BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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Lecture No. 0088



Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0088

Tape no. -

Date: 2019/01/31 ~ 02/03

Outline: Foundation

Topic: Veneration at the beginning of the commentary

English Lamrim Vol 1, Page 33

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Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0088

Upon landing on the Sumatra shore, Master Atisha saw some practitioners meditating by the shore. After some inquiry, he was told that they happened to be the disciples of Master Ser-ling-ba. Thus Master Atisha stayed with them for more than ten days. Take note here! Was this short stay of ten days counted as taking a rest after sailing for more than a year? Nevertheless, they barely rested, they continued inquiring these meditators, “Where does Master Ser-ling-ba reside? What kind of teaching does Master Ser-ling-ba give? What kind of Dharma works, personality and demeanour does Master Ser-ling-ba have?” Master Atisha looked forward to meeting Master Ser-ling-ba yearningly, aspired to study Dharma closely by Master Ser-ling-ba’s side! [01′01″]

During those ten days, Master Ser-ling-ba’s disciples also learned from Master Atisha’s disciples about the good qualities of Master Atisha’s body, speech, and mind as well as his various accomplished Dharma works. Gradually, they had great faith and confidence in Master Atisha. Hence, they quickly reported to Master Ser-ling-ba, “Wow! The great India pandit Dipamkarasrijnana [Lamrim v.1 p.36] has come to the island! Together with him are his 125 disciples. They traveled for 13 months on the sea. Though the demon and the divine creator [v.3 p.177] tried to thwart them, they were subdued by the great compassion of this master. Their three karmic doors [body, speech, and mind] remain totally intact. Now they have arrived and stayed with us by the shore for over ten days. During this time, we were discussing Buddha Dharma and your teachings. All of us are very pleased and fully convinced! The purpose of their trip is for this great pandit to be able to receive your personal teaching with great respect.” Master Ser-ling-ba’s disciples were imploring their teacher. The great pandit mentioned here was Master Atisha. The disciples continued, “The primary reason that the pandit came forth is for the teaching of the Mother of the Conquerors of the three times [past, present, and future,] namely, the teaching of the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra, to cultivate the aspirational spirit of enlightenment and engage in actual deeds, practicing to be a Mahayana practitioner.” They also expressed, ”[Master Atisha and his delegation] would like to uphold Master’s teachings, which is as vast and profound as the ocean, so may a meeting be compassionately arranged.” Take heed! The disciples of Master Ser-ling-ba were supplicating their master on behalf of Master Atisha. [02′45″]

Everything went on smoothly since then. When Master Atisha and his disciples were approaching the palace where Master Ser-ling-ba resided, Master Ser-ling-ba solemnly led his monks to welcome Master Atisha. In the biography, there was a descriptive illustration of this meeting. The monks, in unified color robes, followed Master Ser-ling-ba. Each of them upheld a water container and a sublime monastic staff. Such a scene could inspire pure faith among the beholders. The 535 monks looked as gracious as arhats, followed by 62 novice monks. At first glance, it was like in those days when Buddha was surrounded by arhats, so dignified and sacred. And such a scene would inspire people to have tremendous pure faith as well as inconceivable joyfulness. This was the procession led by Master Ser-ling-ba. [03′51″]

Next on the other side was the delegation led by Master Atisha. He was right in front. Behind him, there was the notable Pandita Earth-treasury, the Panditas who were erudite in the five topics of knowledge [v.1 p.380 #43], as well as the monastics who were proficient in the three precious scriptural collections [v.1 p.38]; every one of them was very knowledgeable and accomplished. There were a total of 125 of them. Wearing no shoes, they walked barefooted, and the robes they wore were dyed with Kashmiri saffron; these three robes were highly praised by the Mahasamghika [Sanskrit name for the Great Sangha order of Buddhism school]. Due to the arising condition of such a grand occasion, all the monks were holding iron alms bowls, which were in good condition; no leaking at the bottom. Everyone also brought a red copper water container, which could be filled up as much as one Magadha. “Magadha” is a measuring unit for water. Think about it! They held the bowl, the water container, and the monk’s staff that was highly praised at Buddha's time. They manifested the perfect monastic image. Besides, all of them put on the humble Pandita cap, holding white horsetail whisks in hand. Please visualize this: 125 disciples followed Master Atisha and they all kept equidistance between one another, neither too far nor too near apart. They proceeded continuously like the colorful rainbow, moving toward the residence of Master Ser-ling-ba. [05′39″]

When the two processions approached each other, just imagine if such a scene were to take place on the street, then we would all hurry up to check it out! All the residents near where Master Ser-ling-ba resided, and also the virtuous deities, as mentioned in the biography, everyone was witnessing this grand occasion. Upon seeing this scene unfolding in front of them, strong faith and joy rose within them, for the Dharma works and all the good deeds both great practitioners had engaged in. When both masters met, due to their karmic relationship in the past lives - as many teachers and disciples do have a karmic relationship for many eons - they seemed to have met each other before, and have known each other for a long time. In the biography, this scene was described as Master Atisha made a full prostration to Master Ser-ling-ba, in a manner that was as if he was a giant tree uprooted from the ground. That reflected his prostration was with utmost sincerity. Then, Master Ser-ling-ba put his hand on Master Atisha’s head and chanted many auspicious praises. This is the blessing of the teacher to the disciple. [06′46″]

In the biography, there was a vivid description of the precious vase offered by Master Atisha to Master Ser-ling-ba. The body of the vase was big and round with a sturdy base and a very slender neck. The most striking feature was that it was transparent, a see-through vase. Master Atisha filled the vase with gold, silver, pearl, coral, lapis lazuli and many other precious jewels. He held the vase with open palms and offered it to Master Ser-ling-ba with veneration. Pandita Earth-treasury, as well as all other disciples with Master Atisha, made offerings to Master Ser-ling-ba too. [07′25″]

Then, Master Atisha along with his disciples entered the residence of Master Ser-ling-ba. After mandala offering, they respectfully requested Master Ser-ling-ba to teach them the intended meaning and the essence of the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra, which is the precious Bodhichitta. This is the encompassing embodiment of the Mahayana teaching that will make those who have not been inspired to be inspired, and those who have already been inspired, their Bodhichitta skilfully enhanced further. This teaching was passed down from Honorable Maitreya to the sage brothers - Asanga Bodhisattva and Vasubandhu Bodhisattva, as well as from the Honorable Manjusri to Santideva Bodhisattva, such an encompassing succession of perfected teachings. Master Atisha thus supplicated Master Ser-ling-ba for the teaching of Bodhichitta. Master Ser-ling-ba said, “It may take many years to confer the entire teaching. If you can stay here for a longer duration, I will transmit the teaching to you on no account.” Upon hearing this, Master Atisha responded, “As long as it may take, I will listen to the entirety of the teaching!” Take a look at how much the teacher and the disciple were in line with each other here! From then onwards for 12 years, based on the biography, Master Ser-ling-ba imparted the essence of the Mahayana path, especially the precious practice of Bodhichitta teachings to Master Atisha in a way that was like direct filling from one vase to another. They were together throughout the 12 years. [08′48″]

After spending 12 years [in Sumatra,] Master Atisha was about to return to India. The feeling was like a merchant seeking treasure in the ocean, finally possessed his most craved jewelry and was ready homeward-bound. However, I think Master Atisha would be very sad when it was time for him to go back; he should be very reluctant to part from Master Ser-ling-ba! Master Ser-ling-ba bestowed Master Atisha a gold statue of Sakyamuni Buddha that he obtained when he was young. He gave his blessing to Master Atisha, wishing him to become the principal master in Buddhism. Master Atisha and his disciples finally embarked on the journey home by sea again after twelve years. [09′30″] In the biography, there is a very touching section, Master Atisha must had missed Master Ser-ling-ba so much, and deeply grateful to his teacher that he was unable to address Master Ser-ling-ba by name directly. Whenever he heard people mentioning the name of Master Ser-ling-ba, he would immediately stop them, then stood up right away and prostrated, saying, “No one has such compassion as my Master!” And then, he shed tears right there and cried for quite a while. Some would ask Master, “Among so many teachers of yours, why is that you hold Master Ser-ling-ba in such high esteem like no others?” Master replied, “I don’t possess any good qualities. If by chance I have some speck of virtuous attitude, it is all due to the kindness of this teacher of mine!” What Master Atisha had demonstrated is worth our emulation! [10′31″]

Master Atisha had devoted his entire life to the sacred teachings and all living beings; he upheld the precious treasure of the sacred teachings in his mind stream. This precious teaching encompassed the complete, flawless gist instructions of the Profound View and the Extensive Deeds. The gist is the very ambrosia of the Dharma treasury of no more rebirths, which is what we need the most and what we would yearn for the most! He devoted his entire life to uphold and promulgate these lineages so that we, the later generations, are able to hear and learn such sublime teachings. Hence, we should sincerely cherish everything available to us and exert our utmost effort to learn and practise now! So the word “bow” in the “I bow to Dipamakara” should be interpreted as the most sincere veneration exuding from the bottom of our hearts! [11′29″]


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0088】

讲次 0088

科判 道前基础

主题 〈皈敬颂〉论前皈敬

音档 -

日期 2019/01/31 ~ 02/03

广论段落 P1-L7 摄二大车善传流……敬礼持彼燃灯智

到达了金洲沿岸的时候,阿底峡尊者见到了一些修行人在岸边修习禅定。一问之下,居然是金洲大师的弟子们,所以阿底峡尊者就在那里小住了十天。看一下喔!航行了一年多之后,小住了十天,算是休息吗?可是也没有休息,因为他们还继续地向这几位修定者去问:[金洲大师住在什么地方呀?金洲大师有什么教授啊?大师有怎样的事业和行谊啊?]阿底峡尊者心心念念向往着金洲大师,想要到他身边去求法呀! [01′01″]

而金洲大师的弟子们,也是经过了这十天,听了阿底峡尊者的弟子讲了阿底峡尊者身语意的功德,还有很多事业的这些状况之后,对尊者生起了很大的信心。然后就很快地回去跟金洲大师启白了,说:[哎呀,印度的大智者具德燃灯智来到这个岛上了!还带了一百二十五位弟子,他们在海上航行了十三个月,天魔、大自在天作障碍,都被这位尊者怀着慈悲心降伏了,身语意都安然无恙,现在抵达我们这儿了。而且在岸边还跟我们十多天在一起,我们都在谈论著正法、谈论著您的言教,令我们十分地满意、心悦诚服!现在他们来到这里的目的,就是想要那位大智者能来到您的座前。]金洲大师的弟子就在跟金洲大师启白。大智者就是指阿底峡尊者。他们说:[那位大智者能来到您的座前,主要是渴求听闻三世佛母《大般若经》的教授,生起愿行菩提心、修习大乘修心。]还表达说:[希望日夜行持上师您如大海般的教理,祈请能够慈悲地安排见面。]看一看!金洲大师的弟子们在为阿底峡尊者祈请。 [02′45″]

这之后一切都很顺利。当阿底峡尊者师徒来到了金洲大师的宫殿附近的时候,金洲大师也是非常隆重,他带领了很多比丘前来迎接阿底峡尊者。当时传记上有一段非常非常精彩的描写,说金洲大师带领着披着同样颜色比丘三衣、持着蓄水瓶还有庄严的锡杖、人看了能够极大地引生净信心、每个都像阿罗汉一样的五百三十五位比丘,还有六十二位沙弥跟随。乍看之下,就好像佛陀世尊在世时为阿罗汉所围绕那么庄严、那么神圣,能让人引生极大的净信心还有不可思议的欢喜心。这是金洲大师那一面的队伍。 [03′51″]

接着这一面是阿底峡尊者的队伍。阿底峡尊者为首,然后是常常出现的班智达地藏,还有精通五明的班智达、善巧三藏的这些比丘,个个都是博学多闻,一共是一百二十五位。他们都没有穿鞋,赤脚而行,而且他们身上穿着袈裟的颜色是喀什米尔红花所染色的,它是为大众部所极其赞美的三法衣。因为有一个盛大缘起的缘故,所以阿底峡尊者身边的比丘们都捧着合量的这种铁钵,都有持钵,钵底都是非常完好、不能有漏的,大家还携带着能盛满摩羯陀升量的红铜蓄水瓶。 [摩羯陀升量]就是描写能够装多少水的一个量,是个数量词吧,就是能装那么多水的蓄水瓶。想想喔!他们捧着钵、携带着蓄水瓶,还持有着佛世尊所赞美的锡杖,完具了一切僧人的形象。而且所有的人还戴着没有骄慢的班智达帽,手持着白色的拂尘。大家可以想像一下:一百二十五位随行在阿底峡尊者的后方,每个人的间距都非常地匀称,不远也不近,连贯不断地就像五色的彩虹那样,向着金洲大师的住处在移动。 [05′39″]

当时两边的队伍在向对方走近的时候,大家可以想像,如果在街上出现了这样的场面,那我们一定就赶快去看了!所有居住在金洲那个地方的这些人士,在传记上写,还有善神,很多人在看。看到这一幕,对两位大德的事业还有所有的一切,都生起了很强的信心和欢喜心。两位大师相见的时候,由于他们宿世就有业缘——师生有的是多生多劫的缘分呀——所以好像本来就认识一样,已经认识很久了。这里面有个描写,就像大树连根拔起一样,阿底峡尊者对金洲大师进行了大礼拜,那可能是用尽所有虔诚的礼拜。之后金洲大师就把他的手放在阿底峡尊者的头上,念诵了很多吉祥颂。这是上师对弟子的一个加持。 [06′46″]

其实在传记里还有特别描写阿底峡尊者供养金洲大师的一个大宝瓶,说那个瓶子的特色就是腹部大而饱满,瓶底也是很坚固的,但是瓶子的颈部非常地修长,而且最重要的是它是透明的,能从外面透视到内部。阿底峡尊者在这个瓶子里装了金、银、珍珠、珊瑚,还有吠琉璃等这些宝物,他就是托着这样的瓶子供奉到金洲大师的手上。班智达地藏还有尊者的这一切弟子众,也对金洲大师做了供养。 [07′25″]

然后阿底峡尊者他们就进入了金洲大师的寝宫,供养曼达之后,就请求传授《大般若经》的内义和心要,就是大宝菩提心。这个菩提心未生者令生、已生者增长的方便,就是大乘道次第圆满的道体。它是由怙主弥勒传给圣无着兄弟、由至尊文殊传寂天菩萨,次第而来的这个圆满的教授。阿底峡尊者就跟金洲大师做了这样的祈求,祈请要得到菩提心的教授。金洲大师说:[传授这个教授需要经历很多年,你如果能在这个地方久住的话,无论如何我都会传授。]阿底峡尊者听了就启白说:[不论需要多长时间,都要圆满地听受!]看一看这个师生的相应度!从那个时候开始,十二年期间,在传记上写着金洲大师将总的大乘道体,尤其是大宝菩提心的修心教授,如瓶注瓶地传授给了阿底峡尊者。他们在十二年间都在一起。 [08′48″]

经过了十二年之后,阿底峡尊者就要返回印度。说那种感觉就像一个入海求宝的商主,他终于拿到了如意宝珠,可以还归故里了。但是我在想阿底峡尊者要回去应该会很难过吧,舍不得金洲大师吧!金洲大师还把他小的时候获得的一尊释迦佛的金像赐给了尊者,加持阿底峡尊者成为佛教之主。那个时候,阿底峡尊者师徒经过了十二年之后,才又乘船从海上回到了印度。 [09′30″]

在传记上有写一段满感人的。阿底峡尊者应该是很思念金洲大师、很感恩吧,所以阿底峡尊者没办法直接称呼上师金洲大师的名讳。听到有人谈到金洲大师的名讳,他会马上阻止,而且立刻站起来磕头,说:[像我的上师那样的悲心,别人是没有的!]然后就会在那里流泪、哭很久。有人问尊者:[在您众多殊胜的上师当中,为什么您对金洲大师这么感念啊?]尊者回答说:[我什么功德也没有,能有一点点贤善之心,全都是因为我这位上师的恩德呀!]阿底峡尊者的行谊,值得我们学习呀! [10′31″]

阿底峡尊者把他所有的生命都奉献给了圣教和有情,在他的心续中执持着圣教的大宝库藏。这个库藏里总摄了深见广行道完整无误的教授扼要,这些扼要正是我们无死的甘露法藏,我们最需要的、我们最渴望的!他用他全部的生命在传持着这些传承,才使得现在的我们能够听到这个传承、能够学到这个传承,所以我们真的应该好好地珍惜这一切,应该尽我们一切的努力来学修啊!所以[敬礼持彼燃灯智]的敬礼,是发自内心深处最虔诚的礼敬! [11′29″]