An Enlightening Refuge with Buddha
12th May 2018 – BW Monastery conducted its very first Refuge Taking Puja in English. Led by the Refuge Teacher Venerable Bensi, the puja started off with a discourse on the purpose and how-to of taking refuge.
Mr Alvin Tan from S14G007E gave his feedback :
“We registed our son for the Take Refuge session conducted for the very 1st time in English by BW Monastery. I had earlier participated in the same session conducted in mandarin but due to my poor command of mandarin, this English session has been extremely beneficial as it helped me to better understand the purpose of taking refuge with the Triple Gems and also the commitments. Furthermore, chanting the Heart Sutra in English for the 1st time was both enlightening (as I now understand what I’m chanting) and momentous moment for me.
Finally, the monastery’s kind gesture to provide a healthy but yet delicious hot meal after the event was extremely appreciated.
On that day, not only has my son benefited by taking refuge in the Buddha but it has also strengthen my vows."
Mr Tay Guo Qing from S18T006C said : "It was fantastic. I was elated to be chosen with 4 others to do the invitation of the venerable to the ceremony hall. It was a well worth event and I am glad to be a part of it. Rejoice!"