Auspicious Puja – 27 October 2019 (Every Sunday 9.30-10.45am)
Would You Tolerate Short-Term Suffering For Long-Term Happiness?
Maybe not, as most people are always seeking for Immediate Happiness. Hence, this is a good opportunity to learn from others how they had tolerated Short-Term Suffering for Long-Term Happiness!
Short-Term Happiness = Long-Term Suffering?
There was a participant who felt that people are more inclined to Short-Term Happiness and may have ignored the Long-Term Sufferings. He gave an example of people regularly having their unhealthy favourite food [Short-Term Happiness]. Coupled with lack of exercise and other bad habits, these people may end up with chronic illnesses [Long-Term Suffering].
Short-Term Suffering = Long-Term Happiness?
Another participant related how she had overcome her weight problem. After giving birth, she stuck closely to a strict diet and exercise routine [Short-Term Suffering], and successfully achieved her ideal weight [Long-Term Happiness] after several months of hard work.
There was also a participant who shared her experience of befriending a colleague. After learning the teachings, she decided to make friends with a colleague whom she was not on good terms with. It was tough as she did not receive any response whenever she greeted her colleague or tried to talk to her [Short-Term Suffering]. This continued for numerous months, until one day her colleague responded to her. Her perseverance must have touched her colleague and they became good friends after that [Long-Term Happiness].
What Can We Learn From The Buddha?
Venerable Zusheng concluded the topic from the buddhist’s perspective by sharing a cause and effect story from the Miscellaneous Treasures Sutra.
Many years ago during the Buddha’s time, there were eight deities who paid an evening visit to the Buddha, one after the other.
The first deity who visited the Buddha had a body so bright it illuminated a mile around him and he had 10 maidens with him. However, he related to the Buddha that he was not happy as he was not so powerful as compared to the rest of the deities. This was because, in his previous lives, although he was respectful to his parents and the Sangha, he did not practice enough in his actions.
The second deity, with light radiating out from his body 10 times even more than the first deity, brought along 10 times more maidens than the previous deity and paid respect to the Buddha. However, he too related to the Buddha that he was not happy because he was not so powerful as compared to the rest of the deities. In his previous lives, although he has shown respect to his parents and the Sangha through his actions, he did not practice enough, such as providing them with a comfortable bedding.
This went on until the eighth deity, whose body was so tremendously bright it illuminated 10 times even more than the seventh deity, and with 10 times even more maidens than the seventh deity, he paid respect to the Buddha. He told the Buddha he was happy. In his previous lives, the eighth deity had persevered in practice by listening and contemplating the teachings, as well as showing respect to his parents and the Sangha through his actions, providing them with a comfortable bedding and offering them food. Thus, he had planted the most perfect seed to become the most powerful deity.
Take Home Of The Day
Like the eighth deity, we must continue to listen, contemplate and practice the teachings despite hardships and obstacles [Short-Term Suffering] in order to achieve Buddhahood [Long-Term Happiness]. With perseverance, all Short-Term Sufferings will result in Long-Term Happiness!
For the upcoming Sunday, we will be discussing the topic – “Trading Places, Rejoicing - Is it ok to be jealous in order to drive ourselves to perform better?” Join us this Sunday at the Monastery to find our and share your views too! Stay Connected with us!
Sunday, 3 November 2019
9:30 am — 10:45 am
BW Monastery Hall Of Jewels L4
#auspiciouspuja #letsdiscuss #VenBensi #VenZusheng