【 Cultivating Ethical Behaviour 业果】If you truly concord with the teaching 与法相应的状态
【Cultivating Ethical Behaviour】- If you truly concord with the teaching
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And so I have now also gradually come to experience this, if you truly concord with the teaching, it does not matter if you are reading books, listening to tapes, listening in classes, or teaching. As soon as you come across it, wow! Your eyes will widen and devote all of your attention there. That means at least you are not going further away, but slowly coming closer [to the teaching]. On the contrary, if as you come across it, you doze off, ah-ya, your mind wonders, "Why is it taking so long, why hasn’t the class ended?" This is the manifestation [of that]. This is the manifestation. In any situation, under any circumstance, you will act this way. If you are reading the book yourself, even if you become tired, ah, you hate to part with it. That is when we can barely say that you are not too distant [from the teachings]. This is very simple. If you understand the principles and examine your own mind, you will understand.
62A 18’24” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P192 L3
English Lamrim Vol 1 P250
日常师父法语📡62A 18’24” 手抄稿第8册P192 L3
业果 : 与法相应的状态