【 Cultivating Ethical Behaviour 业果】 Remedy the latent propensity of my habitual powers 对治惯性的习性
【Cultivating Ethical Behaviour】- Remedy the latent propensity of my habitual powers
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61A 27’21” Vol 8 of Lamrim Commentary P163 Ll6
Therefore, even inventing (or discover) these simple things in the world requires this much effort, needless to mention Buddhism's cause and effect principle over the three lifetimes. It is not something that will readily arise.Thus you must continuously reflect and meditate on it over and over. If you can do this, you will certainly produce the conviction of this view. This is something you do not need to be afraid of. It is an accumulation of experience, an accumulation of experience. Therefore, the text will immediately tell us to confess next. Why is it that we are unable to obtain this? It is because there remains our past latent propensity. This latent propensity, this habit, has some power. It is like that. So you must strive to remedy your habitual powers. When you are able to stop it, that is when you are able to turn it around. When you really turn it around, it is actually very interesting. You might have felt a great toil earlier and thought to yourself when will be the end of this struggle. However, when you truly have purified yourself, you will have a sudden...a sudden frank and open feeling. This is a point that we want to understand.
61A 27’21” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P163 Ll6
English Lamrim Vol 1 P248
日常师父法语📡61A 27’21”手抄稿第8册P163 LL6
业果 : 对治惯性的习性