BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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Lecture No. 0207



Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0207

Tape: -

Date: 2020-03-23 ~ 2020-03-25

Topic: Preparation Prior to Listening to Dharma Teaching: Realize the [Inherent] Suffering Nature of Cyclic Existence, and Resolute to Attain Buddhahood 

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Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0207

Greetings to all! It is time for our Lamrim discussion again. At this moment, whether we are sitting, standing, or walking, can we clearly sense the flowing of time? Some people may feel that time is passing second by second, whereas many others may feel that time seems to stand still; is that possible? In fact, if we could apply the film-shooting technique to replay our whole life in a fast-forward mode, [we would notice] the changes are very obvious/noticeable. Without such playback/retrospection, at any given moment, [we] will feel as if [the time] is stagnant. [00:44]

We are living and advancing in the phenomenon of cyclic existence which is impermanent and laden with sufferings. There are two primary phenomena in the universe: the phenomenon of cyclic existence and the phenomenon of nirvana. The nature of cyclic existence is suffering, whereas the nature of nirvana is happiness. Hence, as long as we are still subject to the sufferings in the cyclic existence, before the conditionality-of-suffering is destroyed, before we are out of the cyclic existence, we would be under the sway of uncertainty, [impermanence and suffering]. Even if we are able to meditate for a long time, once the effort of meditative stabilization has exhausted, [we] may still be reborn into [undesired] realms due to the fruition of our past negative karma. [01:25]

We tend to believe that whatever we do, it is we who determine it and it is we who make the decision. However, most ordinary beings are actually steered/dictated by our karma. Due to the positive karma we had created, we have obtained this human form [of leisure and opportunity] in this life, [we’ve] encountered the sublime teaching, [nurtured] faith [in Buddhism], and are endowed with the favorable conditions to be able to meet our teachers, Dharma teachings, as well as our fellow companions. Upon granted with such favorable conditions, [we] should exert every effort to better ourselves, to completely counteract the wrong views that time seems to stand still, and that there are still so many comforts/pleasures we can enjoy in the [cyclic existence of] life and death. We totally disregard its nature of impermanence and suffering/samsara, squandering away our human lives by merely obtaining meagre comfort/pleasure in the present lives, not to mention that some people cannot even have such comfort/pleasure in their present lives. [02:10]

According to Lamrim, what we perceive as comfort/pleasure is actually imbued with the suffering-of-change, which is the temporary relief of suffering. In fact, suffering [would] never cease for [even] a single moment – such is the present condition of our lives. Since we have never experienced the purest happiness that is without [even the slightest] sufferings, we would mistake the temporary relief of suffering for happiness. In his numerous impartations, Master had expressed his hope that we could come up with the resolution to forsake happiness that is tainted with suffering, and to seek absolute/pure happiness, namely, to attain Buddhahood – a state where all sufferings and causes of sufferings are eliminated, and all happiness is perfected! Such is the state of life where all merits are consummated with perfections! [02:46]

However, we most probably find it very hard to truly yearn for such state of life. We often are blocked or impeded by the present causes and conditions, and cannot see far, nor can we tell what is ahead of us. Also, many practitioners [tend to] submerge in their own karmic propensities, unable to listen to and pay no heed to the reminder from their virtuous teachers. Of the many things [we are doing now,]  are we able to listen to the reminders from Buddhas and virtuous teachers that can be counted as truly abiding by the teaching? If we could examine ourselves carefully, we would notice that we still tend to follow our own ways of thinking, which we have followed for eons in the presence cyclic existence. What if most of such ways of thinking would bring us downfall to the miserable realms? [If so,] then inevitably we are being led toward the miserable realms! [03:38]

Therefore, encountering the teaching from Master Tsong-kha-pa and virtuous teachers in this life is actually the most wonderful opportunity for us to free [ourselves] from the miserable realms and cyclic existence. When such opportunity is readily available in front of us, we should at all cost, exert every effort to get hold of it. Although we could still be defeated [and lured away] by the so-called happiness in the great dream of cyclic existence, trying to seek for the [little] happiness between birth and death, upon hearing the calling from Buddha or virtuous teachers, we would strive with our best effort to keep our closed eyes opened, and sharpen the discerning wisdom that is currently obscured by ignorance,. For if we don’t try strenuously to stay awake while we still have the opportunity to listen to the teachings, we may end up being reborn into those realms where teachings would never be heard again, or become apathetic even if we can hear the teaching. Understandably, this human form of leisure and opportunity we have now is very precious and meaningful, but at the same time it can be very pernicious. Because, instead of making good use of this human form, once we have created some negative karma, this human form will become the cause for our downfall in the next rebirth/life. [04:34]

Hence, prior to listening to each teaching, [I] still hope everyone can stay alert to the fact of the inherent suffering nature of the cyclic existence so that we can [guard ourselves with] vigilance and preparation.  We should [be vigilant and] guard against the negative karma in our mind, [our] ignorance to impermanence, not seeing the insecurities in our lives in the cyclic existence. It is actually very impractical for us to pursue enjoyment given that we are in the state of instability of samsara and so many yet-to-be purified negative karma. Understandably, we should exert all of our efforts to purify negative karma; only then, we are able to enjoy [absolute] happiness. [05:09]


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0207】

讲次 0207

标题 听闻前行:觉醒轮回苦性,决断成佛

音档 -

日期 2020-03-23 ~ 2020-03-25

广论段落 -

手抄页/行 -

手抄段落 -

大家好!又到了我们研讨《广论》的时间。此时此刻,我们或是坐着、或是站着、或者是走着的时候,能否清晰地感觉到光阴的流动?有的人会感觉到时光在一秒一秒地消失,但是很多人会感觉好像是停着一样,会不会?实际上把我们的生命用电影那样的镜头去快放的话,那个变化就是非常明显的;如果不去回放的话,就会好像什么时候都有一种滞留的感觉。 [00:44]

我们是行进在一个无常的、为苦性所摄的轮回的现象中,因为宇宙有两大现象:轮回的现象和涅槃的现象,轮回的体性是苦的,涅槃是乐的。那么我们在轮回的苦受里边,行苦没有被破坏的时候,一天没有出去,我们便被这样的不确定所左右。即使我们能够禅定多长多长的时间,但那禅定力坏了之后,可能依然会因为往昔的业成熟为什么地方就去什么地方。 [01:25]

我们都觉得什么事情好像是自己想的、自己决定什么,但多半对很多凡夫来说,都是随业流转。我们今生造就了很好的业,得到了人身、遇到了教法,而且有信仰,能够遇到师、法、友这样的顺缘。当这样的顺缘来到的时候,就要奋发向上,要彻底地对治自己觉得一切似乎都停滞不动,在这个生死中间还有很多安乐,好像可以享乐,完全没有看到它的无常、它的苦性,任这个人身就这样白白地流去,只得到了一些微薄的现世乐,有些人现世乐也是得不到的。 [02:10]

因为所谓的安乐,在《广论》里边说它是坏苦,就是苦的渐息灭位,实际上没有一刻苦会停息的,是这样的一个生命的现状。我们没有体会过无苦的快乐,就会把苦的渐息灭位当成是快乐。师父在大大小小的开示里,都希望我们生起这样一个决断,就是不要掺杂痛苦的快乐、要彻底的快乐,就是要成佛──所有的苦和苦因都消除掉,所有的乐都圆满,没有一个功德没有圆备的生命状态! [02:46]

但是多半我们对这样的生命的状态很难生起真正的向往,我们常常被眼前的因缘阻隔或者障碍,看不到远方、看不到前面是什么。而很多修行者也都会陷溺在自己的一种业力里边,也听不进去善知识的提醒。到底有多少事情,我们能够听到佛提醒我们、听到善知识提醒我们的话,真正做到依教奉行的?仔细盘点一下自己的内心,发现自己还是想要按照自己的想法、按照千劫轮回那样的想法。万一这样的想法很多是走向恶趣的,那就不可避免地走向恶趣了! [03:38]

所以这一生遇到宗大师教法、遇到善知识,实际上是一个我们可以脱离恶趣、脱离轮回的最美好的时机,当这个时机来到眼前的时候,必须拼命地用全部的注意力抓住。尽管我们还会被轮回大梦的所谓安乐击昏了头,想要在生死中找寻什么真正的快乐,但是一听到佛陀的呼唤、一听到善知识的呼唤,我们要立刻把那个睁不开的眼睛努力地睁,一直昏昧的那个抉择慧把它清晰。因为在能够听到的时候还不努力清醒的话,就会到再也听不到的地方,或者听了也完全没反应。所以这样的人身对我们来说,是非常珍贵、非常地义大,也是很危险的,因为一旦利用不好这样的时光,反而造恶业,就成了下辈子堕落的一个因缘。 [04:34]

所以每次在听法之前,还是希望大家能够觉醒轮回苦性的这件事,让我们的心要有所戒备、有所准备。因为要防备的是我们内心里的恶业,或者看不到无常的现象、看不到我的生命在轮回里是不安定的。用这种不安定的、还有很多恶业没有净化的状态想要去享乐的话,实际上是非常不现实的;应该用所有的力量把恶业净化掉,那个时候才会有安乐可享。 [05:09]