BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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Lecture No. 0175



Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0175

Tape: 3B 05:42 ~ 07:41

Date: 2019-12-02 ~ 2019-12-04

Topic: Cherish each present moment of listening to the Teachings

English Lamrim Volume 1, page 34

【All those fortunate ones who are unobscured by the darkness of partisanship,
    Who have the mental capacity to differentiate good and bad,   
    And who wish to make meaningful this good life of leisure         
    Should listen with one-pointed attention.】

Master’s discourse Vol 1 P83-L7 ~ P84-L6 (2016 NanPuTuo Version: Vol 1 P83-L7 ~ P84-L6)

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Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0175

Thus, for those who truly are endowed with virtuous roots, if they are inspired to do meditation practice,” Master added one more condition, “with the discerning ability to differentiate right from wrong, without obstructions”. And another condition, [For those who have all of the qualifications stated above,] “Then they should make good use of this opportunity to listen attentively to the most supreme and encompassing teaching!” Now, think about this, in this moment in time, you and I have allocated the most precious time in our life to listen to this sublime, encompassing and pure teaching. Hence, for us, this moment is extremely precious, very rare, and a once-in-an-incalculable-eon encounter! We are listening to it right now! Are we endowed with the capability to distinguish right from wrong? We do have a little bit of such capability, right? Do we have obstructions? Yes, there are some, but we can overcome them, and right now we are listening to it! Listening at this very moment. [00:45]

Thus, master said, “Then they should make good use of this opportunity to listen attentively to the most supreme and encompassing teaching!”. This is exactly what we are doing now at this very moment, so we should truly rejoice ourselves. What we are doing now would certainly make Master very happy and pleased. He had wanted so much to give us the Lamrim teaching; he exerted every effort to bring it to us, in the hope of inspiring our faith in this sublime and encompassing path to remove suffering and attain happiness, and for us to rely on it for our meditation practice. He had been through so many hardships only for this purpose, in the hope that we can achieve our individual goal – to eliminate suffering and attain happiness for self and others. [01:24]

Think about it, at this moment how many disciples are listening in! I sincerely hope that our proper listening to the teaching will please Master so that we can be imbued by him life after life. We also offer such merits to Buddhas in all ten directions, hoping our study will please all Buddhas, all the great Masters in the past, and Bodhisattvas, and they will bless us so that there will be no hindrance to our study of the teaching, our contemplation, and our meditation practice/cultivation. All valid cognition of the teaching can arise accordingly. [01:50]

Deliberate on it, despite countless afflictions in life, the agony of not getting what we want, the loss of wealth, not doing well academically, having troubles in a relationship, or even suffering from serious illness, but we still have faith! We are still endowed with the prerequisites for listening to the teaching. For we recognize that this is the purest path guiding us to remove suffering and attain happiness; by relying on the teaching, we are able to achieve the goal of eliminating suffering and attaining happiness ultimately. Most important of all, now we are endowed with such prerequisites. Master also said, “we better hurry up,” which means we should not procrastinate, don’t drag our feet! We should use all of our available time to listen to the teaching on how to eliminate suffering and attain happiness, as well as contemplation and meditation practice/cultivation. [02:34]

Thus, up to this point, would we be reminded of what Tara [female Buddha] said in the eight obstructions*, “Quick! Hurry up! We should seek liberation! Strive for liberation!” This urging from virtuous teachers can also be found in many mantras. Therefore, virtuous teachers have a distinct merit; that is, they are tirelessly spurring us and urging us to enter this path. Otherwise, we would be stuck wherever we go, be it suffering or happiness. We would be stuck in the swamp of suffering, unable to pull ourselves out; the same also applies to happiness, we would be so attached, unable to get away. However, there is no safe place in the three realms, it is as perilous as a burning mansion! We must capitalize on the chance of having this human form of leisure and opportunity, encountering the sublime and encompassing teaching, being able to study it, being capable of distinguishing right from wrong, having fewer impediments, or being able to overcome the impediments when encountered. We should make good use of the time we have and hurry up, applying the meditation practice as soon as we can. Never ever dawdle, (we) must give priority to the meditation practice/cultivation! For example, what is your motivation when you persist in listening to the teaching every day. Even if it is for a few minutes, even if it is ten, twenty, or thirty minutes! It would create an inconceivable impact in our life! Understandably, to us, the time we listen to the teaching is truly very, very precious, truly magnificent, and very rare – having encountered the teaching; and we have faith. [03:50]

[*Green Tara is usually associated with protection from fear and the following eight obscurations: lions (= pride), wild elephants (= delusion/ignorance), fires (= hatred and anger), snakes (= jealousy), bandits and thieves (= wrong views, including fanatical views), bondage (= avarice and miserliness), floods (= desire and attachment), and evil spirits and demons (= deluded doubts).]         

Think about it, despite having myriads of sufferings happening in our life, we have encountered the teaching and we are imbued by virtuous teachers. Moreover, we have faith. So, whenever we think of this, it should make us feel, forever and ever pleased, right! Joyful, right! For example, you have been listening to the Global Lamrim II discourses from the beginning up till now, without any interruption, regardless of what happens at home, at work, or with your studies… you continued listening in. Another example, in the process of the studying the Five Great Treatises, no matter how much difficulties were encountered, many monastics persevered in their learning, persisting for 15 years without interruption. How much virtuous roots have been accumulated, how much virtuous deeds have been amassed! So never regret having studied hard over the years by saying: “It seems that even though I have studied so much, I am without cultivation, I am useless. Since I am not good at anything, I might as well lead a life of pleasure.” Is it so? This hard-to-come-by Buddha Dharma from innumerable eons ago, we heard it, so how can we be useless? [04:42]       

Then, does it majestically appear within our mental continuum, just like emptiness is akin to a sharp sword, severing afflictions immediately upon encountering it.  Did we or not, practice until we develop the power to sever afflictions cleanly?  No, we are not there yet. However, have we planted the seed? Are we fostering the roots of our faith? Regardless of the number of adversities we may encounter, we are unwilling to give up, most reluctant to give up, because Lama Tsong-kha-pa's teaching really is incredibly precious. With Master’s skilful impartation of Buddha’s teaching to us, delivering the teachings directly into our hearts, we can rely on it to survive. Actually, many practitioners feel this way: if we didn’t study Lamrim, we wouldn’t know how to handle the multitudes of vast fluctuations within our afflicted hearts within a day. Leaving our virtuous teachers, we would also not know how to make aspirational vow, how to accumulate merits [based on Buddha’s teaching]. We simply won't know how to go about it. [05:29]      

So, we have encountered Buddha’s teaching and we have the guidance from virtuous teachers; what’s more, we are indeed endowed with virtuous roots. Thus, never ever regret [having worked so hard and coming such a long way], never should we think that listening to the teaching is of no use. As everyone knows, if we can attentively listen to a session of Dharma teaching, the teaching will benefit us considerably; such power can sever any on-going non-virtuous deeds and it serves as a very powerful force to direct our thought toward the sublime teaching, and toward the three principal aspects of the path. It is like the sun suddenly emerges after several cloudy days – the world is brightened up and radiant. Hence, you all should properly rejoice yourselves for the efforts you have put into the sublime teaching. Do not assume that Buddha Dharma lacks the power to sever afflictions simply because you are not able to do so after your afflictions have arisen. No! It is not true! As long as we keep on practicing and training to sharpen that sword-like discerning ability, gradually the edge of the sword will become sharp. One day when we wield the sword, we will be able to cut off the affliction, as fast and easily as brushing off dust. We would not feel that it is as weighty as moving a giant boulder. Because we have become very proficient at it. [06:35]       

Do not feel that simply because we can’t apply what we have learned now, means that we won’t be able to do so in the future. Do not think because we are incapable in the past or in the present, conclude that we will also be incompetent in the future. It all depends on how we work on it. Actually, the power of Buddha Dharma can relieve our suffering, transform our minds, and salvage us from our suffering. That is its purpose, that is the power of the teaching. Then, why is that the power of the teaching does not manifest its might in our mental continuum? That is due to insufficient practice [on our part], rather than the ineffectiveness of Buddha Dharma. This concept is feasible on certain conditions; it is not that Buddha Dharma is inefficacious. Suppose you give a sword to a child, the child would not be able to lift it up. Therefore, it will not serve its purpose. On the contrary, if you give the sword to a warrior, he would be able to do a lot more. The warrior who wants to sever afflictions can annihilate the afflictions of greed, hostility, and ignorance, it just needs a strong hand to pick up this sword. So, this strong hand, requires daily training day after day. When facing any arising conditions, we should never let our thoughts pass through mindlessly, we should train ourselves daily to attain the discerning wisdom so as to eradicate affliction completely, for affliction is the cause of suffering! [07:35]    

Furthermore, never form the habit of being vexed by afflictions out of having nothing better to do. For one thing, if we keep indulging in afflictive emotions for a long long time, as endless as the vine, we need to recognize that it does no good to us. When experiencing afflictive emotions, we should never argue endlessly with others, making them admit their mistakes and apologize for what they have done. Of course, we would feel better if the other party apologizes; but it does not resolve the root cause of suffering. To remove the root cause of suffering, we need to apply Buddha Dharma. A few words of apology from others or a few words of submission can’t resolve the deepest and innermost suffering in our life. As it is so deep that it will require us to apply the very profound reasoning to dig out the root cause of suffering; only then we would be happy. What do all of you think? [08:21]


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0175】

讲次 0175

标题 珍视此时此刻的听闻时光

音档 3B 05:42 ~ 07:41

日期 2019-12-02 ~ 2019-12-04

广论段落 P2-L2 诸有偏执暗未覆……诸具善者专励听

手抄页/行 第1册 P83-L7 ~ P84-L6 ( 2016 南普陀版:第1册 P83-L7 ~ P84-L6 )

手抄段落 所以,普通人之所以不了解......最殊胜圆满的教授啊!

所以真正具足上面这种善根的人哪,你要想修行吧!”下面又有一个:“又能够辨别是非、又没有障碍”,又多一个。 “那么那个时候要好好地,这地方听闻这个最殊胜圆满的教授!”想一想,此时此刻的你、我,就在用我们生命中珍贵的时间听闻,听闻这个殊胜、圆满、清净的教授。所以此刻对我们来说弥足珍贵、千载难逢、万劫难遇!我们就在听喔!有没有具足辨别是非?有具足一点吧!有没有障碍?是有一些障碍,但是我们穿越,我们都在听啊!此刻就在听。 [00:45]

所以师父说:那么这个时候要好好地在这地方听闻这个最殊胜圆满的教授!此时此刻我们即是正在做这些事情,所以真的要好好地随喜。我们现在所做的事情,一定是令师父非常欢喜和欣慰的。他那么想把《广论》讲给我们,费了那么多心力,希望我们能够对这样殊胜圆满的离苦得乐之道生起信心、依之而修。费了那么多的辛苦,就是希望我们达成我们自身的目的——令自他都离苦得乐。 [01:24]

想一想,此时此刻我们有多少弟子都在听,希望我们如理听闻能够令师父欢喜,生生世世得到他的摄受。也上供十方佛,令所有的佛陀、祖师、菩萨都能够欢喜,加持我们,让我们的听闻没有障碍、思惟没有障碍,乃至修习都没有障碍,一切都如法如量地能够生起。 [01:50]

想一想,尽管生命中有数不清的烦恼,有那么多的求不得苦,或者我们现在损失钱财、学业不利、感情不顺,甚至是生了大病,但是我们还有信心啊!我们还具足这些能够听闻的条件。因为我们知道这是最清净的离苦得乐之道,我依靠它能够成办究竟离苦、究竟得乐这样的一个目标,而且现在我具有这个条件。所以师父又说:“赶快!”就是不要耽搁啊,不要耽搁!用一切可能运用的时间,要来听闻离苦得乐之道,并且思惟、修行。 [02:34]

所以在这里,会不会想到在度母救八难那里边,她都有说:“赶快呀、赶快呀!要趣向解脱呀!要趣向解脱呀!”很多的咒语里也有这样的善知识的催促。所以善知识有一个非常不共的功德,就是鞭策我们、催促我们的心能够入道。他一直要鞭策我们、一直要催促我们,不然我们走到哪里就会粘到哪里,无论是苦、无论是乐,苦也会像进入沼泽一样出不来,乐也是就粘在那儿走不开。但是三界无安,犹如火宅啊!我们必须利用得到修行条件的这个暇满人身的机会——遇到殊胜圆满的教法、又能够听闻、又具足辨别善恶、又没有什么障碍,或者有遇到障碍但是可以穿越——利用这个时间要赶快、赶快地修行,千万不要耽搁啊,要把修行排在前面!就比如说每天听闻你为什么能坚持?哪怕是几分钟,哪怕是十分钟、二十分钟、半小时,它将对我们的生命产生不可思议的影响力!所以这时间对我们来说,真的是非常非常地珍贵,真的是很庄严、很难得的时光——会遇教法,而且我们有信心。 [03:50]

想一想,尽管生命中发生了很多很多的痛苦,但是我们遇到教法了,我们有善知识摄受,而且我有信心,这件事应该永久地、永远地让我们想起来就高兴吧!就欢喜吧!比如说从一开始全广讲到现在,你都在听,都没有间断,无论家里有什么事、工作、学习......,都在听。还有在学习五大论的过程中,有很多出家人无论遇到多少困难都在坚持,坚持十五年都没有间断地学习,这将累积多大的善根,累积多大的善行!所以一定不要去追悔,说:“好像我学这么多,我没修行、我没用,那没用还不如享乐。”是这样吗?无量劫来难可值遇的佛法我们听闻到了,怎么可能没用? [04:42]

那么我们的心续有没有显现它磅礡的,比如空性那样,像一把锋利的宝剑,碰到烦恼立刻斩断烦恼,有没有修链出那样俐落地斩断烦恼的力量?还没有。但是有种下种子吗?有在培植我们的信根吗?尽管遇到多少困难,我们都不愿意放弃、都舍不得放弃,因为宗大师教法实在是太珍贵了,师父这样善巧的讲说,将佛法送进我们的内心,我们就赖以存活。很多人都是这样,不学《广论》,不知道要怎么面对一天大大小小内心的波折和烦恼;离开善知识,我们也不知道如何在佛法上发心、集资粮,都不知道怎么做。 [05:29]

所以遇到了教法,有善知识讲说,我又能够具足善根,千万不要追悔自己,认为听闻没用。大家都知道,如果一座如法的听闻,会在我们的心续上造成一种饶益,这个力量能够切断正在进行的恶行,会变成一个很强的势力趣向于正法、趣向于三主要道;就像阴天阴了很久突然太阳出现,那世界都是光亮和灿烂的。所以大家一定要好好地随喜自己在正法上所做的努力,不要因为现在生了一个烦恼,我还切断不了,就认为佛法没有切断烦恼的力量。 No!不是这样的!一旦我们一直练、一直练,一直磨那个抉择的宝剑,剑锋就会慢慢地锋利,有一天它就会剑起剑落,烦恼就断掉了,抖掉烦恼的速度就像抖落灰尘那么轻松,不会像把一个巨石搬开那么沉重,因为这个心已经慢慢地熟练了。 [06:35]

不要因为现在不得力就认为未来也不会得力,不要认为过去和现在我都没有得力,就推断说未来也不会得力,就看我们怎么做。因为这个教法能够对我们的痛苦有悲悯,能够转化内心、救拔我们的苦,这是它的作用,法的力量就是这样。那么法的力量为什么没有在我们的相续中显现它强而有力的力量?就是修力不足,不是佛法不灵。这个概念的承许要有边界,不是它不灵,而是一把宝剑你给一个小孩他举不起来,它根本没有什么作用;可是你把宝剑给了一个勇士,他就能做太多了——要断烦恼的勇士砍断烦恼贪瞋痴,要一个有力的手拿起这个宝剑。那么这个有力的手,就要天天练、天天练。在对境的时候不要让心念空过,天天练我们的抉择慧去抉择、断除烦恼,因为烦恼就痛苦的因啊! [07:35]

然后不要有事没事就习惯搅烦恼,一个烦恼搅得非常非常长,像藤蔓一样没完没了的,要知道这对自己并没有任何好处。还有遇到烦恼,无休止地去跟别人理论,让别人认错、让别人道歉。当然别人道歉我们会觉得心里会舒服一点,但是也并不能解决真正痛苦的根本,痛苦的根本还必须要修学佛法来把它去掉。别人几句道歉、几句服软,不可能解决我们生命中最深重的痛苦,因为那个太深了,要用那么深邃的理路去把那个根挖掉才会快乐。大家觉得呢? [08:21]