【The Six Types of Suffering 希求解脱】no secure basis (4 subcategories) 四无保信

【The Six Types OF Suffering】- no secure basis (4 subcategories)

The first of these has four parts:

The first one is that there is no secure basis that you can count on. There are four [subcategories to that].

1) There is no security in obtaining a body, for you discard bodies repeatedly.

2) There is no security in agents of help or harm, for they are not certain.

This body is indeed, indeed, indeed...do you have any security in this? You would feel that you want to make your body better, and you would prepare some nutritious foods. Eh, it just so happens that after you eat it, something goes wrong. Ah! You might feel that something is good and you go out to do that to find some happiness. But when you go out, you get into an accident. Even if you just comfortably sit in your house, “bang”! Your house collapse. When nothing seems to be wrong, you can't see anything wrong going on, but I am sorry, a small infectious disease could cause you to die. That's how it is for you! There is no security in obtaining a body. And then, there is "no security in agents of help or harm." Ah, I feel that I've made some money and I put it in a bank. But the bank can close down. Eh, when others know that you have some money, when the robbers know that you have money, they can kidnap you. There are all these problems. Ah, you busy yourself with the stocks, alas! suddenly, the stocks crash, and you lose your investments. Ah, it is entirely meaningless! Therefore, there is no security in the agents.

3) There is no security in attaining a wonderful condition, for what is high becomes low.

Ah! You might have done many wonderful things, “alas!" All of a sudden, you would fall from your status.

4) There is no security in without companions.

This is just that.


71B 10’01” Vol 9 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P236 L11
English Lamrim Vol 1 P287

日常师父法语📡71B 10’01”手抄稿第9册P236 L11

希求解脱 : 四无保信












【The Six Types of Suffering 希求解脱】Being reborn again and again 数数结生


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