BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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Lecture No. 0053



Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0053

Tape no.

2A 11:11 ~ 12:41


2018/10/01 ~ 10/03

Outline: Foundation

Topic: Prologue – Veneration at the beginning of the commentary

English Lamrim Vol 1, Page 33

Vol. 1 of Master’s discourse handbook P40-L2 ~ P40-L9

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Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0053

Master said, “It is truly meaningless!” Let's reflect on this statement, do you argue endlessly over certain things at home? If there is no resolution, will you continue to argue on and on without end? Why do we want to argue with others? Because we consider it to be rightly so. However, Master said, “It is truly meaningless!” We think, “No way! This matter has to be settled properly!” Why would Master consider it truly meaningless, totally pointless? Whereas we take it so seriously that we have to get to the bottom of it, to fathom it out. It should absolutely not be let passed lightly; we must argue it out! [00′46″]

When we encounter such a contentious person, we may actually feel, Oh! This is somewhat worrisome or terrifying! [Why?] Because once we start to discuss something with him/her, there is no end to it. Pay attention! Upon hearing this, we should not instantly think, “Ah! I know so-and-so is like this. Once he/she starts arguing, there is no end to it!” Please do not form such thoughts after listening; rather, you need to ponder, “Do I argue with others endlessly?” Especially when faced with the subject matter that you are very unyielding about, something that you have put a lot of effort into and devoted a lot of time studying, or something you have lots of experience in, you would immediately stand your ground and argue forcefully and assertively. [01′24″]

But what is the purpose of arguing? Is it truly for the sake of purifying one’s affliction? Is it to benefit others? Is it out of these virtuous intents? Or is it our unyielding belief that I am right, that my experiences, my understanding, and my opinions are always absolutely right? What are your beliefs based on? What is the basis? Is it based on the concept of taming one’s afflictions from within? Is it based on the notion of taming one’s inner fire of hostility, thereby allowing oneself to cool down? At that juncture, do we really think this way – [to tame the inner anger and let ourselves cool down]? Or we just want the other party to admit that he is wrong. After admitting that, how does it benefit his life? Can you tell us what we are searching for after all? Even if you are right and everyone admits that you are right, with this righteousness of yours, can you rely on it to liberate yourself from cyclic existence? Can you rely on it to remove the causes of suffering in your own life? [02′12″]

Thus, from this perspective, please remember what Master said, “It is truly meaningless!” When we are trapped in such heated argument with others, especially at home, like arguing with our children or family members… actually these arguments are sometimes over trivial matters, right? However, do we care about those trivial matters? [Yes,] we do! [Sometimes] these arguments are very fierce. However, we have to remember what Master said, and that is, “It is truly meaningless!” [02′46″]

But at that particular moment, would we be able to recall Master’s words? If you are trapped in the midst of an argument, and what Master said suddenly flashed across your mind, “It is truly meaningless”, would the impetus of the argument be reduced? Once we reduce such impetus, we would start to listen to others’ viewpoints earnestly, and we might even say, “Wait? What he says also makes sense.” Then, we would no longer be that angry – to insist that others admit their mistakes and so forth. That will provide us some leeway. Take heed! A leeway to listen, to consider from others’ perspectives, instead of constantly guarding one’s ground, and being trapped in one’s own vision and experience. Then one could let go of the ego and see if there is anything one can learn from others. In this way, arguments would not take place. Why? Because Master considered it to be meaningless; those arguments can’t resolve the actual causes of suffering in life. [03′43″]

What about the speech of Buddha? Master said, “he was able to achieve perfection and successfully accomplished – to fulfill the aspirations of limitless beings”. Pay attention! Buddha is able to fulfill the aspirations of limitless beings. So exactly how many beings are there? There are “limitless!” What does Buddha fulfill for limitless beings? He fulfills the “aspirations” of limitless beings! What are their “aspirations”? Their deepest desires as well as their most beautiful wishes, and Buddha can fulfill all of them. What does Buddha fulfill them with? With speech, with his speech!  When we open our mouths to speak, are we thinking about fulfilling our own wishes? Or do we think about fulfilling the wishes of others? Therefore, in comparison, we would discover, “Well? How can there be such a mental continuum?” When Buddha talks, he can fulfill the most beautiful and profound wishes in everyone’s mind. [04′40″]

Again, Master made a comparison between our speech and Buddha’s good qualities of speech. When we talk, we defend our own opinions and perceptions. In contrast, [when Buddha talks,] he is totally fulfilling others’ aspirations. And how many beings’ aspirations are there? There are immeasurable beings, all of them! No matter how many there are, Buddha’s speech could fulfill all their wishes. Do you think it is possible? Just like having a heart-to-heart talk with someone, many times over, we would be exuberant if we could influence him/her to transform a little bit. How can we fulfill others’ desire for happiness without hurting them? To achieve this purpose, we racked our brains, thinking for a long time and trying hard for a very long duration, arduously. However, are we able to fulfill anyone’s aspiration? It is difficult, very hard! Most of the time, we make others feel  disappointed, heartbroken, annoyed, depressed or despaired. Our speech can sometimes be very destructive! [05′46″]

But Buddha can fulfill all sentient beings’ aspirations! Again and again, we wonder is this truly possible? The good qualities of Buddha are considered to be inconceivable. They are beyond our imagination. Thus, Master said, “The aspiration is priceless and precious” because it is truly rare in this mundane world! Only the speech of Buddha can actually fulfill the hopes of limitless beings. Upon hearing this, our first thought would be, does it truely exist? Do such great mental continuum and great speech really exist? Does the inconceivable speech exist at all? Then, what are the wishes of limitless beings? We can ask ourselves honestly, “What is my deepest aspiration?” [06′06″]


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0053】

讲次 0053

科判 道前基础

主题 皈敬颂〉论前皈敬

音档 2A 11:11 ~ 12:41

日期 2018/10/01 ~ 10/03

广论段落 P1-L3 ~ P1-L4 俱胝圆满妙善所生身……于是释迦尊主稽首礼

手抄页/行 第1册 P40-L2 ~ P40-L9 ( 2016 南普陀版:第1册 P40-L2 ~ P40-L10 )

手抄段落 在一开始的时候……这个就是佛陀的话。

师父说:“实在没有太多意思!”从这句话我们可以反观一下,不知道你们在家里喔,在一些事情上会不会诤论不休?然后如果不诤论出一个结论来,地老天荒不会停,这样一直诤论。为什么要一直诤论呢?因为我们认为道理是这样的。可是师父说:“实在没有太多意思!”我们会觉得:“不行啊!事情要分出个对错呀!”为什么师父会认为没有什么意思呢、没有多大意思?我们会认为这件事非常非常重要,一定要争出个是非对错、青红皂白,绝对不可以这样蒙混过关,一定要把它诤论出来! [00′46″]

当我们碰到这样一个跟我们吵个不休的对手的时候,实际上会觉得,哎呀!有点担心,或者有点恐怖吧!因为只要跟他讨论起问题来就没完了。注意哦!听到这里不是说:“啊!我知道某某某就是这样,他一诤论起来就没完没了!”千万不要这样听,你要想:“我自己什么时候跟人家诤论起来没完?”碰到自己特别执着的事情,你花了很多心血、花了很多研究,甚至你有充分经验的事情,就马上站出来说,而且可以非常有底气地诤论。 [01′24″]

但诤论的目标到底是什么呢?真的是为了净化自己的烦恼吗?是为了饶益他人吗?是出于这些良善的动机吗?还是就是执着我的是对的,我的经验、我的看法,还有我的见解绝对是对的?依据呢?依据是什么?依据是向内调伏吗?依据是调伏内心的这种瞋火,让自己清凉吗?到那时候是这样的依据吗?只是想要对方臣服,让他知错。知错之后,对他生命会有什么饶益呢?你说我们所求的到底是什么?就算你对了、大家都承认你对了,你这个对了的东西,能靠它出离生死吗?能靠它去除自己生命的苦因吗? [02′12″]

所以从这样的角度,记住师父说的这几个字:“实在没有太多意思!”当我们陷入那种白热化的跟别人的诤论的时候,尤其在家里,比如说跟小孩呀、跟家人的诤论......其实有的时候一些诤论,可以说是鸡毛蒜皮的小事吗?可是对这些小事我们在不在乎?很在乎!诤论得是热火朝天的,但是要想起师父说的话,就是——实在没有太多意思! [02′46″]

但那个时候会不会现起师父的这句话呢?如果自己在进入那种诤论状态的时候,现起师父说:“实在没有太多意思!”会不会诤论的势头就会降低呢?一旦诤论的势头降低的话,我们就会认真地倾听对方的观点是什么,可能会说:“欸?他说的也有道理。”这样的话我们就不会那么火大,那么一直要对方承认错误或者怎样,我们就会有一个空间,注意!一个空间去聆听、去站在对方的观点上考虑一下,不要一直维护自己的观点,陷溺于自己的眼界和经验之中。然后放下自己,去看看别人也许有什么东西可以学的,这样是不是就不会诤论了。因为什么?师父认为没有太多意思,那些诤论并不能解决生命真正的苦因。 [03′43″]

而佛陀的语言是怎样的呢?师父说:“能够圆满——满足地成就一切众生”,注意哦!能够满足一切众生,那一切众生有多少呢? “无边哪!”无边众生的什么? “希愿!”“希愿”是什么?他们最深的希求、最美的愿望,佛陀可以圆满。他用什么圆满呢?语,用语言!我们一开口是不是想要圆满自己的愿望?还是开口想圆满大家的愿望?所以,一对比的话发现:“欸?怎么会有这样的一个心续呢?”他开口起来,居然能够圆满大家心中最美的、最深的那个愿望。 [04′40″]

师父又在对比我们的语言,和佛陀的语功德的出发点,我们就是维护自己的观点和见解,而佛陀是完全成满别人的希愿。而这别人的希愿是多少个别人呢?是无边的有情,是一切的众生!不知道有多少有情,他都可以用他的语言去圆满他的心愿。我们会认为这可能吗?比如谈心啊,谈很多次,能够让他内心改变一点点我们都欣喜若狂。怎么样能够圆满他想要达到快乐的愿望,然后又不伤害他?为了这点我们曾经绞尽脑汁地想,想很久很久、努力很久很久,非常非常地辛苦。可是能成满一个有情的希愿吗?很难、很难!我们多半都令人失望、伤心、愤怒、消沉、绝望,我们的语言说出来有时这样,很有杀伤力! [05′46″]

可是佛陀会成满一切有情的希愿!再再地会想到:真有这样的事情吗?佛陀的功德叫不可思议,已经超越了思想的边际。所以师父说:“最难能可贵、稀罕的”,因为实在是在这个人世间太稀罕了!成满无边众生希愿语,居然就是佛陀的语言。我们第一个会想到:真的是存在的吗?这种伟大的心续、伟大的语言,真的是存在的吗?不可想像的语言是存在的吗?那么一切众生的愿望到底是什么呢?我们可以扪心自问:“我们最深的愿望是什么呢?” [06′43″]