MOE Racial Harmony Forum at BW Monastery


The monastery looks modern, is there any thinking behind this approach? How do we connect the Buddha’s Teachings with the youths during activities?

These are some of the questions from the CCEB/GB Officers from Ministry of Education, as we welcomed them to BW Monastery during MOE Racial Harmony Forum.

We had a meaningful exchange session through delightful sharing and conversations. It’s truly a pleasure for us to introduce Buddhism to them, and how Buddhism helps to shape our character through personal sharing.

Our visitors’ passion in the education was demonstrated through the questions they asked Venerable Bensi during Q&A session.

We were presented with a gift and was pleasantly surprised to see thank you notes from past participants of this program who had visited BW Monastery last year. A big thank you to the organiser,, who had thoughtfully arranged the notes beautifully against a background picture of the monastery.


A Heartwarming Get Together Year-End lunch 吉祥宝聚寺僧俗尾牙了


弘法处举办感恩午宴 和尚一曲偈颂赠班长 Thank You Lecturers and Monitors!