【 Cultivating Ethical Behaviour 业果】 Only choice is to listen to the Buddha 唯一的办法——听佛
【Cultivating Ethical Behaviour】- Only choice is to listen to the Buddha
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61B 15’29” Vol 8 of Lamrim Commentary P172 L4
Once you've gained this correct understanding, what will you inevitably do? You will conscientiously abide by the ethical disciplines. It is because we've come to understand that our arising thoughts are nothing more than accordance of ignorance. Yet for the principles of emptiness and dependent arising, "dependent arising is profound." Only the Buddha can ultimately understand it. This is a fact. In other words, for the cause in the phenomenon of karma and dependent arising, the very first cause, no living being can possibly find it. For anything we experience presently, you absolutely cannot find [its beginning cause]. Just like that. Only the Buddha can see it clearly. Since everything is subjected to the principle of a cause producing a corresponding effect, how do you know what type of effect will this cause issue? Do we know? Of course we do not. By then, your only choice is to listen to the Buddha. Thus when the Buddha tells you, you cannot do this, then you honestly, by keeping to the rules, respectfully and conscientiously practice it. You will go in depth step by step and you will reap the benefits one step at a time. Thus in the beginning, prior to having any understanding, the only way [to learn] is to follow a teacher. When he tells you how to do something, you do it that way. Whatever he tells you not to do, you don't do it. Whatever he tells you to do, you do it. That's how it is. The principle is right here. It is that simple.
61B 15’29” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P172 L4
English Lamrim Vol 1 P248
日常师父法语📡61B 15’29” 手抄稿第8册P172 L4
业果 : 唯一的办法——听佛