Expressions of Gratitude: Insights from the Youth Dharma Class
Amidst the serene ambiance of our Youth Dharma Class (WY20), an atmosphere of gratitude enveloped the room as our young participants poured their hearts into writing words of appreciation to our esteemed Teacher. Gratitude, palpable in the air, served as a beacon, illuminating the significance of acknowledging the contributions of those who light our path toward understanding and enlightenment.

In a world often inundated with distractions, cultivating gratitude serves as a cornerstone for spiritual growth and personal development. As we reflect on the profound impact of expressing gratitude, let us extend an invitation to all youths seeking clarity and purpose to join our transformative Youth Dharma Classes. Together, let us embark on a journey of self-discovery and gratitude, enriching our lives and those around us.

A new youth class will be opening in our new Shenton House Classroom. More information can be found here!