【The Eight Types of Suffering 希求解脱】Why the Bhagavan explained incessantly and incessantly explain these to us? 世尊为什么要不断地告诉我们?
【The Eight Types of Suffering】-Why the Bhagavan explained incessantly and incessantly explain these to us?
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The Bhagavan has explained incessantly, explained incessantly in many of the scriptures. Why did he incessantly and incessantly explain these to us? He is urging us through many different perspectives and there has to be a point where it touches your heart. Then you can strive to go from that point and make effort. You will then be on your way, on your way. Now it is the same for us here. So, don't just roughly glance at it. Ah, you are not very eager to read it. You must make efforts to read it. Wherever you feel accordance, that's where you should desperately grasp onto it and strive. That's when you will have the opportunity, will have the opportunity. Otherwise, you will only be circling about outside. What a waste. You will end up wasting your human life of leisure and opportunity!
68B 19’45” Vol 9 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P141 L1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P271
日常师父法语📡68B 19’45” 手抄稿第9册P141 L1
希求解脱 : 世尊为什么要不断地告诉我们?