【 Cultivating Ethical Behaviour 业果】 It is for such karma that is create, such effect will be resulted 由作此业而感果
【Cultivating Ethical Behaviour】- It is for such karma that is create, such effect will be resulted
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62B 14’17” Vol 8 of Lamrim Commentary P204 LL3
I think nobody is an exception. If you are progressing as an ordinary being, after you earnestly studied it, you will become very alarmed. Perhaps you might feel astounded and shaken. Then you will no longer be so careless. By then you will at any given moment feel, “Ah, I better not do that!” If at that time, you feel that you should not be doing something and come to this sole realization, “Ah, I am so terrible.” That is when you have begun to walk the path to train in Buddhism. Therefore, if those who are foolish know that they are inferior, then that is right, that is right! That is what we should be doing now, just look at the example set by that excellent teacher!
【Sha-ra-wa said, "The Buddha said that any faults and shortcomings that occur are not due to some bad area or the building of a new house but are only the arising of such and such from having done such and such an action." 】
Another lineage master said, “No matter what you do, the Buddha will not complain. We definitely should not say that the Buddha will complain about what we have done. The Buddha will not. For every virtuous or nonvirtuous effect that we so experience, what are they [a consequence of]? It is for such karma that you create, such effect will be resulted. It is for such karma that you create, such effect will be resulted.
62B 14’17” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P204 LL3
English Lamrim Vol 1 P251
日常师父法语📡62B 14’17”手抄稿第8册P204 LL3
业果 : 由作此业而感果