【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】The specific definitions of afflictions - A belief in the supremacy of ethnics and religious discipline 1  烦恼别相-戒禁取 1

【The Origin of Suffering】- The specific definitions of afflictions - A belief in the supremacy of ethnics and religious discipline 1 

9) A belief in the supremacy of ethics and religious discipline is an afflictive intelligence which observes an ethical discipline that renounces faulty ethical discipline, or a religious discipline which requires certain forms of dress, manner, speech, and physical behavior, as well as the mental and physical aggregates on the basis of which these forms of ethics and asceticism occur, and regards them as cleansing you of sin, freeing you from afflictions, and removing you from cyclic existence.】 

A belief in the supremacy of ethics and religious discipline, this is another one. It is "an afflictive intelligence which observes an ethical discipline that renounces faulty ethical discipline." The ethical disciplines that the Buddha has explained to us, he has his reasons for doing so. Why did the Buddha stipulate ethical disciplines? He is telling us that if you do this, you will obtain this kind of effect. If you wish to obtain this kind of effect, then you must observe these ethical disciplines. Between these, there is an inevitable and accurate cause and effect relationship. But this religious discipline that you observe, ah, I am sorry about this! These are incorrect, these should not be done. Hence these should be renounced, they are faulty. So based on these incorrectly set ethics, you would act and set rules accordingly. You will follow to practice the incorrect ethical disciplines. 


73A 20’42” Vol 10 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P14 LL4
English Lamrim Vol 1 P299

日常师父法语📡73A 20’42”手抄稿第10册P14 LL2

希求解脱 : 烦恼别相-戒禁取 1




【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】The specific definitions of afflictions - A belief in the supremacy of ethics and religious discipline 2 烦恼别相-戒禁取 2


【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】The specific definitions of the ten afflictions - A belief in the supremacy of wrong views 烦恼别相-见取