BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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Lecture No. 0233



Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0233

Lamrim Volume 1: P2-L9 ~ P2-L10

Date: 2020-06-22 ~ 2020-06-24

Topic: Using veneration to remedy the gigantic “I” in our hearts

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Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0233

Now, here Master Tsong-kha-pa pointed out this attribute in the following. So even though at the current stage we are unable to know the essence of Buddha’s teachings, nor possess the exceptional capability to distinguish what is virtuous or non-virtuous, we still have consensus that is based on the mundane world. Thus Master Tsong-kha-pa applied such a consensus to tell us, “Ah! Yes! Yes! Yes! This is the right approach to find a virtuous teacher!” Thus it inspires your reverence and wholehearted attitude that wishes to learn from them. Then you are learning correctly! With this guiding principle, what is cast aside or adopted would be done correctly. [00:38]

In the following paragraph, Master concluded by saying: “Even though at the current stage we are unable to know the essence of Buddha’s teachings, nor possess the exceptional capability to distinguish what is virtuous or non-virtuous, we still have consensus that is based on the mundane world.” Guiding us based on this consensus, it can also inspires our reverence and an attitude that is wholehearted to learn from them. Master continued to affirm by saying: “Then you are learning correctly. With this guiding principle, what is cast aside or adopted would be done correctly.” Hence, it isn’t due to our limited wisdom that we learn from just any person we encounter, nor will we choose to refuse learning from anyone and just learn the Buddha’s teachings on our own because we feel clueless about this. We should still utilize our discerning wisdom and our knowledge of the scriptures to make our discernment accordingly, based on this mundane consensus suggested by Master. So, within this stage of our learning, Master would tell us how to utilize the capability we already possess to make our decisions to rely on the Excellent Teacher. This point of experiential guidance is extremely important to us! [01:49]

There is still one more question within: Guiding us based on this consensus, it will inspire our faith. Does everyone feel like this? Consensus - good qualities that are acknowledged by many people, something we fall short of. Thus this will definitely inspire our reverence and an attitude that looks up and want to learn from him. With such attitude, one would be benefited by the Excellent Teacher. Please think about this: Is this how it works? [02:25]

Hence, whether it is our chatters after class or in our personal mental space, if we can make intentional reminders to contemplate on the good qualities of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and virtuous teachers, then our speech would be centred on their good qualities forming these consensus. Then, we can also allow those who are new to Buddhism or those who are clueless, upon hearing it, they would develop yearning towards Buddha and Buddha's teaching, leading them to this path. As such, this is something beneficial to self and others. If we can skilfully know the most fundamental good qualities of an Excellent Teacher, contemplate on those good qualities frequently, and then integrate our learning through our physical and verbal actions, this will definitely bring about a positive influence on ourselves, people around us, and those who are new to Buddhism. Think about this: Suppose the new learners of Buddhism are you and I? if we have heard these good words, wouldn’t we follow along the lead of these words and discover Master Tsong-kha-pa’s teaching? [03:25]

Okay! Let’s listen to the next paragraph.

So, what should be the first step if we would like to learn the Buddha’s teachings? And what is the most essential point when it comes to learning and practicing the Buddha’s teachings? It is veneration. Normally, our greatest obstacle is that we would lament, “Alas, I have karmic obstacles!” What is the core of karma? It is this “I,” and the characteristic of “I” is arrogance. When you have an arrogant heart, we will always think, “I am the most outstanding always.” During our daily conversation with others, we always consider our own views to be right. Because you hold on to your views, it serves as the obstacle that obstructs the channel to receive information from others. However, suppose we recognize the brilliance of others, and the method he/she tells you is correct, at that moment, arrogance will be greatly reduced in our hearts. Veneration is a great antidote to arrogance. [04:11]

Next, Master said we are ready to start to learn. In terms of learning and practicing the Buddha’s teachings, there is one most important key point; do you still remember it? What is this point? Surprisingly, this essential point is veneration! Everyone may wonder, “eh, it seems that having faith should be the most essential point in terms of learning Buddha’s teachings”? But here Master pointed out “veneration”. He started out with the flipside – what obstructs our veneration? “Normally, we would lament about this, ‘Alas, I have great karmic obstacles!’ What is the cause of karma? It is this ‘I’, which refers to our grasping on an intrinsic self. Master pointed out here: “The characteristic of this ‘I’ is arrogance.” How do we observe this? When you have an arrogant heart, we will always think, “I am the most outstanding always.” Making our usual observations, when chatting with others, what do we talk about? Master used “always” twice here: “We always consider our own views to be always right. When we always consider our own views to be always correct,” what problem will arise? It develops the obstacle that obstructs the channel to receive information from others. [05:15]

Then, how to remedy it? The answer is to sincerely listen to others so as to find out how brilliant they are. As we recognize the brilliance of others, and the accuracy of their approaches, at that moment, arrogance will be greatly reduced in our hearts. So which antidote do we use to remedy arrogance? Many would bring up making prostration, and would all say, “I have prostrated to the 35 Buddhas for how many rounds, prostrated for how many rounds!” Keeping track of how many rounds one prostrates is definitely very good. However, did you self-examine if after so many rounds of half or full prostrations, have we reduced our arrogance? Or because we have prostrated so many rounds, we instead become even more arrogant, saying, “Look! I have prostrated so many rounds, and you haven't done any yet!” Pay attention! The prostration is to tame our arrogance. What will arise after we subdue our arrogance? Only then veneration will appear! And with veneration, then we can learn well. [06:10]

Hence, here Master further elaborated: After we understand the good qualities from the consensus within the mundane world, we would be inspired to arise our veneration. Besides this, what else is required? Master again further analyzed this very “I” in our minds! That inflated “I” that needs to be remedied with veneration. What should we do? We need to be receptive to the good qualities of others that are more superior than our own, we cannot continue to let something clogging the path, not allowing any information to enter, how can we better ourselves with this condition? Thus in this paragraph, our minds are guided to deepen layer by layer, to align the direction towards having veneration. Actually, we are already being cultivated by Master’s teaching, a little by a little. [07:00]


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0233】

讲次 0233

标题 心中很大的 “我”,用恭敬来对治

音档 4A 08:42 ~ 10:01

日期 2020-06-22 ~ 2020-06-24

广论段落 P2-L9 ~ P2-L10 由是菩提道次引导分四……引导学徒之次第。

手抄页/行 第1册 P101-L7 ~ P102-L1 ( 2016 南普陀版:第1册 P101-L8 ~ P102-L3 )

手抄段落 现在这地方…..非常好的方法——恭敬。




这里边还有一个问题:拿这个共识来告诉我们的话,会启发我们的信心。大家觉得是这样吗?共识——很多人都承许的那种功德,对我们自己来说是没有的,所以一定会启发我们恭敬、仰望的心想要跟他学,有这个心就会被善知识所饶益,大家想一想是不是这样的? 02:25

所以在课下谈论,还有在自己的思想自由驰骋的那个空间,如果我们常常注意到去思惟佛菩萨的功德、善知识的功德,这样我们开口说起来也是这些,达成了这些共识;也可以让那些刚刚开始学佛、不知道怎么回事的人,他们听一听之后,就生起对佛陀、对教法的向往,然后就找到了这条路,所以这是一件对自他都有好处的事情。如果我们善于知道最基本的善知识德相的条件,在内心里数数地忆念,然后行之于身口的话,对自己和周遭的人,还有对刚刚学佛的人一定是有一个很好的影响。就想:假如那个刚刚学佛的人是你我呢?如果听到这样的嘉言,不就是沿着这样的言论找到宗大师教法了吗? 03:25




