【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】Accumulate both merit and wisdom 集福智二资粮
【The Origin of Suffering】- Accumulate both merit and wisdom
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The process of ourtraining in Buddhism is divided into a few stages: the path of accumulation, the path of preparation, the path of seeing, the path of cultivation, and the path of no more learning. It's like that. When one trains in the very beginning, it is called the path ofaccumulation. He will first accumulate the collection. What kind of collection will you be accumulating? You will be accumulating both merit and wisdom. Wisdom is to have a correct understanding of things. If you do not have a correct understanding then everythingwill be done to no avail. And then, even though you may have the correct understanding, but when you try to put it into practice, I' am sorry, for you to do this, there are many other prerequisites, many other prerequisites. These prerequisites would be the collection of merit.
74B 07’33” Vol 10 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P58 LL2
English Lamrim Vol 1 P305
日常师父法语📡74B 07’33”手抄稿第10册P58 LL2
希求解脱 : 集福智二资粮