【 The Varieties of Karma 业果】Rescuing those approaching a place where they will be killed 善放将杀生
【The Varieties of Karma】- Rescuing those approaching a place where they will be killed
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60A 09’54” Vol 8 of Lamrim Commentary P118 L8
Next, "by rescuing those approaching a place where they will be killed," this is to go a step further. When many are going to be killed, we should rescue them. And then, we would likewise be giving life to others. We also need to be "turning harm away from living beings." If we do this, then we will obtain a long life span. This is to living beings in general. Then for the living beings we encounter, in the human realm, there is "caring for the sick." We should care for the people with sickness. Therefore during the time that the Buddha appeared in this world, he particularly said, "The merit obtained from caring for the sick is cultivated from the greatest merit field." This was also said in the Brahma Net Sutra. In the Buddha's time, there was this classic story, classic story. This is why I often remind everyone especially of this. The vows also tell us this. The vows also tell us this.
60A 09’54” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P118 L8
English Lamrim Vol 1 P244
日常师父法语📡60A 09’54”手抄稿第8册P118 L8
业果 : 善放将杀生