BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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Lecture No. 0217



Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0217

Tape: -

Date: 2020-04-27 ~ 2020-04-29

Topic: The Two Lineages in “Method Adopted to Explain the Teaching” (Four Interwoven Annotations)

English Lamrim Volume 1, page 34

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Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0217

Greetings to all! It’s time for us to study Global Lamrim again. Today, we will study the Four Interwoven Annotations and the Introduction to the Four Interwoven Annotations. Everyone, please turn to page 94 of the Chinese version of the Four Interwoven Annotations; let’s go over the text together. At the centre blue print section on page 94; it reads, 00:23

Regarding the methods in explaining the teaching, the great scholars of the lineage had different approaches; there were two methods passed down: “The glorious Nalanda, according to Venerable Yu, ‘was a grand Mahayana sutra repository, Emperor Ashoka [India emperor 304-232 BC] constructed it to store Mahayana scriptures at the birthplace of Venerable Sariputra. All the five hundred Mahayana masters, Tuo-zun brothers, Nagarjuna, etc., used to reside in Nalanda. The Monastery was expanded massively to advocate the learning of the Mahayana teaching, and was considered the most supreme one among all its contemporary Sangha communities in India,’”. These eminent scholars of Nalanda are said to have explained the teaching by way of three purities: the purity of speech of the master, the purity of mind of the disciple, and the purity of the teaching that will be explained. Later, “the teaching was spread to Vikramalasila. Venerable Yu explained that this monastery was in the north of Magadha, on a hilltop by the Ganges River with 108 Shrine Halls. In the centre of the adytum was enshrined the Vajradhara statue, which was the same size as the statue of Shakyamuni Buddha. The periphery of the monastery was surrounded by walls. The Panditas residing there carried out all kinds of sublime Dharma Works, and all the eminent monks and scholars accumulated ingenious merits there. It was at the Vikramalasila that Venerable Atisha was invited to Tibet. King Dharmapala, who was the patron of the Commentator Haribhadra, founded this monastic repository. When Buddhism was at its prime in Vikramalasila, the adepts agreed upon explaining the teaching showing its greatness in terms of the three topics: the greatness of the author of the teaching, the greatness of the teaching, and how one should explain and listen to that teaching. 02:20

Let’s continue with the following blue print characters; 02:23

it says, “Which method to follow: between these two methods, the latter is applied.” 02:30

This section is about “the method adopted to explain the teaching,” namely the different methods the distinguished scholars acknowledged. With respect to how to explain the teaching, there were two methods recognized in the past. One method was from the glorious Nalanda Monastery. As Venerable Yu stated, the Nalanda Monastery was a grand Mahayana sutra repository, which Emperor Ashoka founded to store Mahayana scriptures at the birthplace of Venerable Sariputra. The five hundred Mahayana masters, Tuo-zun brothers, Nagarjuna, etc. used to live there. The monastery was expanded extensively to advocate the Mahayana teaching and was the most supreme one among all its contemporary Sangha communities in India. This is the introduction of the Nalanda Monastery. The prestigious and esteemed scholars there proposed to explain the teaching by way of three purities: the purity of the speech of the master, the purity of mind of the disciple, and the purity of the teaching that will be explained. 03:30

The other method was from the Vikramalasila Monastery, which flourished later. According to Venerable Yu, this monastery was located at the north of Magadha, on the hilltop by the Ganges River, with 108 Shrine Halls in this magnificent monastery. In the centre of the adytum was enshrined with the Vajradhara statue, which was the same size as the statue of Shakyamuni Buddha. The periphery of the monastery was surrounded by walls. The Panditas residing there carried out all kinds of sublime Dharma Works. The monastery was said to have been the best Sangha community with favorable living conditions. It was also from here where Venerable Atisha was invited to Tibet. Who founded this monastery? That was Emperor Dharmapala, who was the patron of the Commentator Haribhadra. The scholars advocated that there were three important topics to begin with. What were the three? They were the greatness of the author of the teaching, the greatness of the teaching, and how one should explain and listen to the teaching. Which method was to be followed [in explaining Lamrim]? That is, the explanation of the Lamrim is based on the latter method [Vikramalasila]. The above is taken from the Four Interwoven Annotations and its explanatory notes. 04:50

Now, please turn to page 81 of the Introduction to the Four Interwoven Annotations. Let’s read the black print part following the blue line. “Regarding the methods explaining the teaching, the great scholars in the lineage had different approaches; there were two methods passed down: the majestic Nalanda Monastery is also known as ‘Reed Pond’. According to Venerable Yu, ‘it was a grand Mahayana sutra repository Emperor Ashoka founded to store Mahayana scriptures at the birthplace of Venerable Sariputra. All the five hundred Mahayana masters, Tuo-zun brothers, Nagarjuna, etc. used to reside in Nalanda. The Monastery was expanded massively to advocate the learning of the Mahayana teaching, and was considered the most supreme one among all its contemporary Sangha communities in India.’’’ 05:28

In introducing the majestic Nalanda Monastery, the only difference between the version of the Four Interwoven Annotations and that of the Labrang Monastery is the “Reed Pond”; that’s what was recorded in the Labrang Monastery. Regarding “the methods explaining the teaching”, Rinpoche’s comment was as follows: then, Lama Tsong-kha-pa explained what method he would adopt to illustrate the stages of the path. In India, there were two major monasteries: the first one was the glorious Nalanda Monastery. Here, Venerable Yu annotated: the literal meaning of Nalanda was “Reed Pond”, because there were a lot of tall, slender reeds growing in the pond. That was why the monastery was also named “Reed Pond”. Nalanda was also the birthplace of Venerable Sariputra. Venerable Yu continued in his annotations, “this was a grand Mahayana sutra repository, Emperor Ashoka constructed it to store Mahayana scriptures at the birthplace of Venerable Sariputra.” It was the birthplace of Venerable Sariputra. Later, under the reign of Emperor Ashoka, he constructed the monastery to store many Buddhist scriptures. 06:30


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0217】

讲次 0217

标题 “讲说方式”之二派传承(四家注)

日期 2020-04-27 ~ 2020-04-29

广论段落 | P2-L6 ~ P2-L8 此中传有二派释仪……应如后释。

入门段落 第1册 P81-LL4 ~ P81-LL1 开示释仪当中的诸智者异门者……为印度诸僧团中最殊胜者。 ﹞中

备注 四家合注《白话校注集》 第1册 P94-L5 ~ P94-LL3 开示释仪当中诸智者异门者……应如后释。

大家好!又到了我们学习全广的时间了。今天我们会学习《四家合注》和《四家合注入门》。现在请大家把《四家合注》翻到 94 页,我们来一起看文。在 94 页中间蓝字的部分,说:00:23

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这一段说明关于“讲说方”」,智者们有哪些不同的承许:对于讲说的轨理,过去曾经出现过两派的承许。一派是胜那兰陀寺,上师说:这是以前阿育王在舍利弗尊者的诞生地所修建的一座安置大乘经函的宏伟经院。五百位大乘阿闍黎、陀尊兄弟以及龙树菩萨等等,都曾驻锡其中,以讲闻大乘佛法之门加以扩建,并且是印度各部僧团中最极超胜的寺院。解释那兰陀寺,那里的智者们承许透过三种清净的方式来解说正法,这三种清净即是师长的言语清净、弟子的相续净、所诠述的法义清净。 03:30

另外一派,源自后来教法极为兴盛的止迦摩啰室啰寺。上师说:该寺是在摩羯陀北方恒河畔小丘顶上的一座寺院,包含了一百零八座佛殿,这是很宏伟的一座寺院。内殿中央供奉着与金刚座大菩提像大小相等的释迦世尊像,外围都有围墙环绕。寺中的班智达们广行种种不同的弘法事业,而且是僧众生活条件非常优越的一个道场。圣阿底峡尊者也从此处被迎请到藏地。这座寺院的修建者是谁呢?就是法王达摩波罗,他就是狮子贤论师的施主。其中的智者们,则承许有三者在最初的时候是极为重要的。这三者是什么呢?正法造者殊胜、正法殊胜、如何讲说听闻正法的轨理。说明此处依循哪一种轨理呢?就是本论会依照后者的方式来解说。这是《四家合注》里的原文和白话解释。 04:50

现在我们再把《四家合注入门》翻到 81 页,再看也是中间蓝字一行下面黑字。

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这个解释,很明显说“胜那兰陀寺”,跟《四家合注》不一样的就是,这有一个“芦苇塘”,因为这是拉卜楞寺的版本,拉卜楞寺版就是这样的。这个“释仪”,仁波切的讲记就是:接着是说明要用什么样的讲解方式来阐述道次第呢?在印度有两座大寺院,第一座就是“胜那兰陀寺”──这里边就有语王尊者的注:所谓“那兰陀”意思就是“芦苇塘”,因为那里的水池长了很多长长的芦苇,所以拿来称呼那个地方。那兰陀同时也是舍利弗尊者的出生地。接下来,语王尊者的笺注说:“此为往昔阿育王于舍利弗诞生处,所建安置大乘经函之宏伟经院。”本来是舍利弗尊者的出生地,之后到了阿育王时,在这里建造了安放许多经典的寺院。 06:30