【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】reflection on the process of cyclic existence in terms of itsorigin 由集谛门思惟流转生死次第

【The Origin of Suffering】- reflection on the process of cyclic existence in terms of its

2' Reflection on the process of cyclic existence in terms of its origin The origin of cyclic existence is explained in three parts:  】

This says why do we go through the process of cyclic existence?  What is the reason?  This is divided into three parts.  

1. How the afflictions arise  
2. How you thereby accumulate karma  
3. How you die and are reborn

Why do we go through cyclic existence? It is because of the causes. What are the causes? They are afflictions and karma, or delusions and karma. That's it.  So how do afflictions arise?  We must understand that first. And why would afflictions and karma bring about cyclic existence?  So he will then explain how one accumulates karma. But how is death and rebirth brought about?  So then on how one dies and is reborn, this principle is then expounded next. Through these, we will find the causes [for cyclic existence].  Then we can look at the causes to see how we can clear them away. 


72B 22’33” Vol 9 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P281 L14
English Lamrim Vol 1 P298

日常师父法语📡72B 22’33” 手抄稿第9册P281 L14

希求解脱 : 由集谛门思惟流转生死次第



① 烦恼发生之理,② 彼集业之理,③ 死没及结生之理。今初,



【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】Afflictions are primary causes for the creation of cyclic existence 生死之因以惑为上首


【Further Meditation on Suffering 希求解脱】A must find out the root cause of suffering 2   必定要找到痛苦根源 2