BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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RISE AND BE TRIUMPHANT - Lunar New Year Series Day 2


Saturday 13th February 2021, the second day of the Lunar New Year, BWM Arts and Culture Department is

back with the 2nd installment of RISE AND BE TRIUMPHANT - Lunar New Year Series Day 2

The first emcee Weilin is back on Day 2 along with our new emcee Jennifer! Our two lovely emcees wished our audiences:

On the second day of the show, we enjoyed the following performances:

  1. The first performance is by Xin Pin Chinese Orchestra who performed two instrumental pieces, the first is “Ode to Release” and the next is “Spring Blessings”.

  2. The next is a video “On My Way To Happiness” by our bilingual students from the class of S15G027E, showing us their transformational journey, 5 years after learning the Lamrim Chenmo.

3. The last is a performance by Insightful Praise Class One with the festive “Gong Xi Gong Xi”

There were also highlights of past events from 2019 by Xin Pin Orchestra, Zest Universe and Joyous Rhapsody.

As well as an introduction video by Wisdom Youthnited, encouraging youths and young adults between the ages of 17 to 40 year-olds to join them in a class that would help the students to learn to apply the Buddha’s Teachings into their daily lives and achieve happiness!

Besides that, our emcees also introduced Omni and Zest Universe to the audience. Omni is a class for the youths aged 13-16 years while Zest Universe is for the little ones below the ages of 12. The classes aim to introduce the young to the basics of Buddha’s Teachings and instill in them the right morals, filial piety and gratitude.

We also had the greetings well wishes from our BWM Management Committee.


By 16/2/2021, we would like to thank our 385 viewers who watched on YouTube and 725 viewers who watched from Facebook. We would also like to thank all the performers and support team (70 volunteers) for making this Lunar New Year Show 2 possible!

Wishing all our viewers a day full of merits and hoping no one overeats! See you all again on Day 3!


YouTube Playlists


Penned by Angeline Liu


《赞胜一切 新春颂出正能量》系列二

文化艺术处在年初二带给了大家第二系列的《赞胜一切 新春颂出正能量》。


这一系列的主持人是玮琳和 Sister Jennifer Wong。




节目中也穿插了儿童班、双语欢唱班和心品华乐团2019年演出的花絮和对于Wisdom Youthnited, Omni 和Zest Universe 的介绍。


最后,总护持团队至心的向 385位YouTube 和 725位 Facebook 观众(@16/2/2021),和所有台前幕后的工作人员 (70位) 表达谢意。因为有了你们,节目才能圆满呈现!
