Monlam Festival
Following a week of profound spiritual engagement, we are delighted to share the highlights of our Annual Monlam festival. Throughout the week, students immersed themselves in multiple sessions of chanting, dedicating themselves to deepening their spiritual practice and fostering a sense of communal devotion. Witnessing the culmination of their efforts, break times were transformed into moments of awe-inspiring reverence as students offered delicate flower petals, precious pearls, and radiant jades to the Triple Gem. 🌸💎

As we reflect on the festival's conclusion, we rejoice in the collective merit and positive energy generated by our community's heartfelt offerings. This celebration serves as a testament to the power of spiritual unity and the enduring bonds forged through shared devotion. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who participated and invite you to continue journeying with us as we embrace the blessings of spiritual connection and growth