BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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Lecture No. 0138



Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0138

Tape: 3A 09:46 ~ 10:34

Date: 2019/07/25 ~ 07/28

Outline: Foundation

Topic: Prologue – Veneration at the beginning of commentary

English Lamrim Volume 1, page 34

Vol. 1 of Master’s discourse handbook P71-L3 ~ P71-L6 (2016 NanPuTuo Version Vol 1 P71-L2 ~ P71-L5)

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Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0138

Greetings to all! It’s time for us to study Lamrim together again. Prior to listening, everyone please examine your mind to see if you have done the preparation to listen to the teaching. The preparation before listening to Buddha Dharma is very important, because it helps us straighten our motivation; furthermore, it enables us to be attentive to this session of study. Because we  know, in order to have the time to study Lamrim with our entire body and mind, it takes a lot of merits. It is not easy for us to encounter the teaching of Master Tsong-Kha-pa, or to have the faith when we encounter it. And it is not that with a little bit of faith, we can persist in our listening, contemplation and meditation for over ten, twenty years. Hence, we should be grateful to our virtuous teachers for tirelessly and painstakingly guiding us life after life with their teachings! Such moments took the virtuous teachers inconceivable amount of effort over incalculable eons, took us incredible effort to exchange for this. To us, this is very precious. Thus, we must devote our entire body and mind to set the Mahayana aspiration and to be in concordant with the teaching in order to learn this teaching, such that we won’t idle away such precious moments. [01′35″]

Very well! Let’s examine ourselves: why should I listen to Lamrim, or contemplate on these teachings? For the sake of relieving immeasurable beings from the suffering of cyclic existence, I must achieve Buddhahood. To achieve that, I must arise the spirit of Bodhichitta, and attain the state of Buddha’s ultimate enlightenment. Only by such achievement can I thus help all motherly beings to reach the objective of eliminating suffering and attaining happiness completely; and also let myself reach the ultimate state of eliminating suffering and achieving happiness. [02′13″]

Great! So let’s continue to listen to Master’s Lamrim commentary.

[3A 09:46 ~ 10:34]

For us to truly learn Buddha Dharma, it requires numerous prerequisites; many requisites are needed. Generally speaking, the encompassing Buddha Dharma can be categorized into compassion and wisdom, which are represented by the schools of Extensive Deeds and Profound View respectively. In terms of the sequential learning process, it starts from listening to the teaching, contemplation, and meditation, and the three precious trainings of ethical discipline, meditative concentration, and wisdom. Each aspect is built on layer after layer of categories based on the law of cause and effect, for the practitioners to advance on this path. Thus, Buddha Dharma is by no means something unilateral or partial. If we want to obtain an encompassing guidance, sublime teaching is a must. [03′11″]      

In this short paragraph, if I may ask you the question, it would be: Look! It appears again! What appears again? Pay attention to those words! Master said it again! “For us to truly learn Buddha Dharma”, Master usually put the word “truly” before learning Buddha Dharma or meditation practice, which means our aspiration has to be sincere, and we need to apply earnest devotion to learning. [03′38″]

Master said, “to truly learn Buddha Dharma it requires numerous prerequisites; many requisites are needed.” What did Master specifically refer to? “The encompassing Buddha Dharma”; Master stressed the keyword “encompassing” right before the Buddha Dharma. He said, “Generally speaking, the encompassing Buddha Dharma can be categorized into compassion and wisdom”. And then he illustrated it by saying that they are “represented by the schools of Extensive Deeds and Profound View respectively”. Pay attention! There is a “sequential learning process for advancement; Master mentioned the “sequential learning process”. And then he said, “ethical discipline, meditative concentration, and wisdom”, and “listening to the teaching, contemplation, and meditation,” etc. Thereafter, Master said, “Each aspect is built on layer after layer of categories based on the law of cause and effect”; it is orderly structured. Master continued, “for the practitioners to advance on this path….” Take notice! What we have learned in the previous teachings appears again! “Buddha Dharma is by no means something unilateral or partial.” Master mentioned the encompassing Buddha Dharma in the beginning and he reiterated -  the encompassing Buddha Dharma is not unilateral, nor is it partial. [04′29″]

Up to this point, we would think, “So how can we obtain such encompassing Buddha Dharma?” “What is the encompassing Buddha Dharma?” Master said, “If we want to obtain an encompassing guidance”, the word “guidance” appeared, then “sublime teaching is a must.” Master spoke of “encompassing Buddha Dharma”; to obtain an encompassing guidance, we must rely on sublime teaching. Master guided us from the topic of encompassing Buddha teachings to a complete sequential learning process, following the sequence and progress, a tier-by-tier structure based on the law of cause and effect. How to obtain the guidance of the encompassing Buddha Dharma? Master said, “sublime teaching is a must.” Hence, in the next paragraph, Master explained the “teaching”. [05′20″]


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0138】

讲次 0138

科判 道前基础

章节 走一条最快成佛的路

标题 欲得圆满佛法,需要殊胜教授

日期 2019/07/25 ~ 07/28

音档 3A 09:46 ~ 10:34

广论段落 P2-L1 故离智者欢喜道……故我心意遍勇喜

手抄页/行 第1册 P71-L3 ~ P71-L6 ( 2016 南普陀版:第1册 P71-L2 ~ P71-L5 )

手抄段落 那么要晓得我们真正修学佛法......一定要有殊胜的教授。

大家好!又到了我们一起学《广论》的时间了。在听闻之前,请大家观察一下自己的内心,看一看我们有没有做好听法的前行?其实听法的前行是很重要的,因为它会端正我们的动机,而且让我们对这一节课有一个很深的用心。因为我们知道:能抽出这样的时间用我们全部的身心一起学习《广论》,这也要有很多的资粮。并不是很轻松、很随意就可以值遇到宗大师的教法;也不是遇到了之后,我们就能生起信心;也不是生了一点信心之后,我们就能够坚持十年、二十年这样的听闻、思惟和修学。所以这一切都要感恩生生世世摄受、引导我们的善知识对我们悉心地教导!这样的时光,是无量劫来不知道花了善知识多少心血、我们自己用了多少努力才换得的,对我们来说是很珍贵的。所以一定要用自己全部的身心安立大乘的动机和这样的法相应,来一起学习和讨论,才不会虚度这样的光阴。 [01′35″]

好!那大家就观察一下自己:我为什么要听闻《广论》,或者思惟这些教理呢?就是为了令无穷无尽的有情能从痛苦的轮回里解脱出来,我必须去成佛,必须发起菩提心,证得究竟的大觉佛位,这样才能够帮到所有的如母有情,令他们达到究竟离苦得乐这样的目标,也令我自己的生命达到究竟地离苦得乐。 [02′13″]


那么要晓得我们真正修学佛法,它需要很多条件,很多条件。圆满的佛法,通常我们来说,说悲、智,然后说性宗、相宗;次第下面依着上去的话,说闻、思、修慧,戒、定、慧三学,每一个方面都层层构架因果相循,这样地上去。这绝对不是片面、局部的,这一个要想得到圆满的引导的话,一定要有殊胜的教授。 [03′11″]

这一小段,如果我问大家问题的话,看!又出现了!又出现了什么了?注意那几个字,师父又讲了! [真正修学佛法],师父总是在修学佛法前面,或者修行前面加上[真正]二字。就是发心要来得真切,然后我们要用至诚恳切的心来学习。 [03′38″]

 说:[真正修学佛法,它需要很多条件,很多条件。]这里尤其是师父讲了什么? [圆满的佛法],在佛法前面又强调了[圆满]。说:[圆满的佛法,通常我们来说,说悲、智],然后举了[性宗、相宗];注意! [次第],依着上去提到了[次第],[戒、定、慧],[闻、思、修]等等。然后师父说:[每一个方面都层层构架因果相循],就是丝毫不乱的,师父说:[这样地上去]。注意!又出现了! [绝对不是片面、局部的]。前面师父讲的那个圆满的佛法,师父又阐述了一遍——圆满的佛法,它不是片面的,也不是局部的。 [04′29″]

讲到这里,我们就会想:[那圆满的佛法要怎样才能得到呢?][什么是圆满的佛法呢?]师父就说:[这一个要想得到圆满的引导的话],出现了[引导] ,[一定要有殊胜的教授。]这里说[圆满的佛法],然后要得到圆满的引导的话,一定要有殊胜的教授,就引出了从圆满的佛法到圆满的次第,依次第上去,然后层层架构因果相循。如何能够得到这种圆满的佛法的引导呢?就是[一定要有殊胜的教授]。所以在下面一段,师父就讲了[教授]。 [05′20″]