A Rejuvenating Sunday with Auspicious Puja Live!


#Stayhome #What #Can #I #do
It was a rejuvenating #Sunday #morning during this circuit breaker! Participants of #Auspicious #Puja started to zoom-in to the Auspicious Puja (AP) Get-together session, with their happy faces popping up on the screen! It was about two months that they have not met face-to-face with one another.

The spirit was uplifted further when the Praise of the Triple Gem was played. Everyone felt very joyful and touched praising the greatness of the Three Jewels.

And a comforting Dharma discourse showered like the nectar into their hearts! It couldn't be a better time to reconnect to the auspicious puja and receiving #blessings from #Venerable and the Three Jewels again.

The session ended with a high note when all sang the finale song 'You are by my side'. The session thus ended with a sense of satisfaction and joy that was resonating among the participants.


Auspicious Vesak Day 2020 吉祥佛诞


Gentle Reminder from Our Abbot of BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺住持温馨叮咛