Lecture No. 0014

Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0014

Tape no.

1B 05:11 ~ 06:17


2018/05/17 ~ 05/20

Outline: Foundation

Topic: Learning how to set the (right) motivation

Vol. 1 of Master’s discourse handbook P19 L6 – P19 LL3

[Master Jih-Chang’s commentary book 1, tape 1B on page introduction-16~17]

Why do I have to mention this? Let’s pause for a moment now, and as a reminder, ask ourselves the question, “What is the purpose for our being here?” [The purpose is] to study Buddha’s teaching. Why do [we] need to study it? [We need to] understand that the purpose [of studying Buddhism is] the eradication of suffering and the attainment of happiness. We need to know that our failure to achieve our purpose is due to the lack of proper perception, a special term called “ignorance.” In other words, our perception and our attachment are the result of our ignorance [all about self] - me, me, me! This is the root cause of all misconceptions and sufferings. Only through the guidance of someone who has the proper perception to help us to see our faults [can we] generate the mentality to reject them. In addition, we also need further recognition [of the faults] with the proper understanding and the [accordant] application [to remove them]. Only then [are we] able to transform. The [above: recognizing faults, understanding their causes and how to remove them] concept is clear. To reflect upon them mindfully is what we should be seriously doing as first step. [01′06″]

Not sure if everyone listens to this paragraph with specific attention? In this first recording of 1B, Master asked us, “Why do I have to mention this?” Pay attention here! Master said, “Let’s pause for a moment.” He said, “Pause for a moment”! What is to be paused? In the preceding section, [Master] just mentioned about how extremely intelligent Lama Tsong-kha-pa was. It might occur to Master that our minds could possibly emerge with many thoughts, which requires immediate adjustment. [Thus,] he said, “pause for a moment,” but what is there to be paused? It is to pause our ongoing flow of the mental stream. [01′48″]

Then, Master followed by saying, “as a reminder, ask ourselves the question”; what is the reminder? That is, “What is the purpose for our being here?” Master brought up this question again. So, right at this moment, who is here? Everyone will definitely reply it is “I”! And what is this “I” doing here? The reply is: “To study Buddha’s teaching.” And he continued asking, “Why do we need to study it?” We already recognized that the purpose is to eradicate suffering and attain happiness. So, have we attained happiness? No! Have we removed suffering yet? Not yet! Why? Master said, “We need to know that our failure to achieve our purpose” but what is it? He did mention it, right! [Then] what is the reason that we can’t achieve it? It “is due to the lack of proper perception, a special term called ‘ignorance’”. Master said, “Our perception and our attachment are the results of our ignorance [all about self] – me, me, me! This is the root cause of all misconceptions and suffering.” [03′03″]

Pay attention! In the previous section Master carefully addressed the good qualities of Lama Tsong-kha-pa. He deliberately expounded this example for us to recognize the level of wisdom and intelligence of an extremely wise virtuous teacher. However, up to here – have you noticed that – I think he was uncompromisingly forthright and directly pointing to our mind, by asking “what are you thinking?” Be aware! What are [we] here for? [He] immediately pointed out what this “I” is doing now? What is my purpose? Why is that I have not achieved happiness, or eradicated suffering? Master directly presented the concept of “ignorance” to us right in the very first recording. [03′42″]

We all know that the concept of ignorance is introduced in the chapter of 12-factors of dependent-arising [LR v.1 chapter 21], yet he presented it to us in the very first recording of the commentary! It should be described as a big awakening call, so sonorous [as the sound of percussion instrument], which astounded us all – ignorance! What is ignorance? All of our misery originates from ignorance! But, what is ignorance anyway? Moreover, Master said the root cause of suffering is ignorance. Upon hearing this, how many will believe it? One may respond by saying, “What is ignorance? Why is it the root cause of suffering?” The source of our suffering should be so-and-so has misunderstood me, the pay is so low, or I don’t want to do things I don’t like instead I want to do what I like! Or others betrayed me; I was fooled! All these are the root causes of misery, right?” Some even claim, “To study the 5 Great Treatises of the Debating System is a lot of hard work. Even when the mental power is weak, one still has to listen, to debate, and even to memorize the scriptures. All these are suffering!” Why is ignorance the root cause of suffering? Do we believe it? [04′43″]

Again, what is ignorance? Master said, “our perception and our attachment … - me, me, me! This is the root cause of all misconceptions and sufferings.” Master presented the concept of “ignorance” and “self-centeredness” in such a decisive and courageous manner, directly cast the concept in the first recording, actually it is like an earth-shaking thunder clapping in front of us. [05′11″]

Of course, at the beginning of listening to the first recording, some people might completely miss this point. Because when listen to [Master’s] Lamrim commentary in the beginning, many are fond of listening to it; but after the first round of joyful listening, actually not much was retained – other than feeling joyfulness and delightfulness. However, when we explore more closely, we come to realize that we missed a lot - did not notice that [Master] presented [the concept of] “ignorance” in 1B, so to allow us to recognize this root [cause of our suffering]. Actually, when you are seeking for the root cause of suffering, your take on this word [ignorance] is very profound, it is as clear as the lightning striking in the dark night. So, what is “ignorance”? Why is my attachment to “me, me, me” turns out to be the source of suffering? Isn’t it true that the root cause of our suffering are from external factors such as other people, even illness, the environment, etc.? How come “me” turns out to be the source of my suffering? Hence, there must be a lot of doubts. If we are trapped by these questions, then more and more baffling issues will arise. [06′13″]

Very likely Master would urge again, “Pause… as a reminder…” We will notice lots of doubts following the question “What is ignorance?” And we are totally out of it! Then, Master said, “So what should be done, since you don’t know anything about it?” [The solution is], “Only through the guidance of someone who has the proper perception to help us to see our faults”. [Why?] Because earlier it shows we simply don’t understand, nor do we want to admit it! When we “see our faults can we generate the mentality to reject them.” Take notice! Up to here, do you have any question? There is actually quite a distance between recognizing the fault and rejecting it! It takes a great effort for one to recognize one’s own fault, not to mention that many people don’t even know what went wrong and have been seeking explanations from external environment. How many people would look inward to evaluate personal flaws, to search for the light of hope, and to find the taking off point? Since our physical-verbal mental actions are always clinging to the form-sound-smell-taste-touch-phenomenon, how much energy is there left to focus on one’s mind? Are we able to have a peaceful mind for the duration as short as sipping a cup of tea? We even rush through a meal too, working hastily as well. Whether we are talking to others or doing something, always in a constantly hectic and nervous pace, even under the anxious beat. How can we pause [for a moment]? How do we remind ourselves what is one engaging in? [07′43″]

Therefore, how often do we have time to ponder: the present sufferings are the results of my own misperception? Then, what’s wrong with the idea of “me”? How much time could we spare to reflect on our erroneous behavior pattern, inappropriate verbal expressions, and flawed thought process? For such flaw has to be caused by erroneous perception. Right from the beginning, my way of dealing with problems is erroneous. Consequently, all turns out to be the opposite of what I want to be. At this hasty pace of our lives, how often do we pause for a moment to look up at the stars at night? When people on the earth are so occupied, how many of them would appreciate the brightly shining full moon in the sky? Even though the moon shines beautifully and brightly up in the quiet starring sky, actually not many people have the time to appreciate it. What I meant is, that when we neglect the moon, the stars, and the sunrise, we neglect ourselves physically and mentally as well. We are just busy catching up with the bustling step of the era, strive hard to survive, and continue to live like this, day after day, on and on. Have we seriously thought about why I am here? What is the purpose of this life of mine? [08′58″]

Some people may feel these questions are for philosophers. Why is that philosophers want to think about these questions? The philosophers want to lead a better life, don’t they? We all aspire to make our life better, to improve the quality of our lives, and to have a better living condition, so we are all super-busy. Do we have time to think about “ignorance”? Is there time to explore the root cause of suffering? Or we never heard of it. “What? Ignorance and I are the root cause of suffering and all faults?” This is truly exceptional! If Master had not brought it up here, not till the end of this life of ours or even life after life, how could we ever thought about it? How would we become aware of this message? If he had not taught us, how could we possibly know? [09′48″]

In this process of realizing our fault, one should rely on someone who already recognized the fault, rectified it, and willing to share the experiences with us, so that we will know. Once we recognize that it’s our fault we would rectify it, and naturally will reject it [from happening again]. If we are not aware of our fault, we will not think of rectifying it because it is not my fault. There are many, many flaws but none of them is mine. As long as others rectified their faults, then my life can become better, why do I have to rectify my fault? Moreover, this fault is very strange: surprisingly enough it is because of “I” and it is because of “ignorance”! Seems like it has nothing to do with anything, like a concept, and ratiocination; thus making it even harder to fathom! [10′32″]

Hence, for those aspired to explore would need to explore further – why would an eminent monk be pointing out that ignorance is the source of suffering in life? [10′42″]


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0014】

讲次 0014

科判 道前基础

主题 学习动机安立

音档 1B 05:11 ~ 06:17

日期 2018/05/17 ~ 05/20

手抄页/行 1册 P19-L6 ~ P19-LL3 ( 2016 南普陀版:1册 P19-L6 ~ P19-LL3 )

手抄段落 我为什么要提这个事情?……应该摆在心里想一想的。

我为什么要提这个事情?这个地方,大家停一下,让我们自己做个警惕:我们现在在这个地方来干什么?修学佛法。你为什么要修学佛法?说目的我们已经了解了,那么为了达到我们去苦得乐的目的,我们有一个认识,说我们所以得不到的原因,因为对于很多事情没有正确的认识,一个专门名词叫“无明”。换句话说,我们在无明当中,我们的概念、我们的执著——我、我、我!这个东西都是错误的根本,痛苦的根本在这里。唯有一个有正确认识的人指导了你,你了解了你的错误,那个时候心里想排斥这个错误。不但如此,还要进一步地认识怎么样才是正确的,然后照著正确的去做,那个时候你才能够转化得过来。这个道理很清楚,这个道理才是我们真正第一步应该摆在心里想一想的。 [01′06″]

这一段不知道大家有没有特别认真地听?师父刚刚讲到 1B,第一盘磁带,师父就说:“我为什么提这个事情?”这个地方注意!师父说:“大家停一下。”师父说了“停一下”!需要停掉什么东西呢?刚才讲了宗大师绝顶聪明的公案,不知道师父是不是又想到我们心里可能泛起很多东西,然后马上就调整现行了。说停一下,是什么东西停一下呢?停一下我们内心中正在进行的那个续流。 [01′48″]

然后接著师父说:“让我们自己做个警惕。”警惕什么呢?就是:“我们现在在这个地方来干什么?”师父又提出这个问题。就是此时此刻是谁在这里?那大家一定答说是“我”!然后“我”在这个地方干什么呢?答案:“修学佛法。”再问:“为什么要修学佛法呢?”说目的已经了解了,是为了去苦得乐。那我们有得到快乐吗?没有!苦去掉了吗?没有!为什么呢?师父说:“我们有一个认识,说我们所以得不到的原因,”到底是什么呢?有讲吧!说为什么得不到的原因呢?“因为对很多事情没有正确的认识,一个专门的名词叫《无明》。”师父说:“我们在无明当中,概念执著我、我、我!这个东西是错误的根本,痛苦的根本在这里。” [03′03″]

注意哦!刚才上一段讲到宗大师的功德,师父小心翼翼地给我们讲了这个例子,让我们去认识一位绝顶聪明的善知识他的智慧、聪明程度。到这里,你看师父,我觉得又非常勇猛地直接劈向我们的内心。说你在想什么呢?注意!到这儿来做什么了?马上提出此时此刻的“我”在干什么?我的目的是什么?那么为什么没有得到快乐、为什么没有离苦?师父直接把“无明”这个概念就在第一盘投到我们眼前了。 [03′42″]

大家都知道无明的概念是在十二因缘那儿才出现的,他在第一盘就一下子推到你面前了!应该说掷地有声,吓我们一跳——无明!什么无明?我们所有的错误都是无明!什么是无明啊?然后师父说痛苦的根本就是这里。听了这之后有几人相信啊?说:“无明是什么东西呀?为什么它是痛苦的根本?”我们痛苦的根本不是某人某人没理解我呀、钱赚得少呀,或者我不要去做我不喜欢的事情,我要去做我喜欢的事情啊!或者我被人家背叛啦,我被骗了!这些是痛苦的根本啊,对不对?还有说:“要学五大论很辛苦啊,提不起心力来的时候还要去听、还要去辩论、还要去背书,这都是痛苦啊!”为什么无明是痛苦的根本?我们会相信吗? [04′43″]

再说什么是无明啊?师父说:“我们的概念、我们的执著——我、我、我!“我”,这个东西就是错误的根本,痛苦的根本就在这里。”如此地大刀阔斧、如此地勇悍,在第一盘磁带就把“无明”和“我”这个概念直接抛出来,实在有点像惊天的炸雷一样炸在我们面前。 [05′11″]

当然在第一盘听的时候,也有人会对这个点就全部错过了,因为一开始听《广论》的时候,很多人就是喜欢听,高高兴兴听完一轮,其实没记住多少东西,就是高兴,欢喜心是有了。再细细地学的时候我们会发现,我们其实忽略了太多东西,没想到 1B 就把“无明”抛出来了,就让我们认识到这个根本。实际上你要再找痛苦的根本的时候,你对这两个字是会非常深刻的,就像在黑夜的闪电一般明晰那样的深刻程度。“无明”是什么?为什么我执著的“我、我、我”成了痛苦的根本呢?我们的痛苦的根本不都是外在的条件、外在的人,甚至疾病、环境等等,都是这些东西导致的吗?为什么“我”成了痛苦的根本呢?所以一定是有一大堆问题,如果就这个问题我们去纠结的话,一定会引生很多很多迷惑的问题。 [06′13″]

这可能师父又会说了:“停!要警惕一下。”我们会发现:“什么是无明”后面跟著很多很多疑问,什么都不明白!这个时候师父就说:“那你什么都不知道怎么办呢?”“唯有一个有正确认识的人指导了你,你了解了你的错误。”因为刚才我们就是不了解,我们不承认呀!“你了解了你的错误,那个时候心里想排斥这个错误。”注意!看到这儿的时候不知道有没有疑问?了解了错误,到排斥错误,其实可能有很长的距离喔!本身了解错误就要很长的距离,有些人不觉得,甚至不知道错误在哪里,都在外境上找、在环境上找。而在自我身上去找错误,去找下一段生命的一个希望点、一个起飞的点,有多少人呢?因为我们的身语意终究都攀缘在色声香味触法,执著在这上面,有多少心力让所有的精神回归自心?可能就喝一杯茶的功夫,会静一静吗?连吃饭也变得很匆促、工作也很匆促,跟别人讲话呀、做什么,都是在一个忙乱的节奏之中、紧张的节奏之中,甚至是焦虑的节奏之中,我们如何停啊?如何警惕自己在做什么? [07′43″]

所以,又有多少时间去想:现在的痛苦可能是由于我的错误导致的,那“我”是什么错误?用多少时间去了解自己错误的行为方式、错误的语言方式、错误的思路?因为一定是错误的思路导致的。一开始想问题就想错了,所以后来都不是自己所想要的那样子。在人生匆促的脚步中,我们有多少时间停下来,在夜晚看一看天上的星星?地上的人们忙成那样子,碰到月圆的时候,有多少人去欣赏那么漂亮的月亮在天上?在寂静的夜空中,那皎洁的月亮那么美,其实也没有多少人有时间欣赏了。我的意思是说,在月亮、星光和日出被忽略的时候,我们的身心也被忽略了。我们只是随逐著一个忙乱的时代脚步、生存的脚步,一天一天、一天一天地这样过下去。有认真地想一想:我来干什么?我此生的目的是什么吗? [08′58″]

有人觉得这问题都是哲学家想的。哲学家为什么要想这个问题?难道不是想要生命变得更美好吗?每个人都想要生命变得更美好、生活变得更美好,提升生命的质量,所以全部都在忙。有时间想“无明”吗?有时间探讨这痛苦的根本吗?甚至从未听闻过。“什么事情?无明和我是痛苦的根本,是错误的一切?”这件事简直是太稀有了!如果不是师父在这里提出来,我们终极一生乃至生生世世,怎么会想这个念头呢?怎么会知道这个信息呢?如果他不来告诉我们,我们怎么样知道呢? [09′48″]

所以了解错误这个过程,就是要一个知道错误、又改了错误,有经验、又肯告诉我们的人告诉我们才知道。然后我们知错了就会改,当然会排斥错误。如果不知道错是不会想改的,因为那不是我的错呀,那是很多很多很多的错呀,不是我的错;是他们改了,我的生命才会变得美好,为什么是我要改我的错呢?而且这个错非常地古怪,居然是“我”,居然是“无明”!好像跟什么事都没关系,好像是个概念、是个推理,这事情就更令人难以捉摸了! [10′32″]

所以想探索的人就要沿著探索下去——为什么高僧会指出生命的痛苦是无明? [10′42″]


Lecture No. 0015


Lecture No. 0013