【 Cultivating Ethical Behaviour 业果】confess what? We do not know 忏悔什么?不知道
【Cultivating Ethical Behaviour】- confess what? We do not know
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63A 01’22” Vol 8 of Lamrim Commentary P220 L3
So, when we regularly say this, "I confess, I confess!" What are you confessing? You do not even know! You just go in front of the Buddha and recite the four phrases. Have you really confessed? This is very simple. What is called a confession is that you feel what you have done in the past is wrong. How do you know that it is not right? There has to be something correct there in which you can check against. You must have aeasure that tells you what is right and wrong. Only then will you be able to tell whether you are right or wrong. But currently, you do not even know what is right and what is wrong. So, when you talk about confession, what are you confessing? You can [try to] confess. But without knowing what you are confessing, will you be able to clear [the sin] away?
This is much like us saying, "Hey, you go and pull some weeds out." You do not even know what weeds are! That is why people will tell this joke, "We asked him to pull out the weeds. After much time has passed, all the vegetables were pulled out. But the weeds still remain." Why? The vegetables are taller. The grass is shorter. So. he relentlessly pulled the vegetables out.
63A 01’22” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P220 L3
English Lamrim Vol 1 P252
日常师父法语📡63A 01’22” 手抄稿第8册P220 L3
业果 : 忏悔什么?不知道