【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】Specific definitions of afflictions – attachment 1 烦恼别相-贪 1

【The Origin of Suffering】- Specific definitions of afflictions – attachment 1

The specific definitions of the ten afflictions are as follows:
1) Attachment means noticing a pleasant or attractive external or internal object and desiring it. When attachment clings to its object and grows stronger, it is hard to tear yourself away from the object, just as it is difficult to remove oil which has soaked into a cloth.

This is the characteristic of attachment. It doesn't matter if your mind noticed something that is internal or external. External would mean all the external sensory objects. Internal would include your own body and mind. This goes to the extent of the views in your mind. You may think that this is my status, my reputation, my something. These things. For these things, you cannot let go of them, you are stuck on them. This sort of thing is just like oil that has soaked into a cloth. There is even another saying that describes this from our past masters: it is like putting oil into flour. You can still wash it clean when the oil is soaked into a cloth. But if you put the oil into flour, you have no way of removing it. That's how difficult attachment is.


73A 06’39” Vol 10 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P6 LL1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P299

日常师父法语📡73A 06’39” 手抄稿第10册P6 LL1

希求解脱 : 烦恼别相-贪 1

各别相中有十项烦恼。贪者,谓缘内外可意净境,随逐耽着,如油着布难以洗除。此 亦耽恋自所缘境,与彼所缘难以分离。



【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】Specific definition of an affliction – Attachment (2)  烦恼别相-贪 2


【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】General definition of an affliction part 2 烦恼总相 2