Very Grateful to Abbot for Leading by Example and Being Our Pillar of Support During This Uncertain Time! 僧团法师最期待的幸福时刻……
During this period of extra vigilance against virus outbreak, what has the Sangha been doing to provide spiritual and emotional support?
Abbot has been continuing to #guide the #Sangha and staff in building both physical and #spiritual #protection against the #virus. When he was in Singapore, Abbot personally led us in implementing #health protection measures in the monastery against the virus. Now, even though he's overseas, Abbot has continue to lead the effort to ensure our #learning is not interrupted.
Besides initiating and guiding both sangha and lay disciples to use zoom for lessons, Abbot has been giving twice daily personal instructions over zoom to the Sangha on How to Meditate on the Stages of the Path. Due to the time difference, Abbot has to wake up at 3 plus in the morning to prepare for the lessons.
Very #grateful to Abbot for #leading by example and being our pillar of #support during this uncertain time!
不知不觉,和尚已带着弟子们密集学修14天了,上课超过20堂课,这是弟子们每天最期待的幸福时刻,与大家分享。 所以在这个看似不幸的事情里面,也有很多可歌可泣的事情,或者让我们感铭肺腑的事情。和尚在每次课后率领僧团认真回向给世界各国各区人们,希望国家繁荣、国民安居乐业、疫情早日消除。