【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】 If you do not want to go there, you will not be reborn there 不想去就不会投生
【The Origin of Suffering】- If you do not want to go there, you will not be reborn there
【If the being of the intermediate state does not have a desire to go to a birthplace, it will not migrate there, and having not done so, will not be reborn there. 】
This principle is very easy to understand. At the birthplace, if you do not want to go there, if you don't intend to, then you won't go there. If you don't go there, you will not be reborn. This explains how we continue our rebirth. I still remember what was said earlier. I had brought up the fact that when we are in the intermediate state, it is the same as how we are in the birth state. If you don't want to go to a certain place, you will not go there. If you do not go there, then this will not happen to you.
77A 28’32” Vol 10 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P159 L3
English Lamrim Vol 1 P313
日常师父法语📡77A 28’32” 手抄稿第10册P159 L3
希求解脱 : 不想去就不会投生