BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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Lecture No. 0155



Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0155

Tape: 3A 24:47 ~ 26:17

Date: 2019-09-23 ~ 2019-09-25

Topic: Learn Modestly, Praise and Mutual Respect One Another 

English Lamrim Volume 1, page 34

Vol. 1 of Master’s discourse handbook P77L5 ~ P77LL2 (2016 NanPuTuo Version Vol 1 P77L6 ~ P77LL1)

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Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0155

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[3A 24:47 ~ 26:17]            

From another aspect, suppose there is someone around us – whether he is promulgating his tenet teaching or practicing Zen meditation, once we have the proper understanding of the teaching, I believe we will think this way: “Indeed, it was really not easy for Buddha’s teaching to come to our world! It took Buddha immeasurable eons, sacrificing his physical forms to accumulate these all-encompassing teachings and to spread them around the world. As Buddhist practitioners, we should strive hard to promulgate, pass down, and uphold the teaching. However, due to my own inadequacies, I can only chant Buddha’s name for now; I feel penitent. Now seeing others promulgating tenet teaching or practicing Zen meditation, I would sincerely rejoice and pay them compliments!” With this mindset, one would think, “Yes, I will promulgate the teaching in the future as well; however, due to my inadequacies, for now, I settle for chanting Buddha’s name. Suppose at present… If everyone only chants Buddha’s name, just like me, is it likely that this will gradually and slowly turn out to be the only remaining practice, while all the other Buddhist approaches disappear? Fortunately, he works very diligently to preserve his practice – the Dharma category; for this, I would truly praise and rejoice his efforts. Because of him, I can continue with my chanting!” The outcome? For one, because of the compliments you pay others, your merits will thus increase; for another, I speak highly of you, and you pay me compliments as well; we show mutual respect and veneration. Buddha’s teaching will thrive because of our mutual respect, and at the same time, we also accumulate our merits. Actually, this way of thinking will not affect my own chanting of Buddha’s name. [01′36″] 

In the previous teaching, Master's explanation was from own perspective, as he put it, “this is one aspect”; then Master continued, from another aspect. So what does “another aspect” refer to? That is, look at other practitioners, some are promulgating tenet teaching, and others are upholding Zen meditation. Once we have this proper understanding...; take notice! I am going to ask you some questions: Master said that once we have proper understanding; what kind of understanding is considered proper? Everyone, please think about it; what are your answers? Pay attention! It means that after we have this proper understanding, our mind is transformed; what has our mind transformed into? Master’s immediate response was, “Indeed!” What does this “Indeed” mean? “It was really not easy for Buddha’s teaching to come to our world!” Why is it not easy for Buddha Dharma to come to our world? The origin of the teaching – Buddha had been sacrificing his physical forms to accumulate these all-encompassing teachings through immeasurable eons; what Buddha had accumulated at his time is surprisingly still circulating nowadays. Isn’t it rare to come by? Shouldn't we cherish it? [02′48″]

Then, as Buddhist practitioners, we have our share of responsibility as well. What is our responsibility? We should strive hard to promulgate, uphold, and pass down the teaching, which Buddha had spent immeasurable eons, sacrificing his physical forms to accumulate! This is Master’s great aspiration! It is a mission, an obligation! Master wanted to pass on such responsibility to us, and he is passing it to us now [via his recorded commentary]. Despite shouldering such responsibility, we should highly rejoice other practitioners for their efforts in promulgating tenet teaching or promoting Zen meditation. Why? Because Buddha obtained the teaching through inconceivable challenges, enduring countless hardships and sacrifices. Thanks to the promulgating efforts of others, Buddha Dharma is still circulating in this world. I can still learn such wonderful teaching and see the teaching thriving; for this, shouldn’t I shed tears of gratitude? Shedding tears of gratitude!  Master continued, “Yes! I will promulgate the teaching in the future as well.” In noticing others’ merits, seeing how others did things right, then it’s time to make a sublime aspiration, “I also want to do that as well!” [03′56″]

Hence, with this thought in mind, on one hand, speaking highly of others will thereby increase our merits. When we praise others in this way, Master’s expectation is, “for another, I speak highly of you, and you pay me compliments as well.” Pay close attention to the following sentence; “we show mutual respect and veneration. Buddha’s teaching will thrive because of our mutual respect, and at the same time, we also accumulate our merits. Actually, this way of thinking will not affect my own chanting of Buddha’s name.” What do these sentences mean?  Master had expectation from us, his disciples; and that is: I praise and respect you, and you show respect and compliment me; Buddhists respect and support each other reciprocally. In this way, Buddhism will thrive, and at the same time, each Buddhist can also increase their merits individually. [04′53″]

Can we achieve that? Let’s take a simple example: we are studying Lamrim now; are we able to sincerely praise the Dharma Works of other monasteries and Buddhist communities? We ask ourselves honestly: can we praise others sincerely? Others have achieved what we haven’t been able to, can we praise them genuinely? Why is that we can’t praise them from the bottom of our hearts?  As disciples studying the pure and encompassing lineage teaching, we should respect all Buddha’s teachings and venerate all virtuous teachers who are promulgating Buddha Dharma. We should especially venerate those great masters who worked assiduously to salvage and educate all sentient beings before Buddhism became widely spread, and those virtuous teachers who had contributed to the current state of Buddhism. We have little understanding of their tremendous efforts; if so, how can we disrespect others simply because we have studied Lamrim? How can we contempt the practices that other virtuous teachers or other Buddhist groups are upholding? Such an attitude definitely needs immediate rectifying! [06′12″] 

We should modestly learn from all virtuous teachers, great Dharma Masters, and even lay practitioners. Just because we have studied this pure and encompassing teaching, we realize how much effort every monastery, every Buddhist community, and every virtuous teacher have put into promulgating Buddhism and educating sentient beings; every step they have taken is definitely not easy. Never shall we unmindfully and heedlessly claim that others are not doing a good job; as if no one is superb except us. If you hold such a view, people would immediately know that you haven’t studied well, nor have you truly understood what Master had taught. [06′50″]

So we must try all possible means to bear in mind Master’s instructions. That is, mutual respect and support among the Buddhist communities.  We definitely have to show our veneration for other virtuous teachers’ significant contribution to promulgating Buddha Dharma. They must have gone through all the unimaginable hardships, which is definitely something I am short on; thus I must venerate what other virtuous teachers have achieved, and I aspire to learn from them, and be able to achieve the same in the future! [07′24″]

We should see the Dharma Works that other monasteries and Buddhist communities have contributed, and would sincerely and genuinely rejoice them. With so many great practitioners, so many virtuous teachers, as well as so many Dharma masters and lay practitioners exerting their efforts, then Buddhism has a very, very promising future! Such a promising bright future of Buddhism indicates a bright future for all sentient beings; how wonderful it is! Thus, we must rely on the teaching and practice accordingly; we should praise and venerate others. At the same time, aspire to study extensively from all virtuous teachers, Dharma masters, even from those great lay practitioners who devote themselves and their efforts in propagating Buddhism. We really should sincerely learn from them! [08′12″]


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0155】

讲次 0155

标题 虚心学习,互相赞叹

音档 3A 24:47 ~ 26:17

日期 2019-09-23 ~ 2019-09-25

广论段落 P2-L1 故离智者欢喜道……故我心意遍勇喜

手抄页/行 第1册 P77L5 ~ P77LL2 ( 2016 南普陀版:第1册 P77L6 ~ P77LL1)

手抄段落 另外一方面呢......不影响你的念佛。


另外一方面呢,旁边的人哪如果在那地方,他弘他的教也好、他学他的禅也好,如果你有了这个正确的认识以后,我想我们就会这样想:[对啊!这个佛法在世间真不容易啊!佛陀经过无量阿僧祇劫舍头目脑髓,积累的这个圆满的教法,流传在世间。我们作为修学佛法的佛弟子,应该努力去把它弘扬、传持。而我现在力量不够,只能念佛,已经感到惭愧,现在看见他却是能够弘扬教、他能够弘扬禅,我赞叹欢喜得不得了!]在这种状态当中必然结果,说:[是的!将来我也要弘,可是眼前力量不够,所以我现在念佛。那么,我眼前单单......如果是每个人像我念佛,那个佛法不是慢慢地、慢慢地只有这个了,别的没有了吗?幸好他在这样努力啊,我就非常赞叹、非常欢喜。我可念我自己的佛!]结果呢,一方面你赞叹别人,增长自己的功德;一方面哪我也赞叹你、你也赞叹我,佛教彼此互相赞叹,于是这个教法也旺,我们也增长功德,不影响你的念佛。 [01:36]

上一段师父是说对自己的这一方面,然后接着是另一方面。另一方面是哪一方面呢?就是可以看看,弘扬教的、学禅的呀,当我们有了这个正确的认识之后,注意!我要提问题了:说我们有了正确的认识之后,请问是何种正确的认识呢?大家想一想,你们有什么答案?注意!是产生了这个正确的认识之后,心念转了,转成什么了呢?师父第一句话就说:[对啊!]什么是对的? [佛法在世间真不容易呀!]为什么说佛法不容易呢?来源——佛陀经过无量阿僧祇劫舍头目脑髓积累的这个圆满的教法,佛陀那时候积累的,现在居然在流传,稀有吧?珍惜吧? [02:48]


所以这样想了之后,一方面赞叹别人、增长自己的功德,当我这样去赞叹别人的时候,师父期待:[一方面哪我也赞叹你、你也赞叹我],注意下面那句话:[佛教彼此互相赞叹,于是这个教法也旺,我们也增长功德,不影响你的念佛。]这几句话是什么意思呢?师父对我们这些弟子们提出了他的期待,就是:我赞叹你、你赞叹我,佛教彼此互相赞叹。如果这样赞叹了就教法兴旺,个人也会增长功德。 [04:53]

做得到吗?举个简单的例子,我们现在在学《广论》,我们能够真心地赞美其他的寺院、其他的山头所做的佛教事业吗?扪心自问,能够真心地赞美吗?别人做到我们做不到的地方,我们能够发自内心地赞美吗?为什么不能发自内心地赞美呢?学习清净圆满传承教法的弟子们,对于佛陀所说所有的法要一并地恭敬,对弘扬佛陀所说的所有法门的善知识们也要一并地顶礼、顶戴。尤其是在佛法还没有广泛弘扬的时候,最初花费了千辛万苦去化度有情的那些大善知识 ,现在令佛教呈现出这样一个局面那些善知识,他们所做的努力很多很多我们是不了解的,怎么可能因为自己学了《广论》之后反而轻视他人呢?反而轻视其他善知识的修学,甚至其他佛教团体的修学呢?这个是极度要对治的! [06:12]

所以我们应该虚心地向一切大善知识、大德法师们,乃至居士们学习。正因为学到了这样清净圆满的教法,我们才知道每一个寺院、每一个山头、每一位善知识,都是辛辛苦苦地在推展佛教、在教化有情,每一步走起来都是非常非常不容易的。不要轻易地就说别人哪里哪里做得不好,好像只有自己是超胜的。只要这样地一开口,就知道你没有好好学习,没有听懂师父所教的。 [06:50]

所以一定要设法让自己的心铭记师父的教诲,就是佛教要彼此相互地赞叹,一定、一定要恭敬其他的善知识在推展佛法方面所做的这些艰辛的、难以想像的努力。这是我做不到的,所以我要好好地顶礼其他的善知识能做到的部分,并且我也发愿:我要向他们学习,我将来也能够做到! [07:24]

要看到其他的寺院、其他的山头在推展佛教,能从内心深处真正、真正地发出欢喜和赞叹。觉得有这么多大德、有这么多大善知识,甚至有这么多法师还有居士们在努力,佛教是非常非常有希望的!佛教非常非常有希望,众生就很有希望,这是一件多么美的事情!所以一定要依教奉行,要赞叹、要恭敬、要发愿广学,向一切善知识、法师,甚至那些为了佛教的弘扬付出了非常多努力的居士大德们,真的要好好地学习! [08:12]