【 The Varieties of Karma 业果】The cause of consummate life span 寿量圆满的因
【The Varieties of Karma】- The cause of consummate life span
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60A 07’31” Vol 8 of Lamrim Commentary P117 L1
There are eight causes of the fruitions:
【1) The cause of consummate life span is not harming living beings and the application of a nonviolent attitude.】
This is number one.
【Further, it is said that:
By rescuing those approaching a place where
they will be killed,
And likewise giving life to others,
And turning harm away
from living beings, You will
acquire a long life span.
Through caring for the sick,
Through a doctor's giving medicine to the sick,
And through not harming living
beings with sticks, Clumps of
earth, and the like, you will be
without illness. 】
This is divided into two aspects, one is what we should stop and the second one is what we should strive for. With what we should stop doing is to stop harming living beings. What is most important in not harming living beings? It is that in our minds, we should have a "nonviolent attitude," to not have intentions of harming others. This harm is not just in the form of killing. In many instances, though we say that we will not kill, but it is very difficult to embrace the attitude of no harm. This is very difficult to do. This is very difficult to do. And the harm that has been brought to others by us, it is often done without us being aware, without us being aware. You may not necessarily have intended to harm others, but you have harmed them in the process of you focusing on yourself. Therefore, if we wish to understand things from the root, we must on all occasions be considerate, be considerate.
60A 07’31” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P117 L1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P244
日常师父法语📡60A 07’31”手抄稿第8册P117 L1
业果 : 寿量圆满的因