BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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Lecture No. 0136



Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0136

Tape: 3A 06:57 ~ 09:46

Date: 2019/07/18 ~ 07/21

Outline: Foundation

Topic: Prologue – Veneration at the beginning of commentary

English Lamrim Volume 1, page 34

Vol. 1 of Master’s discourse handbook P70-L1 ~ P71-L2 (2016 NanPuTuo Version: Vol 1 P70-L1 ~ P71-L1)

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Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0136

Let’s talk about one simple reason why it is better to study Buddha Dharma by means of debating? Master mentioned this, “We will become more and more enthusiastic, and the discussion will become more and more intense; thus, the whole interest is kindled.” What kind of “enthusiasm” is this? It is the mental effort you put into what you are learning, right? Nowadays, the greatest challenge in education is whether the students are interested in learning? Do we like to acquire knowledge? Or should we put it this way: do we like to acquire knowledge via this approach? Once lots of people lose their interests in learning, becoming dispirited, it will be very troublesome; it will be a big challenge in education! [00′45″]

It is the same with the study of Buddha Dharma. If we are lukewarm about studying scriptures, we are also facing great difficulty. When two people begin their debate, apparently it is impossible for them to have scattered thoughts. If they do, then they can’t hear the question from the other party or respond to the question raised by the other party. Neither it is possible for them to be lethargic because the sound of stomping the foot as well as clapping the hands would be way too loud. Therefore, when the debater is facing the other party during the debate, there is no way that they will feel lethargic! Thus, such a learning approach can prevent the two flaws [of scattered thoughts and lethargy]. Also, it is impossible for them not to concentrate; without concentration, they can’t even answer any question. Thus they must fully devote themselves to the questions tossed from the other party or the questions they are going to fire at the other debater. At this precise moment, all participants will devote all of their might in discussing with their opponents on the given topic. [01′31″]    

Take our monastics for example. Before the debate, they must be well prepared, going through the debating content thoroughly. For instance, regarding a topic they are going to challenge others, how shall they come up with such a question? To begin with, the challengers must study the related scriptures; their source of reference will be more than one. The challengers must go through various scriptures to familiarize themselves with all perceptions, becoming proficient with various viewpoints written on scriptures. Based on what they read, and with a deeper exploration of the meaning of the scriptures, they put forth their reasoning; they are ready for the debate. The debating topics are chosen after they have consulted with others; the topics do not appear arbitrarily. They have gone through very rigorous preparation and the questions put forth are well-grounded in accordance with the various sources of scriptural reference. How about the defenders? Do the defenders have to prepare themselves for the debate? They had better be well prepared! Without preparation, it is impossible for them to come up with an answer! Usually when the challengers put questions to the defenders, sometimes they already have the answers; sometimes they might not have the answer. If the defenders come up with a very good answer, which surpasses what the challengers expect, it is definitely a brilliant answer. Furthermore, it clears up the challenger's doubt. During the cross-examination challenging process, if the opponent’s way of reasoning is far more thorough, more outstanding, and more brilliant than yours, it will impress you deeply; so deep is the impression that you won’t forget for the rest of your life! One does not pick the topic out from the thin air, like scooping the moon out of the water. The topic does not pop up out of nowhere. Instead, one must thoroughly deliberate on it and most likely it could take one many days of long and hard thinking to come up with such a topic. [03′04″]     

[In debating,] one scenario is that even though you are cornered by the other party’s questions and you are just speechless, you would feel very marvellously delighted about it! Why? Because you are experiencing, “How can someone apply such beautiful reasoning? And [honestly speaking], I am really speechless! I admit defeat convincingly.” Will one then feel embarrassed? Chances are when a rainbow suddenly appears in front of you, you will not feel embarrassed. Why? For you saw the rainbow – an epiphany. Hence, you will salute your rivals for their reasoning wholeheartedly, and such reasoning will leave a very profound imprint on your mind. For the opponent in the debate, he will also show deep respect and veneration from the depth of his heart. Because you come to realize that “Wow! This reasoning is overly brilliant; I had never thought about it at all!” Later whenever you run into this person in the monastery, you would feel, “Wow! He has very profound, brilliant reasoning which may unravel at any given time, totally unexpected!” Thus, you would refrain from generating erroneous thoughts about this person. [04′17″]

There is another scenario: when taking the same question to ask different people, will you get the same answer? You will receive all sorts of different answers, right? By adopting this approach, you will not be trapped in your view of perceiving matters with limited choices; instead, you would learn from many different thought processes. When you analyze these matters from a deeper, broader perspective, and through debating, again and again, the issue will also be profoundly etched on your mind. Remember, the imprint is profound rather than superficial. Why is it so? If you have discussed the question with the first person, then the second person, and the third person, then how many times have you thought over the questions? It is three times. Besides, after the discussion, won't you further ruminate on the issue? “Well, how come he has such a view?” And the next day, you may take the same topic to ask other people; thus, you may have explored the question three times, probably six times, or even more than that. Hence, regarding our thought process… For example, “Well, how do you put forth the premise that the past and future lives do exist?” If you ask a few more people about this question, then whenever you ask the question, you reiterate it and discuss it once again; you will not merely think about or hear the question only once. Over here, a way to study Buddha Dharma is emphasized; not only for the practitioners who study intensively day and night. This is one type of practitioners who study hard. There is also another kind of practitioners who are rather lukewarm about the study; Master said, “Not enthusiastic in discussing with others.” Even for those who study studiously by themselves, they still need to discuss with others to learn more different perspectives. [05′31″]

Now, we also hold class-debating competitions in our monastery. Both classes have to send two or more delegates; both parties have to carefully prepare their debating topics. If the delegate is defeated in the debate, then it means the entire class is defeated. Since the collective honor is very important, everyone would put in all their might in preparing the debating topic. On one hand, one thus can’t slack off on the study; on the other hand, this is the time for the monastics to get together; since they have to debate in front of the entire Sangha community, the blessings the debaters receive from the monastics are incredibly great! [06′06″]

While the debaters are being challenged in the assembly, they would suddenly come up with very brilliant reasoning, which had never dawn on them. The reasoning is like a bright ray of inspiration suddenly flashing across one’s mind; they would debate eloquently, hearing the profound and sharp reasoning flowing out of their voices; sometimes one will come up with very clever reasoning. All of these are the blessings from the guru, the Buddha, the Bodhisattvas as well as the Sangha. As mentioned in Lamrim [v.1 p.116], “success is more difficult for those who contemplate on their own than for those who transform their minds in a classroom,” which means by studying, discussing and debating together as a group, one will receive powerful blessings. Hence, Master introduced this learning method to us thirty years ago, and we have thus studied accordingly. [06′59″]

There are several reasons why debating helps one delve deeper into the study; one of them is that both parties need to uphold proper attitude. The purpose of debate is not for the sake of arguing who is right or wrong. Although there is still truth or fallacy in one’s reasoning, the key point is not for the sake of competition; instead, by means of debate, we hope to avoid being “unable to use reason to discriminate the meaning of the scriptures”. We would explore the intended meanings of Buddha, Bodhisattvas and great masters of the past. Thus, this type of debate would not become a competition for the sake of winning over “I am right and you are wrong”; instead, the debate allows us to delve into truth. While exploring a debating topic, you would find that everyone is contributing their effort to helping all participants understand the content of it, and such an atmosphere of studying is very pleasant and joyful. Of course, one will encounter hardship while exploring the subject. However, if we have so many people get together to discuss the same topic, sometimes we will be so overwhelmed by such a powerful momentum! It is truly beautiful! [07′51″] 

So, Master looked forward to us studying in this way thirty years ago. Now we have already begun to learn in this way; are you happy about it? Even some lay practitioners have begun to study it as well. Although our senior monastic class has already completed one round of studying the debating system, as for the debate, we have just started; everyone should make an effort for it! Let’s strive for it! Don’t let Master down; he was so pleased about such a way of studying many years ago. You all can hear how happy he was in his commentary of the Nan-shan Preparation Precepts For Householders! Here we are very pleased as well. Now, our study of the debate will please our teacher, so all of us should earnestly work hard at it!  [08′37″]


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0136】

讲次 0136

科判 道前基础

章節 善巧辯論,趣入教典廣大海

標題 真理越辯越明

音档 3A 06:57 ~ 09:46

日期 2019/07/18 ~ 07/21

广论段落 P1-LL1 今勤瑜伽多寡闻……复乏理辩教义力

手抄页/行 第1册 P70-L1 ~ P71-L2 ( 2016 南普陀版:第1册 P70-L1 ~ P71-L1 )

手抄段落 不单是自己的......离开了智者欢喜的道路。

讲一个最简单的,比如为什么要用辩论的方式来学习呢?师父在这里边提出了一个,说:[越冲越起劲,越抬越起劲,这劲就提起来了。]这个[劲]到底是什么劲呢?就是你投入到你所学的东西的那种心力,对不对?而现在所有教育最头大的问题就是喜不喜欢学习?我们喜不喜欢获取知识,或者说我们喜不喜欢用这样的方式去获取知识?一旦很多人对学习失去了兴趣、提不起劲来之后,那么这件事是很麻烦的,真的是教育界的一大难题! [00′45″]

那么学习佛法也是一样的,如果我们对学习经典提不起劲来也是一样的,是面临很大的困境。如果用这种讨论的方式,两个人开始辩的时候,很显然你不可能散乱,散乱你听不到对方的问题,或者对方问问题你一定要回答;你也不可能昏沉,因为那个声音太大了,又跺脚、又拍手,你面对一个对手,根本没法昏沉!所以这两点是可以去掉。另外你也不可能不专注,你不专注的话,一个问题都答不出来。所以你必须全力以赴投入对方丢给你的问题,或者你问难对方的问题。大家都会在那一刻,把所有生命的力量都用到跟对方讨论的那件事上。 [01′31″]

像我们僧团的法师们在辩论之前,他一定要认真地准备辩论的内容。比如说准备一道题要去问难别人,怎么准备呢?一定要先看相关的经论,他肯定不是只看一本书,很多经典上的观点他都要看,一定要熟悉经论上的说法;然后再加上深入探讨的理路,自己想好了之后,到辩论场上去跟其他人辩论。这道题出现——跟别人讨论这个主题的出现,不是随意抓的,他是经过很认真准备的,有很多教理的依据去问难别人的。那么被问的那个人,他准不准备呀?最好是准备,不准备上去被问就什么都答不上啊!通常问别人,有的时候他自己有答案,也许他没有答案。如果对方的回答,答出了一个超出这么用心准备的答案,超出了他自己的想像,是非常好的一个答案,而且解开了他自己的疑惑——在问难的时候,如果对方的理路远远地比你透澈、比你高超、比你绚丽——那一定是留下很深的印象,甚至终生难忘,因为那印象太深刻了!那个问题可不是信手拈来的,像在水里捞月亮一样,不是这样抓一下、抓一下,他是经过深刻的闻思准备,而且可能很多天的冥思苦想,这样想出来的。 [03′04″]

另一种情况,就是被对手问难到答不出来,哑口无言,但是你会觉得实在是太好了!为什么? [怎么会有人用这么漂亮的理路,把我问得完全答不出来!就输得痛快!]那个时候会有难堪的感觉吗?可能突然在你面前出一道彩虹的时候,不会觉得自己有多狼狈,因为你看到彩虹。所以会在内心中发出对辩论对方理路的一个礼赞,然后这个理路在我们的内心中同样地留下了非常深刻的印象。对辩论的对手,也会生出了一个深刻的敬意、由心髓深处产生的一个恭敬心。因为你发现:[哇!这理路太过璀璨,我平常完全都不知道!]以后再在僧团里看到他的时候,你会觉得:[哇!他有深刻的、不知道什么时候会出现的一个绚烂的理路。]所以你也不敢心里对他有什么非理作意。 [04′17″]

还有第二种,拿同一道题去问不同的人,请问会得到同样的答案吗?会有不同的答案!对不对?这样的话就不会总是陷在自己的观点里想事情,就是那一条路,你会得到好多条路。能够从更深刻、更宽广的角度去看待这些问题的时候,经过反覆地辩论,对这个问题也会留下深刻的印象。记住!深刻,不是肤浅的。为什么?因为你跟他讨论一次、跟他讨论一次、又跟他讨论一次,想了几遍了?就三遍了。你跟他讨论完了,你回来不想吗? [欸,他的观点为什么是这样的?]然后你第二天拿这又去问别人,有可能是三遍,有可能是六遍,有可能是乘更多遍。比如说:[欸,你是如何成立前后世的?]这个问题你多问几个人,问一遍你就串习一遍、就讨论一遍,所以它不是只想一次、只听一次而已。这里边是强调了一个不只是自己日思夜想地用功的方式。这是用功的。还有一个不用功的,师父说:[提不起劲来跟别人讨论。]自己用功的,他也需要跟不同的人讨论,因为他会听到更多观点。 [05′31″]

还有一种状况,就是我们现在僧团也有班级对抗。两个班都要派出代表,派出两个人或者更多人,双方都要精心准备辩论题目。那时候一个人败了就是他们班败了,集体荣誉还是挺重要的。所以这个时候大家都会卯足了全力,要冲击那个辩论题。一个是心力上不会偷懒;再一个,这个时候是僧众集会呀,在全寺的僧众面前辩论,在僧众面前可以得到不可思议的加持力。 [06′06″]

在被问的时候,可能平常没有想过的理路,大众集会的时候突然想到了非常精彩的思路,可能是从前没有想过的。好像一亮,那个理路就在自己的心上出现,或者非常流畅地在自己的辩论的声音里边流淌着非常深刻的、犀利的理路;或者一个非常善巧的理路。这个绝对会有上师、佛菩萨的加持,还有僧伽大众的加持。所以说:[法会中所变心力,暗中独思难得生起。]这也是说大家在一起学习、互相讨论、在一起辩论,会得到很大的加持力。所以师父给我们介绍的这种学习方法,三十年前就让我们这样学习。 [06′59″]

辩论之所以能够深入有几个原因,有一个就是双方都要怀着正确的动机,不是为了争个是非、对错。虽然还是有是非、对错,但它主要目的不是为了竞争,而是希望透过辩论,不要[复乏理辩教义力],要深入探讨佛菩萨、祖师的意趣。这种辩论到最后才不会变成是只争胜负、人我是非,它变成了大家一起探讨真理。探讨这一段,你会发现所有的人都在对这一段的理解献出他的心力,那时候的学习氛围是非常非常愉快的。当然也有探索的艰辛,但是如果有这么多人一起在讨论这个题目的话,那个感觉有的时候是气势如虹啊!真的是很美的喔! [07′51″]

所以师父在三十年前就期待我们能够这样学习,我们现在已经开始这样学习了,会不会觉得很高兴啊?居士也开始学了。虽然高班的同学已经学完一轮了,但是我们的辩论还是刚刚起步,所以大家要加油啊!要加油!不要辜负师父的期待,他在那么多年前就对这样的学习方式表现出那样的一个欢喜心。大家在《备览》里可以听到那么欢喜!在这边也是很高兴的。现在我们学习辩论能够作师所喜,所以大家真的要好好地加油! [08′37″]