Lecture No. 0082

Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0082

Tape no. -

Date: 2019/01/10 ~ 01/13

Outline: Foundation

Topic: Opening Veneration – Veneration at the beginning of the commentary

Vol. 1 of Four Interwoven Annotations P59-L8 ~ P59-LL6

Has anyone ever thought about this [to fathom Buddha’s teaching] is a very difficult issue? Buddha, a thoroughly enlightened being, attained enlightenment while looking at the stars under the Bodhi tree. Some asked, “What did Buddha realize while looking at the stars?” There were various sayings; some said, “dependent arising and wisdom of emptiness.” Then, what exactly is dependent arising and wisdom of emptiness? Buddha would willingly want to tell us what he had attained. Buddha had gone through three great eons to accumulate merits, he finally attained enlightenment and was ready to impart. However, it was so hard for anyone to fathom [what he had realized.] This is truly a very, very perplexing issue! [00′39″]

“It is difficult for anyone to fathom its meaning” is to demonstrate how difficult it is for us to comprehend the Dharma that Buddha awakened to. Pay attention! What does Dharma here refer to? It primarily refers to the “Mother of Conquerors,” which is the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra. It demonstrates the abstruseness for one to grasp “the utmost essence of Buddha’s teaching.” That is, the entire content of the “Mother of Conquerors” is not only “difficult to fathom its meaning” but it is extremely difficult to do so; “extremely difficult” means it is impenetrable to the greatest possible extent. [01′13″]
The annotation discusses this utmost difficult-to-fathom Mother of Conquerors as follows, “the utmost essence of Buddha’s teachingis able to produce three types of sages and Mother of Conquerors.” Being “able to produce three types of sages and Mother of Conquerors” means that the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra can bring about sravaka sages, pratyekabuddha sages, Bodhisattva sages, and the Conqueror Buddha. This sutra is so important that it is capable of giving rise to sages. Understandably, the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra is like the mother. How impenetrable the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra is, so precious yet very unfathomable; [to comprehend its meaning] remains a very perplexing issue! As for such utmost essence of Buddha’s teaching, who is competent enough to elaborate it? It is known to us that Buddha finally did give the teaching; otherwise, we would not have the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra today, nor would we have as many as eighty-four thousand teachings. It is like Lama Tsong-kha-pa, he started to compose the Great Treatises on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment after much persuasion. As for the later section of Vipassana [wisdom insight], he would not have written it if Manjusri Bodhisattva had not urged him to compose it. Although Manjusri Bodhisattva was aware of the difficulties of composing it, but having it composed would benefit all sentient beings. Thus, we notice that before Buddhas and Bodhisattvas undertook any task, they would observe and determine whether the given task would bring great benefits to all sentient beings. If such task could generate great benefits, then despite all difficulties, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas would overcome the hardship to accomplish it. [02′32″]
Buddha imparted the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra – the very difficult-to-fathom Perfection of Wisdom Sutra. Who could elaborate it for us to understand clearly? Then, if only there was someone who would understand Buddha’s intent completely, and interpret it so everyone could understand, as if they were the born translators in this world to interpret Buddha’s entire philosophical teachings and code of language to everyone! They understood precisely Buddha’s intent and were fully aware of our challenges in comprehending the teaching and also identify our easily biased views. If so, they would bridge the gap in between with completely clear explanation. But they are very hard to find, rare to come by! Hence, to interpret Buddha’s teaching, “each trailblazer composed their commentaries as truthfully as the original intent of Buddha”, they composed commentaries based on the original intent of the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra. Who are they? They are the two trailblazers! Surprisingly enough, in this mundane world, there appeared such precious beings, who were able to discourse the teachings so truthfully as if the teaching were imparted by Buddha himself. They unravelled the esoteric meaning of the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra, and completely explained the hidden meaning of the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra. They definitely can dignify the Jambudvipa continent majestically, and they are also our honorable veneration. [03′55″]

We should feel very glad and rejoice at this juncture! We may wonder, “Wow! What if the two trailblazers did not exist? What should we do then?” Buddha imparted the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra, so now everyone can transcribe the sutra. Transcribing sutra will help us to accumulate a lot of merits, also with printing of the sutra; [We could also] store it respectfully on the bookshelf, circumambulate it, sprinkle flowers around it, offer incenses and even compose songs of praise for it. However, if the intended meaning of the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra were lost from this world, that would be our greatest sorrow! Or, after Buddha imparted, only [some of] the immediate audience understood it, yet those of us, the latecomers, would be totally lost and couldn’t follow. For instance, we have learned that the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra can produce sages of all three vehicles; then which sage of the three vehicles should we aspire to become? Are you aspired to be sravaka, pratyekabuddha, or Bodhisattva? Many of us would claim, “Ah! Of course, I want to have Mahayana aspiration; I wish to become a Bodhisattva and then achieve Buddhahood.” However, without understanding the hidden meaning of the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra, how are we going to become a Bodhisattva sage? Since the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra is the Mother of Conquerors, who gives birth to these three types of sages! Let’s contemplate: if the two trailblazers had not composed the commentaries; how hard and lonely we would be in exploring on the path to enlightenment today. It could be even like climbing up a cliff! [05’17”]

In mountain climbing, if a snow mountain appeared right in front of us, where it snowed a few days ago and melted quickly, then it snowed again, and melted again. The melted snow then froze and became the ice underneath the snow. Then to climb a thousand-year-old icy mountain or even a cliff, what would you plan to do? If there isn’t someone with great deal of experience to guide us the way, probably nobody would dare try to get up there. [05′43″]

Hence, we are indeed extremely fortunate! We have the commentaries from the two trailblazers, explaining to us the esoteric meaning of the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra. I feel that it is not how most fortunate we are [in our three lifetimes]; this is simply our accumulation of great blessings through who-knows-how-many lifetimes! But then, it is not an issue about how enormous the blessing is; it is beyond words to express our deepest gratitude and joy! Therefore, they dignified the Jambudvipa continent, and they are also the honourable, incomparable veneration in you and me, and also in our life. It is because of their capabilities in composing the commentaries! [06′18″]


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0082】

讲次 0082

科判 道前基础

主题 〈皈敬颂〉论前皈敬

日期 2019/01/10 ~ 01/13

广论段落 P1-L6 如极难量胜者教……我礼龙猛无着足

入门段落 第1册 P59-L8 ~ P59-LL6 那么是指什么法呢? ……因而成为赡部洲的庄严。

大家有没有想到这是一个很大的难题?一位证悟者大彻大悟,佛陀在菩提树下夜睹明星,然后开悟。有些人问:[佛陀在夜睹明星的时候悟的是什么?]这里边有很多说法,有的人就说:[缘起性空。]那缘起性空到底是什么?佛陀多么想要把他领悟的东西讲给大家,经历了三大阿僧祇劫累积资粮,终于悟道、可以讲了,但是却任与谁说都很难理解,这是一个非常非常大的难题! [00′39″]

[极难量]就是在说明这一点——佛所领会的法是非常难以理解的。注意!那么是指什么法?主要就是指[胜者母],这个[胜者母]就是《般若经》。由于难以证知[一切至言之主]——胜者母的一切内涵,它不只是[难量]——难以测量,它是[极难量],[极]应该是到达顶端的这样一个难以理解的程度。 [01′13″]
这个极难量的胜者母,接下来这里边说到:[一切至言之主,能生三种圣者及胜者之母]。 [能生三种圣者及胜者之母],是指这个《般若经》能出生声闻圣者、独觉圣者、菩萨圣者、佛陀胜者,所以它是这么重要的、能出生圣者、像母亲一样的《般若经》。甚深难懂的《般若经》,又这么珍贵,可是又难以理解,这是一个非常大的难题!对于这样的至言,谁来解释呢?大家都知道,后来佛陀还是说法了,不然我们今天就不会有《般若经》,不会有这么多的八万四千法蕴。就像宗大师在有人劝请之后写《菩提道次第广论》,后来〈毗钵舍那〉的部分原来是示现没有想要写,后来文殊菩萨劝请他要写,观察到尽管很难,还是会对众生产生利益的。所以我们会发现佛菩萨都是去观察这件事能不能对众生产生极大的利益,然后才去做。万一可以产生极大的利益,可是会非常困难,他们也会突破困难去把这件事完成。 [02′32″]
佛陀讲了《大般若经》——极难量的《大般若经》,到底谁能够再为我们写一个解释让我们清楚呢?这个时候,有人能够完全理解佛陀的心意,把佛陀的话说到大家都能懂,好像是佛陀在人世间一个天生的翻译一样,把佛陀整个思想体系、语言习惯,都翻译给所有的人;确切地了解佛陀的意思,而且确切地了解大家的理解难度和容易产生偏差的地方,在这个中间做一个彻底地弥合、解释清楚,这样的人是很难求啊!难得!对于这样的至言[各别如实造释,皆如胜者自之密意],是说能按照《般若经》来造论解释佛陀的密意。就是谁呀?二大车对吧!居然在这个人世间还出现了这样稀有的人,他们能够如实地写释论,而且就像佛陀讲述的那般,可以显现《般若经》的密意,完全是解释《般若经》的密意。就因此,他们绝对可以成为赡部洲的庄严,也就是我们的庄严! [03′55″]

读到此处的时候,会觉得非常地庆幸!会想:[哇!万一没有二大车,我们可怎么办?]佛陀说了《般若经》,现在大家抄经啊,抄经很有功德;印经,把它奉在经柜里边;然后旋绕、散花、供香,乃至写赞颂去赞美它。但是如果《般若经》的内义在这个世上失传了的话,那该是我们人世间多大的悲哀!或者说佛陀讲了之后,当机的人听懂了,我们后面的人全部不知道在讲什么。比如说我们现在听说了《般若经》可以出生三乘的圣者,我们要发心成为哪一乘的圣者呢?你是想要声闻发心、独觉发心,还是菩萨圣者呢?我们很多人都说:[啊!我当然要大乘发心,我希望能成为一个菩萨,然后成佛。]可是如果不了解《般若经》的密意,我们如何能够成为一个菩萨圣者呢?因为《般若经》就是出生这三种圣者之母呀!所以可以想一想:如果没有二大车造释论的话,我们今天在无上菩提之路的探索,该是何等的艰辛和孤独,甚至完全绝壁呀! [05′17″]

登山的时候,如果你面前出现的是一座雪山,而且这个雪前两天下了之后迅速地化,然后又下、又化,化了之后的水就结冰,所以雪底下就会有冰。那千年的冰山,想要登上去的话,如果是绝壁,请问怎么登呢?如果没有一个特别有经验的人告诉我们怎么登上去的话,恐怕都没人敢上去的。 [05′43″]

所以我们非常非常幸运啊!能有这样的二大车造释论给我们,让我们能去了解《般若》的密意,我觉得不是三生有幸的问题了,这简直是不知道多少世修来的鸿福!也不是鸿福齐天的问题了,就是无法形容内心的感恩和喜悦吧!所以他们成为赡部洲的庄严,也成为你我心中的庄严,也成为你我生命中无比的庄严,因为他们能够造释论啊! [06′18″]


Lecture No. 0083


Lecture No. 0081