【 Cultivating Ethical Behaviour 业果】the way of purification through the four powers 四力净修道理者
【Cultivating Ethical Behaviour】- the way of purification through the four powers
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62B 18’41” Vol 8 of Lamrim Commentary P208 LL1
【b" In particular, the way of purification through the four powers】
So number two (part b"), it goes further to tell us especially of the principles on confession. And the stages are still very plain and very clear. Do you see that? Therefore, we would normally, for instance, we would do the three-refuge. But before we go for refuge, we must first do a confession. What's the reason for that? You must first make it clean before you can continue to accumulate on top of that. We can use a day to day example. It is something that we talk about frequently. For instance, if you wish to eat, whatever you are to cook, you must wash the raw materials beforehand. It's not just to wash the things to be cooked. Even after you are done cooking, the bowls used [to contain the food] need to be clean as well! Otherwise, if you don't clean things well, after you cook it, the pesticide is still there, as well as the soil. If you eat it, even if you don't die of toxins, you may not digest it. That won't work! Therefore, one must confess the previous wrongdoings. Not only do the previous wrongdoings need to be confessed, even if something happens to go wrong in the future, you will need to confess.
62B 18’41” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P208 LL1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P251
日常师父法语📡62B 18’41”手抄稿第8册P208 LL1
业果 : 四力净修道理者