment and ponder on it. When our next discussion begins, even if you merely spend a few minutes contemplating on the benefits of listening to the teachings, you can examine whether such adjustment would make an unusual difference to the entire learning of the session? Why? It is because Buddha dharma is meant for us to put it into practice. The more you put it into practice, the more you will find out what Buddha taught is all truth. If you don’t put what Buddha taught into practice, you would instead have doubt as to why your suffering is not eliminated. Why [Buddha Dharma] is not effective? So, I sincerely hope everyone will be able to listen very earnestly and clearly to the key points Master emphasized today, and be mindful! To put what you have heard into actual practice!   [11:39]


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0237】

讲次 0237

标题 提起对讲闻轨理的重视

音档 4A 11:30 ~ 13:32

日期 2020-07-06 ~ 2020-07-08

手抄页/行 第1册 P102-LL2 ~ P103-LL2 ( 2016 南普陀版:第1册 P102-LL1 ~

手抄段落 这地方我不妨举一个简单的例子……说正以引导。


师父举了例子,大家可以听一下接下来师父所讲的。 00:10











其实我们听《广论》的时候,慢慢会发现,重要的问题师父会在整本《广论》里不停地讲、不停地讲。就像我以前问师父,我说:“师父,供养三宝的问题、集资粮的问题不是已经讲过了,为什么还要再讲?”师父就说:“唉!真如啊,我们都是凡夫啊!讲完之后,做一段时间就忘了,要嘛就疏忽了,所以要再提醒一下!”对于今天这节课师父在此处对我们的提醒,诸位是否会想把它放在心上?对师父这么重视的事情——师父这么有修行,尚且这么重视这件事情——我想问大家:师父难道不会讲法吗?不会听法吗?为什么这样一位高僧,还要在第三点上说“我现在所体会到的就是第三点”?为什么还要用这么重的槌在打这一点? 08:28


我们不重视师父所说的第三点,是不是业障重呢?是没有听清楚?还是听清楚了之后不能持之以恒、缺乏毅力?还是常常想走捷径,不注意具体操作的那些心灵的思想上的步骤?还是总是好高骛远想要跑后面的?前边的一忽略之后,后面的全部都虚掉了。到底是什么? 09:22



