【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】the case of those who have committed and accumulated karma for rebirth in a hell II 投生那洛迦的状态 II
【The Origin of Suffering】- the case of those who have committed and accumulated karma for rebirth in a hell II
Any line of work has its own rules. Some make you improve yourself [your ethics]. Other work rules will cause you to degrade [your ethics]. They are specially termed as vows. The rules followed by the renunciates are called the ethical disciplines of restraint. They detailed what should be prohibited and what should be practiced. And if you follow accordingly, you will be reborn in the heavens, in the Pure Land. There are also work rules for those who butcher hogs and sheep, you need to do this and that. These would be in your mind all day long. After you have created this type of non-virtuous karma, you will certainly fall [into miserable realms]. And since you have created this karma, when the intermediate state arises, just like in a dream, (you) see your birthplace, and there is sheep there. You see them. And then what happens?
【and rush there, driven by their delight in their former habits.】
Ah, due to the delight in their former habits, remember this? The way the intermediate state arises and how one takes rebirth are due to this. It is because of one's latent propensities. Ah, as soon as he sees it, he is delighted by it. And if he is delighted by it, he will go there!
77B 02’40” Vol 10 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P162 LL3
English Lamrim Vol 1 P313
日常师父法语📡77B 02’40” 手抄稿第10册P162 LL3
希求解脱 : 投生那洛迦的状态 II